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Archive through March 29, 2000

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I can call you by your first name can't I? It seems I know you already.

I wish to dispel a myth. The suggestion that I am
romantic getting Kim a meal with candles and a bottle of wine. Three factors Kim overlooked in this was:-

1) Have you any idea how much electricity costs in France.
2) I can cook a three course meal for only `wun poond forty thre' (scottish accent attached).
3) The wine was for my own vicarious pleasure.

Anyhow, the moans of oh no what have you put on the board are well worth it, captive bathers and all that.



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I wish, just completed a long grueling day of negotiations. TOOOO tired to even slap (you know who around) HA HA. Believe it or not, I'm not even up for a bubble bath. Just a nip of cognac and then I'm off to LA LA land. NIGHT ALL

Luv YA

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ARGUN, Russia (AP) - Russian forces have captured two Chechen field commanders, but the four most-wanted warlords have eluded federal forces, the military command said today.

Movladi Movzashev, the Chechen commandant for the republic's southern Shali district, and Vakhid Timayev, the Chechen minister for security, were taken into custody in recent days, the North Caucasus military command told the ITAR-Tass news agency.

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Aelfwulf: Caught me just as I was about to sign off. JUST LET ME SAY THAT I SIMPLY DON'T BELIEVE
YOU. I'll take this up further with Kimmy in the late morning for your sake. HA HA HA. If you are being truthful....welllll...hmmmmm. You'll see. HA HA HA

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Igor, you can choose to believe that if you want, but the refugees claimed for the most part it was Serb forces who forced them out. If the NATO bombs drove them out why the hell would they be cheering Allbright (or as some of you say Half-bright) when she visited. Face the fact yea the KLA is not a bunch of nice guys but the Serb military and paramilitary are not a bunch of sunday school teachers ether.

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Just want to add that we LADIES have a most unique educational program that just begs to be implemented if we don't get our way. HA HA HA HA..I'm tooo tired for this, starting to feel silly.. maybe just a wee bit more cognac. NIGHT AGAIN ALL.

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Gozo an explanation would be too long. Please ask KIssie to explain

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The problem with Kososvo is that Nato countries won it but refuse to own it.
Especialy because it's Nato and not a country who won the war, nobody want to take his reponsability.
They pull Milosevic out but they let everything like that. Even let Kosovo be part of Serbia which is a complete nonsens.

All teyr effort is going insane.

They are not able to do anything concrete with what they get, to draw a future for Kososvo.

I can't beleive how our (US and EC) politicians can be so irresponsible and so stupid and so decadent on the Balkan.

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HM, (Her Majesty? Surely not)

Educate Me.


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OOH Er missus!!!

Night ma'm


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