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Archive through March 30, 2000

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OK let me see if got this straight. In order for one to believe NATO was at fault for all the refugees we have to believe some other factors.

First we have to believe that 800,000 to a million people all decided (maybe they had a town hall meeting) to leave at relitively the same time.

Well one could argue they left because NATO bombed....hey over half the houses in Kosovo were destroyed. OK but what about the fact pictures back from the region shows most houses were burned from the inside out. When a bomb hits a house it tends to blow the roof clean off. well OK then the Albanins burned there homes themselves. So now we have to believe at relitively the same time the home owners of about half if not more houses decided to burn there own homes (they were going to redecorate anyway). OK but I still don't believe you NATO destroyed thoes houses. OK so NATO did well to do so would have been the most precise and well exceuted bombing campaigne in military history. Think about it you have about lets say 500,000 homes buildings etc. Lets say each attacking jet carried two bombs so about 250,000 sortes would have to been flown by about 500 jet aircraft. So each one of thoes 500 jet aircraft would have to have flown with out missing from 15,000 500 missions. wow. (OK you can dispute the exact numbers but you get the idea). One other thing you have to believe in order to believe NATO was at fault for the refugees. All the statements from all the refugees themselves. I gess they all got together before the war to rehearse there story for consistancy. These Albanians are the most organized people on the planet

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"...what would happen if NATO left Kosovo today?"

Another bloodbath.

And that's the problem. Nato countries should do in sort that the could leave Kosovo in peace.
If they let things going as they go now, the peacekeepers will have to stay for a very long period of time.

No reaction in the political sphere...

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Fred, good point, this was a war by commitee.

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Fred yep...I think the way this should be dealt with is the way one would deal with two kids who don't get allong in the back seat of a car on a long trip. You stay on your side and you stay on your side. These people don't seem to ever or will ever get allong . Draw a line. Hell why try to force people to live together who don't want too.

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I wanted to add:

A war or a military intervention is justified by the results of the policy inplemented afterward and in the long run.

Actualy the results are zero and we can therefore blame nato.

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Gonzo they ran because KLA used them as shields just like in Chechnya.Villages that had no KLA had no damage done to them.I watched documentary on NWI where the girl went to grave of sister and 6 months later when reporter went to see her,her sister was alive.These bastards cried on cue, but the funny thing was there were no tears.Remember they all were saying that their husbands were killed, well turns out only 2000 or so total killed in all of KOSOVO therefore LIES again.Of the 2000 killed only 300 or so identified as Albanians (HRW).Go back in archives and check out some of the links I posted where Thaci killed Serbs to provoke Serb police crackdown which is appropriate response to such actions.

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A couple of other points about the refugees. If it was NATO bombs that cased them to leave why did all the Serbs stay? And about negotiations. How long did the Bosnian war drag on while the UN was going yada yada yada.

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By Gonzo ( - on Wednesday, March 29, 2000 - 06:16 pm:
Fred yep...I think the way this should be dealt with is the way one would deal with two kids who don't get allong in the back seat of a car on a long trip. You stay on your side and you stay on your side. These people don't seem to ever or will ever get allong . Draw a line. Hell why try to force people to live together who don't want too.


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Implemented (not inplemented)

By Fred Le Dingue

That's exactely what I think.

But why the hell is it so hard for them to do it? Are they so afraid to redraw boundaries or do they want a chaos to justify a military presence?

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So let me get this straight if a guy from a town of lets say 300 kills a cop the approriate police responce is to drive everybody out of the town he lives in. Wow

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Just wanted to say - great debates, you guys. Would get involved, but not right now...yeap, you guessed it - too much shite to do now. But as soon as I get off ( and if you guys are still here), I'll jump right in.


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Yea dam right and the Chechens should go back to Chechnya...uh wait nevermind. Yea dam right and the Russians in Georgia, Latvia, Lithawania(sp) and all other countries that re-formed after the USSR discoverd that communism doesn't should go back to Russia. Hey on that note all the English , French, and every other nationality should leave America and go back to where they came from, but then again that would mean the attendance at Native American casinos would drop.

Well time to go, Gonzo (I have a problem though since I am part English, German, and Native American I am not quite sure where to go...I am sure some of you can tell me where to go 😉

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If Kosovo is part of serbia how do explain 90% of ethnic albanian there.

OK, Kosovo is part of serbia and inhabited mainly by serbs. Don't you think then, that Kosovo could be smaller?
That a big part of this region IS in fact Albania and Kosovo, the real Kosovo in the sens that Kosovo means Serbia, is smaller than on official maps?

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`I can't beleive how our (US and EC) politicians can be so irresponsible and so stupid and so decadent on the Balkan.'

I can. Not because they are stupid and decadent, they are probably stuck in the mindset of `we must do something'. Looking at the British press recently it is clear that the Labour government can't alway look much further than the dents on its bespectacled nose. It seems to be human nature/western cultural education to be seen to
be doing the right thing.

The Balkans has been one of a series of human disasters to which the West in its self perceived
role as good super power, must be seen to be doing
something 'positive'. Situations like this are
too complex to just do something and anything they do will ultimately end in failure. They are dammned if they do, dammned if they don't.

No western government can stand up and say that --- yes, we understand that thousands, possibly
tens of thousands of people are being indiscriminately murdered in total disregard of
the UN charter of human rights, but we won't/can't
do anything about it because
1) Its not really our problem
2) If we let it continue then we get accused at the polls of letting too many foreigners (refugees when they enter, foreigners when they stay) in.
3) We are not militarily strong enough to do something decisive.

At some level most of the people in power want to
do something to help. The trouble is there is no
magic formula to save the world and be back in time for tea.

Instead they have to weigh up the least worst option that is not political suicide (won't do anything about it) and not military suicide (invade, persecute the survivors and escalate the
problem to the whole region).

Between these two path's policy makers must make their decisions. The fact that Nato got involved at all is all grist for the mill for the Soviet Nationalists and Hard men seeking the old absolutes. If they didn't get involved then the
electorate/media would enjoy a slow spit roast.

Nato went too far, they are now reaping the whirlwind in Kosovo and the Russian Federation has had effective carte blanche in Chechnia.

Russia has been clever to keep much further within
international law than Nato did, taking the position of the moral high ground whilst doing pretty much what they want. I am sure the Russian generals studied Schwartzkopf's display in the gulf war.

Nato and Russia are immune from any prosecution for human rights violations because of their military power, bomber Harris got away with flattening Dresden, so shall they.

And like bomber Harris I am sure they think they
are doing the least worst option.


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Hi I_speak_better_engish_than_yu,

If won wishs to corect the gammatical mistackes
of othurs, it sould be knoted that u shuld yuse
the pasive voise.

I humbly apologise for any insult that I may cause, though I feel it encumbent upon me to indicate that the word you spelt Inplemented [sic.], may in fact be spelt Implemented.



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