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Archive through March 28, 2000

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Hi Kim Babes:

Before I leave wanted to throw this cute little mixed bag at ya:

where the police are British
the cooks are French
the mechanics are Germans
the lover's are the Italians
and it's all organized by the Swiss

where the chefs are British
the mechanics are French
the lovers are Swiss
the police are Germans
and it's all organized by the Italians

Catch Ya later, LUV YA HM

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Hairy that's pretty good.


what exactly about my statement do you not agree with. the genocide part.... the mass rape part...the state policy part... the like Nazi part.... the NATO part.

becuase I would really like to hear anybody's take on this issue who is Pro Serb.

enlighten us on your take kim.

Im staying too ...

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By All American ( - on Tuesday, March 28, 2000 - 12:27 pm:

If you support the Serbs then you support the Nazi's. same policy different time. it's as simple as that. If you don't equate the two then write something nice about the Iraqi's.

And I personally dont give a rat's ass what these barbarians up there think about us and neither does the rest of the world. I believe It was a NATO OPERATION and not American.

yeah I enjoyed watching those barbarians get a taste of their own medicine.

There is no difference between Serbs and Nazis. Except that Nazis were smart scum bastards and Serbs are brain dead scum bastards.

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You are obviously a Nazi sympathizer or a Neo Nazi. The Simon Wiesenthal Center should track you down.

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Jake B.
You live in your own little world don't you. Everything or everyone is judged by your religion and how you interpret it (twist it). And you wonder why your religion has gotten a bad rap. Why it has endured torment and torture, holacaust and alienated from the rest of the world. It's because of idiots like you and who pre-judge every one based on religion alone, not the fine attributes of a kind heart. Religion is in our hearts and all around us, religion is supposed to teach peace and harmony, faith and kindness, not hate and bigotry. Religion is not based on, nor should the world be run by the senseless scribbiling of some old kike. Think of all the good christians that have given the ultimate sacrifice so you can bable your pathetic dribble and live in your un-godly country. What is the difference between you and Hitler? Nothing...

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goal accomplished, good ridance. Now I don't have to hear you cheerlead from the distant sideline.

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I realize that I had vowed to never return to this message board, but now that my time is less limited, I find it is necessary. First of all, I'd like to say hello to Kim. It's been quite awhile and I feel that a mind of reason is required to negate the overwhelmingly mindless rhetoric which plagues this medium once again. I will post messages as topics of interest appear.

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Better than you,

What can I add, well said...
Adam, go make some babies or something.

AllAm., I disagree with you - one minute I'm Jew-
next minute I'm a Neo-Nazi.
Do you see how all these labels work?
I mean you don't like me judging all Americans on the basis of a few that made bad decisions in Germany- I didn't like being judged by some of those Americans on the basis of some non-discript label "local national".
When Jake first heard me disagreeing with some Anti-semitist statement, he assumed that I must be jewish, then when I expressed my opinion on religious extremism, I was a "bad" Jew. Now for
some reason he has decided that i am no longer Jewish. Truth is it shouldn't matter, should it?

I was not going to make a point of denying I was Jewish(apart from the fact, that I have for the past few months regularly stated that I am an atheist!), because, I saw no reason to get insulted and play into the hands of the Anti-semitists.

Now lets look at the Serb issue! When you say the "Serbs", "those barbarian Bastards", etc, who exactly do you mean? Milosovich and his regime? The Bosnian Serb militia , The Serb army ? If so
I would agree with you.
How about the Serb opposition, those demonstrating against the closure of Independent TV-stations in Serbia? What about those who supported the West and then were bombed by Nato? What about Serb civilians who were killed by Muslim and Croat forces in Bosnia? What about the next generation of Serbs? Not all Germans were Nazis(what about the intelligencia that fled to America), not all Serbs are raping, murdering bastards!!!

You made a blanket statement and finished off saying that that was not open to discussion, I
said I would agree to disagree with you.
This makes me a Serb apologist???
No it just means I disagree that anything can ever be simply "and that's that". There are always different perspectives.


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Suleyman !!!,

good to hear from you again.
You have been sorely missed around here.
I sincerly hope that no-one makes you regret
your decision.


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I agree with the first section, but the final bit heads to the opposite extreme. You don't need to deny the whole thing to be able to say not all Serbs are evil. "A balancing act like you never saw"- How can I make it clear???????????
German reunification???????????


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I am certain I shall regret my return to some extent. From reading your last several passages, I presume you have reached similar levels of frustration. The environment in here is like a political pressure-cooker!!!!This time, I refuse to allow my patience to become decimated. All the best, my dear.


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Okay, I confess I don't know what or who you are? But I am quite sure, Jews have suffered thorough the ages due to cruel and mean spirited goy like you.

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Chechen rebels sneak into Grozny.

Now that the election is won, they can release the news. The war is not over.

It's interesting to note that the Opec started negotiation to lower oil prices just after the election.
With expenxive oil, Russia could make more money and it was good for Putin. They didn't drop oil price untill now because they wanted stability in Russia.

(If this could put this message board on the rail again...)

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