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Archive through March 29, 2000

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Chechen rebels sneak into Grozny.

Now that the election is won, they can release the news. The war is not over.

It's interesting to note that the Opec started negotiation to lower oil prices just after the election.
With expensive oil, Russia could make more money and it was good for Putin. They didn't drop oil price untill now because they wanted stability in Russia.

(If this could put this message board on the rails again...)

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Okay, I confess I don't know what or who you are? But I am quite sure, Jews have suffered thorough the ages due to cruel and mean spirited goy like you.
and idiots like you. I bet it is your kind who killed Robin

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[allowing for proper regard and respect for the
jews who axually _did_ suffer] you didnt appear
to be 'suffering' too much over the weekend while
you were sentencing me (in particular) to death.
and hey, how about those 'sparks of truth'?

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I am not sure if this has to do with russia, although it is possible. I think that some oil producing country (Saudi) are under press. from usa and other world countries due to high oil prices. has a good article about it.

Yep, war is far from being over. Nevertheless, it is the matter of time before something big happens. It sounds like they try to do some negotiating. Will see.

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by Mask:
"""Ok - A bad one. Period."""

Mask sure is. Only it's the other way around.

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Citizen, "this war is far from over". Yep its entering Afgan mode.

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"America...too big...too loud...too fast...too dangerous"

Dam Right

Too Big.... from sea to sea land of liberty. Invented the skyscraper. Biggest planes, cars, ships, and big gulps at the local 7/11

Too Loud...invented rock and roll.

Too fast...uh well OK Germany has the Autobahn, but we do have the Montana interstate.

Too Dangerous...yea a lot of fatty foods.

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~Heads up. There are 82 detainees in Chechnya's Chernokozovo detention jail at the moment. Of the 909 persons apprehended on suspicion of involvement in guerrilla activities, 480 have by now been released and 347 transported outside the republic.
~Yesterday, federal and Chechen law enforcers carried out 10 raids, as a result of which several more guerrilla activists were arrested and weapons, ammunition and explosives confiscated from them, Yastrzhembsky said. In addition, another seven illicit oil-refining facilities were destroyed in Chechnya.
~The Russian presidential aide told the media that terrorists now tend to engage in sabotage activities in liberated areas of Chechnya. Thus, as yet unidentified persons recently blasted an armored personnel carrier in the Chechen village of Jigurty, and a SWAT man was wounded as a result of the blast.


bullshitters are required to use a case-sensetive password("putz") in order to login.

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The following is nothing, but...COPY&PASTE..if you don't like it - don't ••••••• read it..


PUTIN: Today's situation in the Caucasus and in Chechnya is a continuation of the break-up of the Soviet Union. My evaluation of the situation in August, when bandits invaded Daghestan, was: if we don't stop this, now, Russia as a state will cease to exist. The question was whether to stop the break-up of the country. I came to the conclusion that I would have to act at the expense of my political career. So, when Yeltsin announced that I would be President, everyone decided that this approach, for me, was the end, but I was calm. To hell with them - I calculated I had a few months to consolidate the military strength and the security forces and to gain support from the people. Was there time? That was my only concern.

You talked of the price you were prepared to pay by waging a military campaign. The minimum price would be your career. But the cost of a military operation is human and financial.

PUTIN: I was convinced - if we don't stop the extremists we will have a second Yugoslavia, the Islamisation of Russia. I didn't question for a second that Chechnya would not be content with remaining inside its borders. After all, the aggression started with them. They fell on neighbouring territory.

Why? In order to defend the independence of Chechnya?

PUTIN: Of course not. In order to separate territory from Russia. If Dagestan fell, the whole of the Caucasus would go. Daghestan, Ingushetia, the Upper Volga, Bashkortastan, Tartastan. Right into the heart of the country.


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you sure are gung ho Russia today, must have gotten some rest in Palm Springs. Or just plain gotten some. How was it?

Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 #BM1 You can order video that shows ITN reporters Marshall and Williams inside of the so called camp while so called prisoners are on out side.This video was shot while the reporters were taking photos.

The Judge in the libel case admitted that ITN might have made some mistakes. But he argued: the LM people weren't in Bosnia that day. So how could LM be sure what was really happening there?

IN FACT another film crew was present the entire time. They filmed the footage used in "JUDGMENT!"

"JUDGMENT!" proves LM was simply telling the truth. "JUDGMENT!" proves Penny Marshall lied. "JUDGMENT!" shows how Marshall produced the picture that fooled the world and justified a war.

The ITN crew visited a POW center and a refugee camp. By sheer luck they were accompanied by a crew from Serbian television (RTS). The RTS crew filmed the ITN crew at work. Using this RTS footage, a small Yugoslav film studio has recreated the events of that day. Emperors-Clothes edited the Yugoslav movie to produce the English language film, "JUDGMENT!"

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Tuesday, 28 March, 2000, 22:19 GMT 23:19 UK
Action call over Russian
'war crimes'

Ann Clwyd and Vanessa Redgrave with the campaigners
An international tribunal should be set up to
investigate Russia's alleged war crimes in
Chechnya, a leading campaigner on human
rights has said.

Labour MP Ann Clwyd, who chairs the all-party
group on human rights, was speaking after
meeting campaigners at Westminster.

"Somebody should bring a case to the
European Court of Human Rights charging
Russia with violations of its international treaty
obligations in the conduct of the Chechen
war," she said.

"There should be an
international war crimes
tribunal set up to look
at the atrocities.

"There are, we know,
atrocities on both sides,
but I think most people
would agree that the
greatest atrocities are
on the side of the

Russia has denied being responsible for war
crimes in Chechyna, despite repeated
allegations by human rights campaigners,
refugees and journalists.

The war remains popular in Russia itself, and is
seen as one of the main reasons why the
newly-elected president, Vladimir Putin,
achieved such widespread support. He had
prosecuted the war throughout his election


Ms Clwyd was shown photographs and videos
by the campaigners who travelled to
Westminster, Akhiad Idigov from Chechnya,
and Victor Popkov, who represents the human
rights group Omega.

They told her that "gross human rights
violations" had taken place as Russian troops
struggled to take control of the breakaway

"Chechens cannot understand why the world
has not acted," said Mr Idigov.

He said his young son
had fled the Chechen
capital, Grozny, and
had asked: "When will
the war end? Is the
world going to help

Ms Clwyd, who was
joined by actress and
human rights
campaigner Vanessa
Redgrave, also called
for more help for
people displaced by the
fighting in Chechnya.

"Aid organisations and the United Nations
should urgently look at the needs of Chechens
in refugee camps and bombed-out areas," she

"The fact that it is looked on as an internal
Russian dispute should not mean that we
overlook what are undoubtedly serious human
rights violations," she said.

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To: Better
Yeap,it was simply awesome, dude..he..
..except for few late changes: it turned out to be L.A.'n'Springs, not Vegas'n'Springs.


To: Mask
before making another cheap joke at my expense(chicken ••••, you've waited till I am not around)you might want to consider that at least I am not hiding my field of expertise (I love the way it sounded, LOL), as well as other things behind the "mask".
I mean, what's with "broker Dimitri"? Is there another person on this board nowadays(!)that goes by that name? Sounds like you getting too personal to me.
I suggest: worry less about me and more about the topic of this board. Don't be "all american "look-alike"".


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Big money will be flowing into Russia's pocket real soon.

Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 Interesting piece on Russia/Georgia.

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