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Archive through March 30, 2000

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Your brilliance is your stupidity.....

LYAO - I suppose, what else would you be doing?


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I am more likely to believe Mr. Chomsky's views than the crap we are fed by the US media. From the moment the conflict in Kosovo began I believed in a diplomatic resolution. I mean, how can you begin to bomb a country within a region known for pointing fingers in one direction? However, in saying this, I remain strong to my beliefs that the Serbs did commit atrocities in the civil war and beyond. Once these atrocities begin, the other belligerent parties conform to these new "norms" of war. The situation is volatile and will remain so. I cannot picture an easy resolution to this debacle since tradition plays such a vital role in the conflict. These people lived together for hundreds of years and now lines are being drawn. This is just plain awful. To me, it would be like Chicago planning to split into several autonomous sections
of the city, and thus, creating enemies with traditional neighbors. It would be quite a mess over here in the States if the Polish community declared war on the Mexicans while the Vietnamese allied themselves with the Greeks. This may sound scatterbrained, but this is what happens when lines are drawn due to political instability

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Re yugo page message - Aren't the two becoming more and more interlinked? New Question, maybe?


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More yap yap yap from Abu Kissie, queen of cut and paste.

Does your employer know about your misuse of your computer terminal? Lets hope you're not screwing a Jewish firm.

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Hello Suleyman,

I don't think your analogy is scatterbrained, but it would seem to most people (particularly in Chicago) to be a far-fetched and unlikely scenario. And that I think is part of the reason the Serb civilians who did nothing to stop the Genocide at best and participated in it at worst seem so monstrous to those living in the relative stability of the West. We also have a tendancy to think of war in terms of the good guys v. the bad guys. Most of us have never and are unlikely to ever experience what war is and therefore our judgement of others in such situations is based on the premise that we would never in any circumstances do what they did. The Truth is unless you have been in that situation, how do you know how you would react and behave.
It serves no-one to punish the Serbs and let the others get away with it. (Look at the trials of Red Army veterans in Latvia for example.)

It's a shame the tribunals in the Haigue were so hastily thought out. Perhaps we need another form of international justice when it comes to apportioning blame. Or maybe we just can't do it in the first place. To the victor the spoils then,sigh.


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Its because deep down inside every American hates Commies! The Cold War isn't over - it's just a different playing field. You can call it the New World order or whatever you like - but it's still us against them. We have the upper hand but it's not over.

Not that you would understand but It's third down and 4 to go, we've got the ball at their 30 yard line with under 2 min. to go. And we are marching.

Now if you don't look at the whole situation then you are not doing it right. If you think the US is there to ONLY help the locals then you are wrong: Ask yourself the following questions:

1) Why would the Americans go into Yugoslavia? (Considering wars like this happen often around the world)
2) Geography; proximity to Russia?

We lost 50,000 men during an ugly and nasty 7 year war to control a piece of land in S. E. Asia for the exact same reasons as we are in Yugoslavia today. What makes you think we are going to pack our bags and retreat? Especially since Militarily the situation there is under our control. Do you believe because some people are losing their homes we are gonna turn around and walk away? Because some people might be against the idea of splitting the locals into ethnic regions we are going to leave? The game is much, much bigger than this.

That is what we want - divide and conquer. The Pentagon, CIA and every other covert body in the US are filled with Hawks who think this way. This is the way they think and this the way our Foreign Policy is decided and executed. The US didn't’t get this far by having a bunch of Liberal humanitarians at the helm running the show – running away when things get Hairy (LOL).

The Americans are the most gullible people around – that’s what makes their Resolve so strong.

Besides, it’s not like we listen or respond to pressure but were is the pressure to get out coming from?

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By KA ( - on Thursday, March 30, 2000 - 12:38 pm:

It serves no-one to punish the Serbs and let the others get away with it. (Look at the trials of Red Army veterans in Latvia for example.)

Yeah yeah, you'd probably want to let the Nazis go free too, I bet.

