What a mistake the US made!
Israel has nothing to do with the Chechnya conflict the only reason why some bring it up is to try to force more of an us versus them way of thinking. In other words try to convince other muslems that somehow a fight against Russia is also a fight against Israel (which as we all know a lot of muslems have many issues with Isreal) which in a way try to bring more people to denounce Russia. It is simply a baseless, factless ploy. It is sort of like when sadam sent a few scuds into Isreal during the gulf was even though the Isreal army was not involved in the conflict to try to get them into the war in order to break up the colition of armys against him.
betterthanyou, are you saying its a mistake for the US supporting Isreal?
Mask, it's all in the name of fun. I didn't say I don't want to. But for the boards sake, if you people don't want to hear from the late great Jake B. I won't try to antagonize him. Check it spell-checker!
Look at the turmoil that has come with the "erection" of Isreal...
Or try to bring more people to denounce Israel, Gonzo. If you can, Better, then reanimate him, we are losing touch.
And after it, take a look how it was before.
Are the same person who postes on CNN message board?
kinda dead in here, I guess all our european friends are asleep! Good night all!
By Onlooker ( - on Monday, March 27, 2000 - 06:03 pm:
>> What Do you expect? The whole world knows that Russians are bandits. They loot Chechnya, they loot
Israel. Russians will loot whatever they can get their hands on.<<
I agree but there's no comparison here. On one side we are talking about an impoverished war-torn nation which can barely feed its own people, and here you are talking about Israel, which owes much of its economic success to the West.
Yes I agree. There is no comparision. For Russians to loot an impovrished nation is beneath contempt. Russians are a sick, sad people. We made a terrible mistake in trying to populate Israel with Russian primates. The medicine was worse than the cure.
No wonder I had such hard time finding her.
Bernstein must have read this
The song goes "Born to be wild"
Russian song goes "Born to be a robber"