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Archive through March 26, 2000

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Interview With Commander Arabi Barayev, Commander of Operation Yarmaluk

Q1 Please tell us about your latest operation against Russian forces

A1 On the 27th of Ramadan, we agreed with Commander Shamil Basayev that the unit under my command would conduct an operation against Russian forces outside of Grozny. All praise be to Allah, we managed to (get pass Russian siege lines) and move out of the Capital. We headed towards the area of Yarmaluk where we set up several ambushes for Russian convoys and enemy positions. By the Grace of Allah, the operation was very successful; at least 34 Russian armoured vehicles were destroyed. More than 200 enemy soldiers were killed and another 11 taken prisoner. During the fighting a number of Mujahideen were killed, may Allah accept them as martyrs.

Q2 The Russian Military has claimed that it is only targeting the Mujahideen. Why then are they killing and torturing civilians across Chechnya? What is your explanation for this?

A2 The Russian forces are comprised of unbelievers and infidels who will never honour their commitments. Allah Most High has described them in the Holy Quran:

“ And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion if they can..." [Quran 2: 217]

Q3 What is your estimate of Russian losses since the start of the war?

A3 All praise be to Allah, more than 1,000 Russian armoured vehicles have been destroyed and nearly 20,000 enemy soldiers have been killed.

Q4 Some are calling for the peaceful resolution of the Chechen war; What is your opinion in this regard?

A4 The only way to solve this problem is by fighting Jihad for the sake of Allah, and for the sake of making the Divine Law of Allah supreme in this land – there can be no solution by peaceful means. We will fight this Jihad until we gain one of the two honours from Allah: Victory or Martyrdom.

Q5 Russia has announced that it is about to dispatch highly-trained special forces to fight the Mujahideen in the mountains of Chechnya. What are your comments?

A5 They are welcome! We are ready for them. No matter what they do and no matter how hard they work, they are just a crowd of infidels who are weak and powerless against Allah All Mighty.

Q6 Does the fall of the Capital Grozny signify victory for the Russians?

A6 Grozny was captured in the past, it was then recaptured by us. It fell again to the Russians and again was recaptured by us. Now it has fallen for a third time to the Russians and it will still be recaptured by us, Insha-Allah. Either way, Grozny is not the only place in Chechnya.

Q7 The Russian Military has used a variety of conventional and unconventional weapons of mass destruction against the Mujahideen. These weapons include firebombs, penetration bombs, vacuum bombs and chemical weapons; Has this affected the morale of the Mujahideen?

A7 No it has not, All praise be to Allah. It has only affected the morale of hypocrites.

Q8 The Taliban Government is the only Islamic government that has recognized Chechnya as an independent Islamic state. It has also pledged to declare war on Russia if the attacks against the Mujahideen are not stopped. What are your comments on this stance?

A8 The Mujahideen were pleased with this stance and saw it as a promising sign. We ask Allah to help us in invading Russia in conjunction with our brothers in the Taliban; Allah is All Mighty and Omnipotent and is capable of allowing us to achieve this goal. The stance of the Taliban is an example of how brotherhood amongst Muslims should be.

Q9 What are the goals of your Jihad?

A9 Our goal is to make the Word of Allah supreme in Chechnya, and to ensure that Divine Law (Sharia) is supreme throughout the country. Moreover, this Jihad is obligatory upon us, and we would be committing a great sin if we abandoned this Jihad.

Q10 Would you tell us of a difficult situation you were in?

A10 Once I was ambushed by a force of 25 Russian soldiers. I was all alone, and two Russian soldiers approached me and ordered me to surrender myself and to drop my weapon. I raised my weapon and killed both soldiers before taking cover behind a tree. The Russians launched a firestorm of bullets against me; I asked Allah that I not be wounded and captured by the enemy; I asked Allah that I may be martyred or that I may escape the ambush. All praise be to Allah, I escaped unscathed.

Q11 What is your hope (in this life)?

A11 That the Muslims rise and perform Jihad at all places (where Jihad is needed) and that the Khilafah (Caliphate) is restored. I hope this century will be one of victories and glory for the Muslims

Q12 What do you encourage your Muslim brothers to do?

