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Archive through March 29, 2000

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It's wierd that the main filtration camp in Chechenya is named (upon???) BLACK KOSOVO (Chernokozovo) .

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>> No Jew would ever "challenge" Serbs <<

What the f*ck do you mean?

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All American Moron Brown-nose if you would look where it says excerpt from previous post it will tell you answer

By All American ( - on Wednesday, March 29, 2000 - 10:31 am:

Don't be so stupid... Hasn't anyone told you not to believe everything you read. Whose the Western Diplomat and what publication was that article in?

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Note that the Right group's Vanessa Redgrave is also... actress...

On the other hand,


I don't know if a western reporters would have been allowed to film a camp-with-evidence-of-human-rigth-violations.
As they needed some strong pictures they managed to get them. TV is so fake that they even didn't mind. Of course it's build up! What do you expect from TV?

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Russians plan Kosovo
intervention, warns general
Yugoslav army to launch
ground offensive against NATO?

By I. J. Toby Westerman
© 2000

A high-ranking Russian general has warned that Russia is preparing plans for military intervention in Kosovo, and that the Yugoslav army could launch a ground offensive against NATO troops in the war-ravaged province, according to an official Russian news report.
Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov's comments were broadcast on the "Voice of Russia" World Service Short Wave Radio Broadcast, the official broadcasting service of the Russian government.

Ivashov condemned the growing violence in Kosovo and warned the turmoil there could spread into the Balkans and into Europe. Ivashov called for emergency measures to end the violence in the region, and to suppress what he referred to as "Albanian terrorists." He also demanded that NATO follow U.N. resolution 1244, which calls for a settlement of the conflict that includes continued Yugoslav rule in Kosovo.

Well acquainted with the politics of the region, in June 1999 Ivashov conducted Russia's negotiations with the U.S. Department of Defense regarding Russia's role in the peacekeeping operations following NATO's air war against Yugoslavia.

In the midst of these negotiations, Russian paratroopers seized the airport in Kosovo's capital city of Pristina.

Until the Russian paratroopers came into Pristina, NATO had avoided giving Russia any kind of "zone of responsibility."

The Voice of Russia added its own warning to that of Ivashov, stating, "Clearly these words are a signal of approaching disaster, and Moscow is not exaggerating."

In order to avoid war in Kosovo, the Voice of Russia demands that NATO end sanctions against Yugoslavia and that the alliance holds direct talks with the Belgrade government.

At present, the leader of the Belgrade government, Slobodan Milosevic, is an indicted war criminal.

"Delay is fraught with danger," the Russian broadcasting service stated gravely. In addition to the people of Yugoslavia, the threat of war hangs over "nationals of other countries" who believe they are unaffected by the region's events.

Ivashov's remarks follow by less than two weeks similar statements made by the Russian Defense Minister, Igor Sergeyev. In an address to a special session of the lower house of the Russian legislature, the State Duma, Sergeyev stated that Yugoslav troops could confront NATO, and that Russian forces could find themselves in a standoff with the Western alliance.

Since the end of the air war against Yugoslavia, Moscow has consistently decried the treatment of the Kosovo Serbs at the hands of NATO. Moscow cites the large number of refugees, most of whom are Serbs, fleeing Kosovo, and the ill treatment of the remaining Serb population at the hands of the ethnic Albanians.

The situation in Kosovo has become so disordered that NATO leaders find themselves in a precarious position.

Moscow's support of Yugoslavia is deeply rooted in history and remains intense. Yugoslavia has been granted permanent observer status at the parliament sessions of the union state of Russia and Belarus, and there has even been discussion in some political circles in Moscow and Minsk of admitting Yugoslavia into the Russian/Belarussian union.

One year after NATO's victory over Yugoslavia, any real resolution to Kosovo appears as remote as ever.

I. J. Toby Westerman is a contributing editor to and WorldNet magazine.

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Everyone here is in complete agreement(in my living room that is)..

"Vodka Red Bulls"

sounds great........

question is whose vodka and whose red balls bulls


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So a head to head collision, just what we f@cking

Putin really is a stroppy git, but I guess this will mean that KFOR will get the troops they have been asking for.

You didn't expect Nato to back down did you?
With their past record, please!!!!!!!
Cool heads??? Nowhere in sight, sigh..........


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I predict that there will be a serious split in Nato and the Russians must have calculated the risk and are willing to take it.The bullshit that is going on there has to come to an end.Serbs are getting killed while Nato watches.

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someone in the know, just asked if you are a "Web-bot"?

apparently this is a program that trundles around the Web searching for useful things..



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All American

Your stance on Serbia is too harsh.

Did you forget these one million poeple demonstrating in Belgrade during two months days and night against Milosevic?

Nato and the west never came up with evidence of genocide and never released numbers of victim of serbs.

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By KA ( - on Wednesday, March 29, 2000 - 04:50 pm:

someone in the know, just asked if you are a "Web-bot"?

apparently this is a program that trundles around the Web searching for useful things..

Sorry Kim but I have no idea what that means.Please explain.

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Perhaps Russia could be a bit more intelligent
and help Nato sort out the political vacuum, rather than inciting the Serb Army to go and kill more Albanians????????

Putin is playing a dangerous game on all our behalves. Creating an international crisis to prop up his political arsre back home.


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Kim how can Russia sort it out if son of a bitch Kouschner is fuucking everything up and Nato sits by and watches Serbs get murdered?

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The spokesman for the Russian government, Sergei Yastrzhembsky, announced that police arrested the man - Magayayev - responsible for the bombing of a residential building in the city of Volgodonsk, Russia, last year. It is known that Magayayev transported explosive materials to the building targeted by the terrorists.

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