Saladin, fair is fair. I nominate Igor for that diploma. I can't just award him with it because he actually expresses his opinion once in a while.
Also, there at least 5,000 real bandits in Chechnya. But if you ask me, there are over 200,000 of them. Fortunately, my opinion doesn't reflect the opinion of Putin and most Russians. I'm one lean mean fuckedup bloodthirsty yourmotherfucker (feel free to make fun of me).
URN, too late. Putin is in.
Fred, I always wondered what Belgian doing in Baltic states? Just curious, don't answer if you don't want to.
Have a look at Saint
I'm not a Nato envoy
I'm not a reporter for Radio Liberty Litva
It's just that Belgian is too small a country.
Islamists lost Chechenya.
They can retake a few villages in the mountains. It will not mean victory for them. It will rather mean a chance for the russian to confine them and bomb them out and off.
There isn't these deadly and frequent counterattacks which caracterized the first war.
Terrorist attacks such as shooting at night on police patrols or sabotage a railway will not mean victory neither.
Please note: Igor is our DMS post-a-link agent.
He doesn't copy-pastes very often and when he does he gives his opinion.
People like Igor bought gangster capitalism to Russia and then exported it to Israel. Thanks to people like him, crime has increased 28% since Israel allowed Russians into the country.
Heh Fred, I was going to post the same link. Some fotographer got sense of humor.
SALADIN, do you think Russian generals got nothing better to do than run around and count rats in their little holes? They are much to busy killing them off. And it is much easier to count dead ones than guess how many are still hiding in caves. So, let's not ever talk about how many bandits are left in Chechnya. No one can count them all, even bandits themselves.
OMON Units Flee Chechnya
The Mujahideen have confirmed that elite OMON Special Police units have unilaterally decided to ignore their orders and to leave Chechnya. This act of self-surrender by what is considered the most elite force in the Russian Ministry of Interior was also confirmed by Russian media that interviewed OMON soldiers who were fleeing Chechnya over the past few days. When asked why they had decided to quit their assignments, the OMON troops explained that “many of us are dying in Chechnya in return for nothing!” These OMON units represent the latest in a string of mutinies that have plagued the ranks of the Russian Military since the beginning of the war; similar mutinies paralyzed Russian forces during the Russian defeat in Grozny and during the current defeats in the mountains of southern Chechnya.
Russian Media Films Bodies of Russian Soldiers and Claims They are Mujahideen
Russian forces have scaled back their operations in Chechnya over the past week in order to avoid tarnishing the election of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia with high casualty reports and news of new Russian defeats on the battlefield. Despite the scaling back of operations, the Russian Military continues to claim that it is killing, capturing or wounding hundreds of
Mujahideen every day. In a vain attempt to ‘prove’ this, Russian media has been dispatched to film the corpses of Russian soldiers and pro-Moscow militia fighters who were killed in battle. The media then claims these are the bodies of Mujahideen. It is important to note that while these reports are completely false, they also replicate the tactics used by the Russians in previous wars, including Afghanistan, and the first war in Chechnya. It is also important to note that if Russians reports about Mujahideen
casualties were even 1/10 accurate, then that would indicate that every one of the Mujahideen would have been killed wounded or captured several times during the past six months.
The Mujahideen report: “ Russian soldiers are dying in this war for nothing. Their blood is flowing and this will not stop until the last Russian soldier is kicked out of Chechnya. The Mujahideen on the other hand are fighting Jihad for the sake of Allah Most High, and are willing to sacrifice themselves for Him. The life of the Mujahid is glorious and meaningful: for it is a life that will end with victory or martyrdom.”
Strange are they who are covered with their own blood. Yet they smile an unusual smile.
If they are killed they have fulfilled their desires. And if they kill woe be to those who transgress!
Nice fairy tale. Unfortunately it's not entertaining or funny, plus everyone read it already. Once again, that website already "killed" over 60,000 Russians soldiers. With only 93,000 deployed (and few thousands already out), it only leaves about 20,000 or so Russians soldiers in Chechnya. And according to Maskhadov there are 50,000+ mujahideen in Chechnya. 20,000 untrained conscripts vs. 50,000+ brave mujahideen, hmmm.
Bwahahahaha! ZYUGANOV is leading in CHECHNYA! I guess Chechens can't wait to be wiped out.
Hey, you filthy kike! Yes, you Jake B.
Didn't I tell you shut the fucck your for truly stinking snout, you piece of sheeeet. Get the fuckc out of this place, you FUCKINNG MOISHA.