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I'm afraid I was too hard on L'menexe. The goy is clearly mentally disturbed. I should have gone easy on him. All he does is say hi to Abu Kissie everyday!

Its okay L'menexe, you can communicate with her all you want, she's no Jew.

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By Jake B. ( - on Thursday, March 30, 2000 - 12:42 pm:

By KA ( - on Thursday, March 30, 2000 - 12:38 pm:

It serves no-one to punish the Serbs and let the others get away with it.

read what you cut&paste!!!

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Prosecution at The International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavia in the Hague is doing an admirable job so far, above and beyond what many gave it credit for. It has sentenced 14 individuals - acquitted two others, and slowly but surely, the Tribunal has inched up the Chain of Command.

The 3 Barbarians; Milosevic, Karadzic and Mladic are sweating it out...but for how long. LOL.

I figure Mladic will take his own life because he's a mental case and won't be able to handle the pressure, Karadzic is too much of a coward to take his life and will be caught and sentenced to 25 thousand years for his crimes against humanity, and finally Milosevic will be hung by Piano wire with the rest of his family by his own people.

I will rejoice by popping a bottle of fine Champagne and take those people close to me to Figi for a drunk and an Oyster meal. LOL.

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The Israeli military jailed a soldier for 4 weeks for refusing to enter South lebenon to serve in israel's occupation zone there, the army said Sunday.
The Sentence coincides with rising Israeli public sentiment for a swift withdrawal from the embattled border trip.

Tank technician Yagal Ben-Moshe, stationed on an ordinance corps base on Israel's northern border had entered Lebenon before to service Israeli armor in the border strip, reports said.

But he had become frightened by a recent wave of Hezbola attacks that killed several Israeli soldiers, they said.

The soldiers refused to fulfill his role but after a number of times in which the significance of refusing the order was made clear to him, he was sent for 28 days in jail, an army spokeswoman said Sunday. As casualties mounted in recent weeks, soldiers have shocked israelis by speaking openly of their fears in serving in the security zone ahead of a July troop withdrawal promissed by Barak. Israels Maariv Daily quoted the jailed soldier's brother as saying "instead of the army hel-ping him overcome his fears, they have thrown him into jail."

Footnote : Clinton's failure to convince Asad has created a widespread psycological fear among the Israelis. Never ever before Israel seemed so weak and vulnerable.

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OMON Units Flee Chechnya

The Mujahideen have confirmed that elite OMON Special Police units have unitarily decided to ignore their orders and to leave Chechnya. This act of self-surrender by what is considered the most elite force in the Russian Ministry of Interior was also confirmed by Russian media that interviewed OMON soldiers who were fleeing Chechnya over the past few days. When asked why they had decided to quit their assignments, the OMON troops explained that “many of us are dying in Chechnya in return for nothing!” These OMON units represent the latest in a string of mutinies that have plagued the ranks of the Russian Military since the beginning of the war; similar mutinies paralyzed Russian forces during the Russian defeat in Grozny and during the current defeats in the mountains of southern Chechnya.

Note : No technoligical power however hi-tech can ever subdue the mighty power of the mighty Islam. Period.
The Chechen war unless one is not a moron is a proof of the greatness of the miraculous religion of the great Islam. Embrace Islam to embrace war victories unheard-of even in fictional hollywood blockbusters.

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Heres a thought what happens when two islamic countries go to war against each other and both scream HOLLY WAR which side is Allah on Faiz?

One other thought . i tell ya if I was a leader of a people and I wanted them to do my will plus fight and die for my own advancement I would also fill their heads with stuff like if you die in battle you will automactically go to paradise. Then I would turn arround and think what a bunch of suckers.

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Hey Sadams son won 99.9% of the vote and won some government office in Iraq. Not a very hard thing for him to do since is campaign slogan was "vote for me or die." Why do these jokers in Iraq even have elections...what a farce.

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hi kim!

well, yeah, um...if this continues as such.

considering the question?

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