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Archive through March 3, 2000

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It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight...

Dimitri, if so, where are they going next?
What's Georgia's position? After all Shevadnatze(sp?) must be in his dotage by now,he can't hold the place together for much longer, ready for the next war?
Or maybe they'll move to Pakistan next, fancy taking them on there?
How do you think the RF will deal with the ongoing terrorism?
PS sorry if I seem confrontational, this isn't personal, I just want your (considered?)opinion.

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Pakistan? Nope - they just kicked out Chechnyan "embassador".
Georgia - if they wish peaceful future - they'll be smart enough not to...Taliban - that is the place for them to be.
Terrorism issue is much more complicated, and I don't think a have a clear idea on how to fight terrorism in general. I would assume it all depends on the upcoming elections. If Putin wins, things probably won't change much, at least not towards a more "sofcore" way.
BTW one thing I like about the US is how THEY deal with terrorism..maybe RF can adapt that.
What do you think?

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Dima privet.How does US deal with terrorism?Israel agrees with RF about Chechen war,gave full support.

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 Russian peacekeeper killed in KOSOVO.HMMM..................

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Not a peek out of US

Rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party or PKK have vowed to continue their struggle for Kurdish rights through politics. Turkey dismisses the group as a terrorist organization and says it will never negotiate with its members.

Turkey does not recognized Kurds as a minority and bans teaching and broadcasts in Kurdish.

Most PKK rebels have withdrawn from southeastern Turkey under orders from their imprisoned leader, Abdullah Ocalan.

Some 37,000 people, mostly Kurds, have been killed in clashes in the southeast since the rebels took up arms in 1984.

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More KLA looking for trouble and I am sure they will find it soon

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Who the hell is Alla Geifman?

May be a Jew who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If one jew gets kidnapped hell brakes loose and even Clinton starts calling the terrorist Putin to do something otherwise the Zionist lobby won't elect his buddy, Gore. There are thousands of Russian soldiers dying and continue to die ( 12 killed in Chechen ambush today as per Russian media) and this jew kidnapping becomes paramount importance. This is a Zionist plot to hoodwink the gentiles to pay attention to jews supposedly in despair and a reminder to get western sympathy at any cost.

Kissie, don't you care about Russian soldiers whose head were chopped off and you only care about some jews finger cut off.

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God, err, Allah damned Kurds! We've been fighting them for over fifteen years and they just won't quit.

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NATO's proverb for the '90s: "Fool me once, bomb the Serbs. Fool me twice, bomb the Serbs."

Can't take credit for it.

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Israel's advisers were in Moscow from the beginning of the compain. They have experience with terrorism.

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FuckFuckFuck! Khattab just lost his right hand man & friend Irbis (Eerbis). May Allah welcome him in Eternal Paradise, or at least gets him a body bag!

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warriors of Akhmad Shakha Masud took down four taliban's fighter airplanes, anyone knows how many more planes taliban has?

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RUSSIAN TROUPS AMBUSHED in GROZNY, at least 20 are dead, 29 are wounded (officially).

GROZNY was supposed to be a sealed city.

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The KEYWORD of Balalaika's "news" is UNCONFIRMED (report).

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