A12 I remind them and myself to have taqwa (fear of Allah) and to wage jihad against their enemies; Muslims must know that their enemies are weak and that all the weapons in the world will not give the enemy any power against Allah.

All praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the Final Messenger Muhammad, his family and his companions.

Commander Arabi Barayev - 16th February 2000

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Nice cut and paste from
Thank you very much for this informative article.
I just want to point out that this ex-commie said:

Q4 Some are calling for the peaceful resolution of the Chechen war; What is your opinion in this regard?

A4 The only way to solve this problem is by fighting Jihad for the sake of Allah, and for the sake of making the Divine Law of Allah supreme in this land – there can be no solution by peaceful means. We will fight this Jihad until we gain one of the two honours from Allah: Victory or Martyrdom.


Q8 The Taliban Government is the only Islamic government that has recognized Chechnya as an independent Islamic state. It has also pledged to declare war on Russia if the attacks against the Mujahideen are not stopped. What are your comments on this stance?

A8 The Mujahideen were pleased with this stance and saw it as a promising sign. We ask Allah to help us in invading Russia in conjunction with our brothers in the Taliban; Allah is All Mighty and Omnipotent and is capable of allowing us to achieve this goal. The stance of the Taliban is an example of how brotherhood amongst Muslims should be.

I could not make it more clear, thanks. So they (terrorists) are against peacefull resolution of this conflict and they would like other muslim country to help them in attacking russia

Thank you very much. You gave me more information to sustain my understanding of this war

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Saladin, read this...

March 16 3:49 PM ET
Chechen Rebels Allege Betrayals
By LYOMA TURPALOV, Associated Press Writer
ALKHAZUROVO, Russia (AP) - Exhausted Chechen rebel fighters fleeing
Russian forces say a split with Islamic fundamentalists wrecked the
insurgents' strategy of continuing the war from bases in the
The haggard fighters, many suffering from frostbite and hunger, say
that Wahhabis, members of a fundamentalist sect who were supposed to
prepare bases in the mountains for the rebels, betrayed them.
The Wahhabis had been deployed in the mountains since December.
After the fall in February of the Chechen capital, Grozny, the
rebels retreated to the southern mountains.
But instead of aiding the retreating units, the Wahhabi fighters
fled, leaving the retreating rebels as prey for Russian jets and
artillery, rebel commanders and fighters said in interviews.
``The Wahhabis betrayed us,'' said Saikhan, a fighter who would only
give his first name. ``They were supposed to prepare supplies and
bases for the guerrilla war. But when we got into the mountains
after that grueling march, hoping for a rest, they wouldn't give us
a piece of bread.''
Another rebel fighter, Zubair, said his battered unit retreating
from Grozny reached the mountains and met a group of Wahhabis on a
``We asked them to put our wounded comrades on a trailer, but they
refused,'' Zubair said. ``They don't deserve the name of humans, let
alone (Islamic) faithful. They abandon the wounded and don't bury
the dead.''
None of the rebels interviewed could explain the reason for the
split, although some accused the Wahhabis of siding with the
Russians to avoid the fighting.
Wahhabis, who are the dominant sect in Saudi Arabia, have imposed
their strict interpretation of Islamic law in parts of Dagestan and
are disliked by many in neighboring Chechnya. Wahhabism is known for
enforcing public morals and compelling other Muslims to strictly
observe Islamic duties such as praying five times daily.
Most Chechens are Sufi Muslims, a moderate sect. The Wahhabis were
also resented for their wealth in the poor region, money that
reportedly came from kidnapping rings that amassed millions of
dollars from ransoms.
Adlan, a rebel commander, said that when his unit recently reached
the mountain village of Itum-Kale looking for shelter, the Wahhabis
who had been holding the settlement fled. Within hours, Russian
troops were dropped on nearby hills. Adlan's men had to fight alone
for their lives.
``My boys swore an oath to wage a war on the Wahhabis as soon as the
Russians leave,'' Adlan said.
Unable to stay in the mountains, the rebels tried to slip through
Russian lines and reach their villages in the plains. Scores of
rebels have been killed and wounded in fighting in recent days,
trying to break through.
Arbi Barayev, a Wahhabi chief, left the mountains with some 600 of
his men, reportedly buying safe passage from the Russians, according
to other rebels. Ordinary rebels, with no money, had to fight their
way out.
``The bodies of our comrades still lie on the mountain paths and
river beds,'' Zubair said.

