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Archive through March 30, 2000

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The beggining of the end...

Thursday, March 30 1:14 AM SGT

Russians in heavy losses in mountain clash with Chechen guerrillas

MOSCOW, March 29 (AFP) -
Federal government troops suffered heavy casualties Wednesday when their column was ambushed by Chechen guerrillas in the southeastern mountains, Russian news reports said.

Elite SOBR interior ministry troops despatched to rescue the under-fire column were beaten back by Chechen guerrillas, losing at least one armoured vehicle, state-run RTR television reported from Chechnya.

"I don't know how many victims there were in the column, but there were a great deal," said the channel's correspondent.

Most of the officers in the column had been killed and the surviving infantrymen were unable to give their precise location to paratrooper units attempting to give them artillery cover, he said.

Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the Kremlin's top spokesman on Chechnya, confirmed an interior ministry unit of 49 men had come under attack near the village of Zhani-Vedeno around mid-morning, Interfax news agency reported.

Fourteen men in a relief column were hurt when they came under rebel fire, he said, adding that the men had been evacuated. Artillery and helicopter gunships were pounding guerrilla positions in the zone, he added.

"We do not yet have any information on casualties," Interfax quoted him as saying.

Chechen rebels have taken to the mountainous southern third of the breakaway republic, where Moscow's forces have been conducting a brutal crackdown since October 1, since relinquishing the capital Grozny in early February.

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Today a special operation against a large group of paramilitaries was carried out near Tsentoroi in Chechnya's Nozhai-Yurt district, Russian Defence Minister Igor Sergeev told journalists in Astana today. He arrived in the Kazakh capital for a meeting of the heads of defense establishments of the Shanghai Five - Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan and China.

Marshal Sergeev did not specify the size of the rebel group destroyed by federals.

He also said that near the village of Samashki artillery and aviation have wiped out a large rebel group. The federal success is explained by close interaction with army and interior units, the marshal said.

Terrorist acts to wreck the March 26 presidential elections in Chechnya were thwarted by a coordinated effort of all Russian power structures, the defense minister said.

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Jake B. was taking heat here for exposing Jews for what they are - a murderous, arrogant group that claims to be a master race. And stop this "antisemitism" blackmail of yours. This is one of the strategies (along with Eugenics) promoted by Jews themselves to ensure a superiority of their race. Read the truth before ranting - .

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The REAL News ---
(I know someone already posted it, but d@mn, it's my job to point out dead/captured bandits!)

10. CAPTURED - Movzashev/Movladi - commandant of "southern (Shali) front"

11. CAPTURED - Timaev/Vakhid - "minister for Sharia (Islamic Law) security"

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Posts: 1518 If you down load video at bottom of page news in Russian

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To Kissie (secular trash or pseudo Jew)

* That's a top of the pops! - No Jew would ever "challenge" Serbs, "dear" Abu Jake.

What the hell does that mean?

You're obviously not a Jew and if you are one you're a seriously screwed up one. Seek help for your mental condition.

I criticize serbs because I see parallels between what they did and what the Nazis did to Jews.

By the way their were traitorous Jews (like you)who sold nerve gas to the Nazis

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Thursday, 30 March, 2000, 00:26 GMT 01:26 UK Chechen rebels attack column

Reports from Russia say troops have suffered
heavy casualties in a mountain ambush by
Chechen rebel forces about forty kilometres
south east of the capital, Grozny.

State-owned RTR television said rebels
attacked a convoy; and then thwarted
attempts to send re-inforcements.

The main spokesman on Chechnya, Sergei
Yastrzhembsky, said fourteen people were

The rebels said they had killed more than
seventy Russian soldiers.

Meanwhile, in a rare official admission of human
rights abuses, a Russian colonel has been
arrested and charged with raping and
murdering a Chechen woman.

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

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Why do Government of Israel employees put down
GOI when asked to list their employer?

Because Government of Israel IS GOI!!!!

Get It?

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As Russian officials defended their actions in Chechnya, however, Chief of
General Staff Anatoly Kvashnin said that a tank regiment commander had been
accused of raping and killing a Chechen woman.

Kvashnin identified the commander as Col. Budanov, whom he called a
"scoundrel" and a "bandit." Russian officials had apologized to the woman's
family and attended her funeral, he said.

