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Archive through March 30, 2000

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aw heck, FAKE....
once again, you almost seem articulate for a moment or two, but quickly you devolve into a gross pig.

the insults and lewdness just dont cut it.

why _negate_ your own observations, time after time?
(your fear of women and gays notwithstanding.)

all you've done is make sure you are _never_ taken seriously on this board.

if you're as 'educated' as you claim to be, then _act_ like it, instead of like a 4th rate diceman.

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Hi! L'-san, that e-mail name assignment stuff ... :o))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Hi, Kim.

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There was a theme about how the Albanian majority had formed in Kosovo, so, - when the Groat Tito came to power in Yugoslavia in 1945, he didn't let the Serbian refugees to return to their homes in Kosovo. He then signed a deal with the new dictator of Albania to bring in another 100,000 Albanian settlers. The Albanian majority in Kosovo appears to date from the years around World War II. An upsurge of Albanian violence in 1969-1974 caused another 200,000 Serbs and Montenegrins to leave Kosovo and gave Tito an excuse to separate Kosovo from Serbia. He made it an autonomous province under the full control of the now Albanian majority. Autonomy under K.-Alb. control did not bring ethnic peace. Once in control of the province, the K.-Albs continued harassing non-Albanians through legal and extralegal means. They required Gypsies to use Albanian first names. They enacted zoning legislation designed to break up non-Albanian residential communities. They outlawed use of the Cyrillic even among the Serbs, who had always used it. They refused to permit federal authorities to participate in census-taking, claiming they didn't know how to count Albanians. The K.- Albanians required mandatory instruction in Albanian for all inhabitants of Kosovo, and they imported history and social science texts books from Albania for use in the schools. These taught Albanian nationalism rather than Yugoslav citizenship. There were continuing incidents of violence against Serbs and frequent attacks on Orthodox churches and cemeteries. More Serbs and Montenegrins left. Ignoring Yugoslav immigration laws, the K.- Albanians permitted more illegals to come from Albania. By the early 80s, the province was three-fourths Albanian, large numbers of them born in Albania. After Tito's death, there was another upsurge of Albanian violence beginning in 1981. Throughout the 80s "Western" media reported on the ongoing violence against Serbs and Montenegrins by Albanians, the constant attacks on Orthodox churches and monasteries, and the inability of the local Albanian authorities ever to punish anyone. Yugoslavia finally reversed the autonomy decision in 1989 because of obstructionist constitutional tactics by the Kosovo provincial government. This decision was not a unilateral act of Milo, the newly elected president of Serbia, though he pushed for it. It was made jointly by all the republics of Yugoslavia - Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Republican Senate aide Jim Jatras wrote: "One of the ironies of the present Kosovo crisis is that Milosevic began his rise to power in Serbia in large part because of the oppressive character of pre-1989 Albanian rule in Kosovo, symbolized by the famous 1987 rally where he promised the local Serbs: "Nobody will beat you again." In short, rather than Milosevic being the cause of the Kosovo crisis, it would be as correct to say that intolerant Albanian nationalism in Kosovo is largely the cause of Milosevic's attainment of power."

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About the "Star Wars" pervert "son" - it would be logical for the North Korea to "launch" nukes at the US across the Pasific and not across the EuroAsia to keep the British (and the "Continent") "happy" about the "software updates", - would they be happy, BTH? Possible delivery failures might spoil any odd state on the way and relations with it altogether.
This system is designed to protect the US - not blairites and blares anyways.
And in pursue of the "early warning" it is logical to include RF in the system, since the "rogue states" are in more or less close proximity to RF.
As for Russia, continuing media masturbation dwelling on R.'s hardships may lead to some very unpleasant surprises to the "West" as it might turn out, for instance, that R. does have an anti-missile defence already, or is close to completing it.
$50 bln. might be better spent on ... developing of K.-Albanians, heh-heh.;o)