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"We will fight this Jihad until we gain one of the two honours from Allah: Victory or Martyrdom."

Please, of the two take "Martyrdom"!

"We ask Allah to help us in invading Russia in conjunction with our brothers in the Taliban"

Does he include peninsulas actualy occupied by polar bears? Do they intend to convert polar bears to Islam?

"Once I was ambushed by a force of 25 Russian soldiers. I was all alone..."Arabi Barayev.

BOASTER! all the same...

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Putin and his Generals Search in Vain For a Way Out of Chechnya

Mujahideen sources have confirmed that the puppet of the Russian Mafia and oligarchy, Vladmir Putin, has approached the Chechen leadership with a proposal for peace negotiations for the fourth time. Putin’s offer for negotiations comes as a result of the Russian leadership’s eagerness to end the war in Chechnya before the Russian public starts to comprehend the enormity of Russian defeats on the battlefield, and out of fear of seeing other Islamic republics follow Chechnya’s lead and declare their independence from Russia.

According to Mujahideen sources close to the leadership of the Islamic Republic, President Aslan Maskhadov summarily dismissed Putin’s plea for negotiations. President Maskhadov affirmed that negotiations would only take place if five Islamic countries were invited to take part as observers in any peace process. Putin and the Kremlin angrily denounced the position of the Chechen leadership and threatened to “wipe out those who refuse to negotiate.” As these threats were being made, Russian units were routed in several battles and ambushes in Shatoi and Vedeno.

The Generals of the Russian Military have also voiced desperation about the situation in Chechnya; Recently, a Russian General was reported to have said: “If this War is not decided this summer, then it will go on for a very long time.” Another General stated: “This war has no clear objective,” yet another General also said: “We (the Russian Military) used mass armoured assaults in the first war and failed. We used mass infantry assaults in this war and failed…if these two strategies did not work, what will?”

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Rebels Invade Russian-Held Village

The Associated Press
Mar 25 2000 2:05PM ET

GUDERMES, Russia (AP) - Rebels invaded a village deep in Russian-held western Chechnya on Saturday, while smaller clashes were reported throughout the breakaway republic and four Russian police were killed by a mine, the military said.

After a few days' lull in large-scale battles, a group of rebels entered Samashki, near Chechnya's border with the Russian republic of Ingushetia, Russian news reports said. Russian troops were battling rebels, the military said.

A Defense Ministry spokesman in Moscow denied the rebels had gained any ground in Samashki. He said Russian troops located a rebel band hiding in the woods outside the village Saturday and pounded them with artillery.

He would not comment on casualties or say how the rebels reached Samashki, which is deep in the area that Russian troops wrestled away from Chechen rebels last fall.

The raid highlighted the damage rebels can still inflict on Russian troops, even though the Russians have occupied most of Chechnya. It also underscored the difficulty Russia will have trying to establish peace in the breakaway republic.

Saturday's invasion came a day after Russian authorities effectively banned nonmilitary travel around Chechnya, saying they were worried about rebel attacks ahead of Sunday's Russian presidential election. Troops guarded polling stations around the republic. Elections officials were bringing ballot boxes to refugee camps in neighboring Ingushetia for displaced Chechens.

Chechnya's roads were deserted Saturday, but the violence seemed to be worsening.

Four Russian police were killed when their truck hit a mine near Argun, east of the capital, Grozny, the Defense Ministry said. Rebels fired at a Russian military post in Argun, drawing federal troops into a protracted battle, the Interfax news agency reported, citing military sources. There was no word on casualties.

Within the last day, rebels had fired grenades at interior troops in Grozny, attacked a special unit in the northern village of Naurskaya and fired at police checkpoints in and around three other towns, the Interior Ministry press center said Saturday.

Meanwhile, in the main arena of the military action, Russian troops battled rebels in the southern mountain districts of Sharoi, Vedeno and Nozhai-Yurt, the Interior Ministry said.