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The spokesman for the Russian government, Sergei Yastrzhembsky, announced that police arrested the man - Magayayev - responsible for the bombing of a residential building in the city of Volgodonsk, Russia, last year. It is known that Magayayev transported explosive materials to the building targeted by the terrorists.

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Communists To Challenge Yeltsin's Immunity

MOSCOW, Mar 29, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia's Communists prepared Wednesday to challenge the authority of President-elect Vladimir Putin and attempt to overturn his decision to grant full political immunity to his mentor and predecessor Boris Yeltsin.

Putin issued a decree shortly after Yeltsin's surprise December 31 resignation granting all retired Russian presidents immunity from all forms of prosecution and tsar-like perks.

The decree was seen as the decisive factor in Yeltsin's decision to retire as both he and his family had become the focus of a corruption investigation that stretched to Switzerland and its banks.

The decree also assigned Yeltsin a mansion, a country estate, personal guards, a bulletproof stretch limousine, pensions for himself and his family, and a string of other privileges.

But Yeltsin's communist enemies in Russia's parliament protested Putin's decision.

On Wednesday the State Duma lower house of parliament, where the Communist Party is the largest faction with 93 of 450 seats, was to consider a motion challenging Putin's decree in Russia's constitutional court.

It was not immediately clear whether the motion would be passed.

"It is very important that every former president, whether it is Yeltsin or (Mikhail) Gorbachev receives political immunity upon retirement," Irina Khakamada, a liberal lawmaker, told NTV television.

Even if the motion does pass the Duma, it would take several months before the case would be considered by the court.

Most commentators in Moscow's media believed the communist's motion would fail.

"It seems that the Communists will have to suffer their second defeat after March 26," the Nezavisimaya Gazeta said in reference to Sunday's election victory by Putin over communist rival Gennady Zyuganov.

Other newspapers cast the debate as a chance for the communists to vent their frustrations over Zyuganov's defeat.

"Communists seek to revenge themselves on Yeltsin for their defeat by Putin," the Kommersant daily announced in a banner headline.

Yeltsin has not commented on the motion, having disappeared into the shadows of his estate after his resignation.

``I don't like the Yeltsin regime and I think Putin is part of that regime,'' said Yevgeny Kraskov, 18, who was backing Zyuganov during his time voting.

``I don't like the Russian type of democracy. Capitalism and democracy in the United States is a completely different thing.''- Ultra Russian Nationalist.

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AOL and Jake have a lot to answer for.....

See the cavalry rode in, one of your little friends, Adam?


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basically, berstein has made an ass of himself; said 'ass' is the _only_ 'exposed' article.
he's made a whole string of wacked-out conjectures.
ah, but it's cause enough for you to come in with your own bundle of rhetoric, eh?
but wait!
why the hell would an anti-semite bootboy like yourself side w/ultra-jew berstein?
unless you're both white supremacists.
this has been alleged of berstein.

berstein, is this bootboy blowing your cover?
and what did jews have to do with eugenics?
to what end?
do you even know what 'eugenics' is?
never mind, it'll be a bunch of crap from you anyway.
crap we got, around here.

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Hairy Mary,

Ref yr arcticle to Igor about the situation in Kosovo.

You say " it's a European problem that should be settled by Europeans."

A couple of things Hairy - the "Europeans" have neither the political resolve nor the military power to solve this type of issue - so stop kidding yourself.

And What Europeans are you talking about exactly? The Germans - I doubt they are in a position to send their military on escapades in that part of the world (without the umbrella of NATO). That leaves England and France with any significant power to undertake such an operation.

It's kind of funny how you say "by an inferior President who together with his staff, lacks any clear understanding of foreign policy." While one by the name of Tony Blair is anywhere in the picture. LOL.

And you" find myself wondering how far along a possible peace process would have been without the NATO BOMBS. THE TIME FOR TALKS WERE YESTERDAY. "

I can fully understand your point since Milosovic and Serbia has shown a long consistent history of being the first party at the negotiating table to solve its problems. LOL.

Don't give Milosovic so much credit unless he has a gun to his head. So it also leaves me wondering how far along a possible peace process would have been without the NATO bombs.

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