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well said.
lately it seems there's a 'new'
serb-violence-upon-albanians story every day in
the boston newspaper. or maybe i didnt notice such
stories as i do now.
i've already had my fill of 'grains of salt' with
which to consume thse stories.
rarely have i contested what i see in the paper
like this. not that i was ever much of a
'believer', but i sit here thinking;
"it's all a set-up for the DEATH and
DESTRUCTION coming in the yugoslav spring"

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Another large rebel base was destroyed by federal forces in the area of Khatuni in Vedensky district. This was announced today by Sergei Yastrzhembsky. The base was well camouflaged and contained vehicles, APCs, weapons, ammunition, winter uniforms, and food. According to Yastrzhembsky, a number of such bases still remain in the southern parts of Chechnya. In Komsomolskoye Russian troops killed Hamzat Batayev - one of the top few remaining Chechen rebel leaders. This brings the total number of senior Chechen rebel leaders killed by Russian troops to seven: L. Dudayev, H. Israpilov, and A. Ismailov - killed during the withdrawal from Grozny in February; Idris (Khattab's deputy) - killed in Urus-Martan; A. Dzhabayev - killed in Kharsenoy; Doku Umarov - killed yesterday in Galaity.

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LMAO - How much time and effort did it take you to find those messages. HAHA.. A COUPLE OF HOURS MAYBE. I've really gotten in your head. 😉
Too funny!

Good you found and reposted it because that Message applies to you too!


lets get one thing straight : I am not afraid of gays .... I'm afraid of the AIDS they're walking around with. LOL.

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US/NATO can't back out in a face-saving way - getting out means to admit they lost it, turning at the K.-Albs means hostilities with the latter, casualties and admitting that US/NATO lost it, coming to terms with Serbs means animosity with K.-Albs and admitting US/NATO lost it.
What I'm afraid of now is US/NATO might do everything possible to entangle Russia in to the scenario, relocate the responsibilities onto the Russian shoulders, let Russians deal with the Kosovo issue (and K.-Albs, of course), abandon Russia and "criticise" Russia from the sidelines making (in terms of media) little of its possible gains and most of its possible losses.

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your stupidity is brilliant.

Your making something out of nothing. noone is leaving Kosovo - so stop dreaming the US will fail - YA YARD APE.

Do you think we will actually leave that part of the world after the struggle it took us to get in because of clowns like Molosevic. Get real dummy. we are there to stay.

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(Borrowing the Mary's line, heh.) Wind blew, sh.t flew, - intestinal gas propelled "All American" UAE-14 Tomcamelbab "pilot" with "laser-guided" Phoenix shishlik on desert military maneuvers. Heck, did they hold a trash-posting competition in UAE to grant an Internet access? If so that one's a "doctor".

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Do you think we will actually leave that part of the world after the struggle it took us to get in because of clowns like Molosevic. Get real dummy. we are there to stay.
* You're to stay where You belong to - morally, physically and mentally, Mr. Porko Emirati - the Gulf. He-heh!

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Posts: 616

okay, simple question, FAKE:

why are we "there to stay"?

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Joined: 25 years ago
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lets get one thing straight : I am not afraid of gays .... I'm afraid of the AIDS they're walking around with. LOL.
* You're a gay, "Abu All American"? I'm not surprised anyways.

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 272

Hi , Kissie, we're still squashing the roaches,are we?:O)

"One of the ironies of the present Kosovo crisis
is that Milosevic began his rise to power in Serbia in large part because of the
oppressive character of pre-1989 Albanian rule in Kosovo, symbolized by the famous 1987
rally where he promised the local Serbs: "Nobody will beat you again." In short, rather
than Milosevic being the cause of the Kosovo crisis, it would be as correct to say that
intolerant Albanian nationalism in Kosovo is largely the cause of Milosevic's attainment
of power."

Funny how these things come about isn't, someone makes an agressive move, and we reap the Whilrwind a few decades down the line. Like the reparations
Germany had pay after the Treaty of Versailles, indirectly leading to the rise of Hitler. Or perhaps the Chechen Rebels helping to put Putin in power. Or Nato bombing Kosovo leading to...?????????????????


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