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Archive through March 27, 2000

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"The "average orthodox women", must be sick of tripping over their own stretchmarks... "

WWWAaaaaah! That's a pretty nasty thought. A picture of Hairy Mary comes flashing before me. LOL.

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OOOOO, you Bitch.........


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Happy you, Kim.

You know when you see them - they are guys in white robes with hoods, but not catholics.

P.S. I'm an industry standard help, limited by the fine print. You know, sometimes I'd wish that privacy law would be less stringent. That would really help on this board. Trust me on this one.

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What's a Moisha?
Without an indefinite article. You, probably, know it already, but anyways - Moisha is a Judendeutch for Moshe, or Moses.

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Thanks, I should have known that, I guess I'm
not up to scratch on the insult? front.

How's yourself?


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the greetings of the dawn for you!
starting to think i should be taking notes, here
in "ethnic insults 101"

wishing the best of days for them to whom i wish

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AllAmerican...TAXI, TAXI.... How's life in the vaseline?

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Rabbi Jake Bernstein... A 5k brain attached to a 9600 baud mouth..

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Hairy..I mean Hearty good afternoon to ya KIMMY LUV. How was your weekend?

luv ya HM

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Hiya Mary,

I think the Cabbie wanted to say he was thinking of me, but chickened......or maybe he just slipped? >g<

My weekend was excellent, still recovering from a
"Farm-Party" Geneva style. Apparently a previous residence of Jethro Tull,
present occupants equally loopy, and very friendly.
We must meet up again soon.
How was your Wochenende, no donkies I hope..

Luv ya and your German

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What the heck do you know about German? Don't you Swiss speak some gibberish called High German, which the Germans themselves hardly understand. You Swiss are like the inept inbred cousins of Germans. LOL.

"Farm Party" ... LMAO. Sounds like a HAIRY night out. Lol.

Hairy, I assume you have undergone a full check-up following your most grueling trip to Bang-COCK , Thailand. LOL.

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This whole case of Elian Gonzalez is a little disturbing isn't it. The poor child survives a boat wreck in which his mother passes away just off the coast of beautiful Miami. He is found some 18 hours later just hanging on to a tube and to his life.

Since then it's been a tug of war with this kid. From Castro holding huge strikes demanding him back to his father. To the US surrounding the kid with toys and shoving a microphone in front of him asking if he wants to return home... Hugging a teddy bear twice the size of him, the child's answer is a resounding and emphatic NO! LOL.

How many people attempt to escape the darkness of Cuba and risk their life in Shark infested waters only to have a minuet chance of actually making it once they arrive. This kid got lucky, his father should be given visitational rights and that should be the end of that.

Everyone knows he's better off in the U.S.. Except those like Castro who only consider him a political victory and are not concerned with his future well being.

Castro has obviously not seen the women in South Beach or he'd be thumbing the next ride. LOL.

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AllAmerican..Pray tell, what do YOU know about Germany, Swiss, Germans or the German language. It's not gibberish as your intellectually deficiant, handicapped pea-brain assumes but rather it's known as HOCH DEUTSCH. We understand that you are not well traveled, educated, sophisticated, worldly, financially secure, handsome, well built, fashion conscious, toilet trained, or just plain informed, and that you come packed with a needledick. Therefore, we of nobility, integrity and resolve shall overlook your GIBBERISH this time.

On another note, obviously you've never seen the women in South Beach either. For that matter, it's doubtful that you've ever seen or had any interest in REAL WOMEN on any beach anywhere. You rather pick up your fellow HOMO sissies for a romp in the back seat of your pink taxi. Now go finish eating your EGYPTIAN SAUERKRAUT and chewing on that CAMELs WURST.

btw..I thought you were afraid of light..your ROCHNESS..HA HA HA HA

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Can you enlighten me on a "farm party"?

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Help, I hope that if the dental care won't make a difference then Camp Roberts and Merrimack dormitory have a pest control available and ready.

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