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SALADIN, congratulations, you just joined the PATHETIC ranks of BALALAIKA and the like. You know, those who 1) have nothing to say 2) copy & paste old articles. Where shall I send your diploma?

All that "copy & paste" going on, I don't suppose it has anything to do with Russian elections?

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Right now in Chechnya functioning 209 schools with 6,531 teachers who teach 77,762 kids. Six months ago those numbers were 0.

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By Igor ( - on Saturday, March 25, 2000 - 09:47 am:
Bernstein are you are you a little worried now that everyone knows who and where you are.I noticed you toned down your rhetoric.Remember to sleep with one eye open.Lots of Russians and Armenians in your neighbourhood.

Please don't make me laugh so hard, Igor
Russians and Armenians!!! even amongst goy, they are considered thieves and drug pushers.

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Russians are stealing Israeli money. Even by goy standards, their thievery is incredible.

Choschen Hamm 388, 15: "If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth."

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Rabbis ``Waging War'' On Immigrants
In Bet Shemesh, local heads of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party enraged Russian-born Israelis by publicly dismissing them as ''hundreds of thousands of Gentiles flooding the land with pork, prostitution, impurity and filth.''

``Perhaps we must build special cities just for them within the land of Israel,'' Moshe Abutbol of Shas, deputy mayor of Bet Shemesh, told Israel Radio.

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the greetings of the 0311 for you!

check yr mail....

i'm going to bed.


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Place your free classified add in the next issue of the Camel Nuts Gazzette

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INTERESTING ARTICLE_________________Baiting the Russian Bear
The ominous title of the article said it all. "If it Looks Like the KGB, and Acts Like the KGB..." appeared in the Washington Post the other day. The author was someone named Mark Kramer – described as Director of the Harvard Project on Cold War Studies – and his painfully contrived screed was dedicated to the proposition that Stalin was alive and well and residing in the Kremlin. The desperate search to find a reason for NATO’s continued existence goes on. Last year Yugoslavia was smashed to smithereens to demonstrate that only NATO had the wherewithal to inflict so much pointless damage. This year it is the turn of the Russian Bear. Apparently he is back in the woods. So let’s make sure NATO remembers to bring a gun. The media, eager as ever to make themselves useful to the US Government, daily churn out chilling tales of dastardly Russians and fiendish secret policemen. Editorial writers splutter angrily. The Republicans – stupid and opportunistic as ever – seize on an issue they believe they can belabor Al Gore with in the election.

The dishonesty of all of this is patently obvious. Any rational person can see that over the past ten years the Russians have gone out of their way to be as inoffensive as possible – to their own detriment as well as to that of their friends and allies. They gave up an empire, dissolved the Warsaw Pact, cut back on their armed forces and sent the Communists packing. They even embraced the fashionable "market democracy" ideology being peddled by the West. On issue after issue they signed on to NATO’s agenda – for no apparent reason other than weakness or eagerness to please. It is hard to see how much further they could have gone to abase themselves short of inviting NATO in to take over their country. Yet according to the lunatics who run the American imperial metropolis Russia remains as dangerous as ever.
"[T]oday, the KGB’s influence is alive and well. Its main successor, the Federal Security Service, or FSB, seems pleased to assume the KGB’s mantle," writes Kramer. What, the same KGB that carried out Stalin’s mass murders? The same KGB that ran the vast Gulag that housed millions of political prisoners? "The drive to rehabilitate the KGB gained momentum late last year with the rise of Acting President Vladimir Putin," Kramer continues. "Putin was a loyal KGB officer for nearly 17 years. He ran the FSB for just over a year....Putin has spoken fondly about his work in the KGB. In a series of interviews for a book published just last week, he endorsed the agency’s ‘principled’ behavior and claimed that one of his main functions was to spy on NATO." Sounds pretty damning until one applies a little bit of common sense – always in short supply among our foreign policy elite. In the first place, no one even bothers to pretend that Putin was anything more than a standard mid-level KGB officer. Second, in the world in which he grew up – and things are perhaps not so different today – NATO was the enemy. What else would he be doing but spying on NATO? Third, no one ever held it against Boris Yeltsin that he had been a member of the Politburo. If you abjectly toe the Washington line you get to be called a "fighter for democracy." And, finally, in 1988 the United States actually elected as President a man who had once headed the CIA and had therefore overseen innumerable anti-Soviet operations. The rest of the world, not to mention the Russians, might not have looked upon this as benignly as Americans do.

