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Archive through March 27, 2000

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....and a hearty FICK DICH to you too, FAKE.

in that context, there's nothing unusual about
putting that expression in quotes. but the english
language is something you learned outta books,

you're reaching, little man. -_-

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Thanks Kim, sounds fun... Everything tastes better outside!

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KIMMY...Vielen Dank fur diese Erklarung..Informieren Sie bitte den Idioten.

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Translated: you are full of it, Allam.

The Swiss are quite proud of the fact that they
speak "Schwitzerduetch" rather than "Hochdeutsch"
which is "high German"- spoken in most German Speaking countries along with local dialects such as Bayrisch(Bavaria), Swaebisch(around Stuttgart),
Plattdeutsch(northern germany), Koelsch(Cologne),etc..
Like most anglophones, German speakers are proud of their regional identities and dialects. They may make some pretence at not being able to understand each other, but I find the German speaking Swiss have no problem, with my Swaebisch accent. ( I learned to speak German at 10 in Heidelberg).
Unfortunately Geneva is in a French speaking Canton, so they don't speak any kind of German.
Finally, I'm not Swiss, you donkey.......

Any questions?

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Well betterthanyou;

I've been there quite a bit.

Allow me to tell you it's the most boring, dull and monotonous place on Gods green earth. THERE IS NOTHING TO DO. Sure you have good skiing but so does Italy (BTW you want skiing go to BC), and unless you like hiking forget about it. If you do go to Interlachen. (And if you do remember to close the damn windows because fertilizers and skunks are enough to kill you) But that's about it. it's always gloomy, rainy and way - way too organized and strict. It's like living in a freaking controlled nightmare. That's why they have all these stupid and obscure farm parties because the kids have nothing better to do.

It is expensive but not know-where near as expensive as London. Good shopping but Milan and Rome offer more for less with tradition and easy going life style.

Even Banking wise it's no longer the place to keep your accounts. Go put it in Luxembourg where banking is much more covert now. Or better yet forget Europe all together and open an account in the Caymans and soak up some sun while you are at it 'cause you ain't getting any in Switzerland.

Oh yeah and in case you're interested betterthanyou the women love bratwurst and it SHOWS! Really hard on the eyes if you know what I mean. LOL.

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Whoa, 2 pages & 24 hours later not a single post on the Chechen conflict. Good job!

The REAL News ---

Doku Umarov, "commander of South-Eastern front", and his 15 bodyguards were killed today in a special operation. Russian losses during the operation - zero, zip, nada, nothing, not a single soldier.

Keep a good work and your guard up!

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Better..for sure...One thing about Europe is the many unique fun things to do. I'm not about to and would never take anything away from the states they are truely great and diverse and FREE. But traveling from shall we say MASS to NH..basically culture, currency, language food etc,etc, stays the same. However, in traveling the same distance, shall we say from oh, Italy to Austria, the culture, language, customs, traditions, food and festive affairs and celebrations as Kim described can and do change drastically. Except for the one big similarity that people everywhere are creative and know how to have fun. It will probably take at least 3 generations for a uniformed Europe to be intergrated..if at all. They my make progress and be uniformed economically as in the US but doubtful if Europeans are willing to readily give up there cultural identities .

I say this for I sense that you are a well traveled open minded person.

Notice how fast Allam takes off when he's confronted with reality rather than vulgarity. i.e., tell us about your European travels or as you asked how many times he's been to Switzerland.

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Allam. don't know where you went(or where you learned English) but it wasn't here(or central London). Maybe you took a left turn and ended up in Lichtenstein.......
Swiss women are on average about a European size 8, that's size 6 in the US(to make American women feel better about themselves), well dressed, well groomed and well educated. You really are watching too many Julie Andrews films.
BTW. what do you do for entertainment in the Arab Emirates, drop matches down the oil-wells?

You've been well and truly licked, lie down why don't ya!!


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I'm going to be nuetral today and not take anyones side. All American (don't know what the hell you are about) but from what I've seen from Euoropen women it's not good. I'd like to know how they get those dark stains betwen their teeth (English are famous for this), and what's up with this only bathing once a week thing, or never touching a razor. Bratwurst must be the finishing touch

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Kim - you say;

"but I find the German speaking Swiss have no problem, with my Swaebisch accent"

Yeah exactly - The Swiss can understand German but the Germans can't understand the Swiss "High German" worth crap. Just go ahead and admit IM right - cause you know I am. LOL.

And since when does a pristine little girl use such language. I am very disappointed in you ars.

You didn't like that galactically stupid comment so you decided to prove that you are one yet again. LOL.

Usually when a word is in quotation it requires attention like I.E. "LMENEXE SUCKS black D I C K" you see.

and at 5'3" tall weighing in at about 160 pounds you are one who should not be talking about little men. LMAO.

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Just waiting to be reliably and objectively

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I understand Switzerdeutsch too, you prat.
Usually when a word is in quotation marks, it means that it is a quotation, or used sarcastically, or to donate an agreed terminology.
Christ, go back to sleep will you, we ain't interested.

Better, get a life


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You are close to joining the galactically stupid club:

Julie Andrews films: you mean the sound of music - that was filmed in Austria not Switzerland YA SAND YAK. LOL

"Swiss women are on average about a European size 8, that's size 6 in the US(to make American women feel better about themselves), well dressed, well groomed and well educated"

Kim, sorry to break it to you but Swiss women are a bunch of fat lazy pigs. Sure some women in the states are overweight but then again there are about 200 million of them - more spread out - harder to notice as apposed to Switzerland which is roughly the size of MANHATTAN. lol.

Well Dressed - go to Italy and London and come back and we'll talk about well dressed. LMAO

"Well Groomed" just refer to Betterthanyou's message about teeth. LMAO.

I think you are the one who should be licking the wounds. LMAO.

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As your friend Kim says a quotation means "that it is a quotation, or used sarcastically, or to donate an agreed terminology."

Pick one ...???!!!??? .....

too hard - try the last one! LOL.

Lmenexe don't even TRY to correct my English or anyone else's on this board. Like they say - you are not the man/women for the JOB! LOL.

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Sorry Kim just messing around. No offense to you. Isn't this what this board has become, just a place for personal insults and intelligence checks. Well in some cases the intelligence is just not there to check. Should I quote the news cut and paste, pretent to be politically intrigued. Hows this, This is for Jake B.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - At last, Israeli Jews long divided by a common religion found a holy man to rally round.
The Pope

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