"The effort by Putin and other Russian officials to restore ‘honor’ to the KGB’s historical reputation is deeply troubling," Kramer rumbles on. "Suppose that, after World War II, the West German government had regarded its security forces as proud successors of the Gestapo and SS....One of the salutary consequences of Germany’s defeat... was the Allied occupation of the country. Although it took decades before many Germans fully acknowledged the enormity of Nazi crimes, the system of historical accountability established by the Western occupying powers had a lasting, positive effect. The SS and Gestapo were – and still are – remembered with the opprobrium and revulsion they deserved." That’s nice, comforting official history for you. We are always the good guys insisting on "accountability." But history, as usual, is not that simple. Kramer has either forgotten – or perhaps has never heard of – General Reinhard Gehlen. Gehlen had headed Hitler’s anti-Soviet intelligence operation on the Eastern Front – a by no means junior post. After the War he became head of Germany’s intelligence service, the BND, which he led right up to the late 1960s. Evidently, due to the exigencies of the Cold War, "accountability" had its limits. Gehlen’s knowledge of the Soviet Union could not be allowed to go to waste. In much the same way, Putin’s knowledge of the West is what has helped to catapult him to the top. This is not necessarily to reproach the successive US Governments that worked with Gehlen. There may have been good reasons for hiring him. But let us at least get adult history, not fairy-tales for children. Much of the Nazi bureaucracy went to work quite happily for the Federal Republic. Today, of course, every German you meet will tell you at tedious length how anti-Nazi he is. But anyone can say that now!

"Post-Soviet Russia is not postwar Germany," Kramer sighs. "The Soviet Union came to an end not through war, but through internal collapse. Those in power in Moscow after the collapse (many of whom had loyally served the communist regime) avoided a genuine reckoning with the past." This, of course, is a familiar refrain. The only way out for Russia is to let the West come in and run the show for a few years. And this is really the issue. Democracy is neither here nor there. You do as the United States tells you, otherwise you are not really a democrat. William Safire foams at the mouth when he writes about Russia. Yet, not once does he express concern about repression in Israel’s buddy, Turkey, say. On the contrary, he denounces the Europeans for their "racism" in not allowing Turkey to join the European Union. "Mr. Putin... is far from a clear and committed democrat," fumed the Washington Post recently. "So far his record is defined by the war in Chechnya and the obliteration of its capital, Grozny; by the disappearance of Andrei Babitsky, a correspondent for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty who angered Mr. Putin’s government with his fearless war reporting; by his decrees reimposing political commissars in the army and compulsory military education in schools."

Russian repression in Chechnya has certainly been pretty brutal. But since the world, including the United States, does not recognize Chechnya as an independent state, the Russians are within their rights to defeat the secessionists. Turkey’s war against the Kurds, supported and encouraged by the United States, has been at least as brutal as anything the Russians have come up with. Moreover, the repression goes on. Turkey recently arrested and imprisoned three democratically elected Kurdish mayors. The other day it sentenced former President Necmettin Erbakan to a year’s imprisonment for statements he made years ago. Safire said nothing. The Washington Post found it hard to muster too much rage. "ad habits persist, in particular a tendency to jail those who express views at odds with the nation's secularist principles....It is not that Mr. Erbakan is himself a ringing voice for democracy. His Welfare Party... has flirted – always in code – with support for some elements of sharia, or Islamic law, in place of Turkey’s firmly Western constitution." Not the sharia! Wasn’t that what Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic introduced in Bosnia? But those hateful Serbs, of course, had no right to seek to opt out of it. "It is always a challenge for democracies to respond sensibly to forces that threaten democratic values. But harsh restrictions on speech themselves threaten democracy. Turkey needs to ease those restrictions, as much for internal harmony as to satisfy the EU." Imagine if the Russians, let alone Slobodan Milosevic, had been imprisoning people with the cheerful abandon of the Turks. Would the Post be so understanding? Today, as always, selective liberal indignation serves as handmaiden for US power

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