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Archive through March 31, 2000

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All American, you know at thoes three guys trials they have had numerous female witnesses claiming they were raped numerous times in thoes camps. One was young as 15 at the time. But hey all of thoes ladies must not be telling the truth since the Serb paramilitary units are a bunch of sunday school teachers right.

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hey, even you, FAKE AMERICAN, could appreciate this one.
here we have the FAKE jew calling the REAL jew a FAKE.
so, berstein, you think all i do is greet kisako in the morning? indeed, i enjoy that.

but it seems like you never answer _my_ questions.

does the phrase "sparks of truth" ring a bell?

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With the will of Allah, the country better in piety wins between warring islamic countries.

If you are a Moslem you will realise it is not the leader but the glorious Koran that inspires martyrs to "Gift their life to Allah" to subdue injustices and spread the word of Allah. Among Moslems, the theatrical is the greatest sucker and the sincerest is the wisest. The later world means more to true Moslems than the current world.

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With the will of Allah, the country better in piety wins between warring islamic countries.

If you are a Moslem you will realise it is not the leader but the glorious Koran that inspires martyrs to "Gift their life to Allah" to subdue injustices and spread the word of Allah. Among Moslems, the theatrical is the greatest sucker and the sincerest is the wisest. The later world means more to true Moslems than the current world.

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Commies slowly conceding losses. 120 killed (including dozens of high ranking OMON officers).

Russians concede losses in new Chechen ambush

MOSCOW, March 30 (AFP) -

Moscow said Thursday three Russian soldiers had been killed in a Chechen ambush while 33 others remained unaccounted for as guerrillas stepped up strikes against superior federal forces.

Generals said a column of nearly 50 interior ministry troops was surrounded Wednesday by
fighters in the rugged southeastern mountains while a Russian back-up team was beaten back.

Kremlin spokesman on Chechnya Sergei Yastrzhembsky said 16 soldiers had been rescued while three were known to have been killed. The fate of the other 33 troops was unclear.

"The Chechens were waiting for them," Yastrzhembsky told journalists. "They (the rescue
team) also walked into an ambush. Twenty were injured and taken to hospital. The others pulled out."

The ambushes marked the fourth major Chechen counter-attack in the past month. They also served as a stern warning to the Kremlin that rebels intend to fight a brutal partisan war similar to one waged in a 1994-96 conflict that left the republic with de facto independence.

According to radio communication reports only a small portion of the 150-strong contingent was composed of Chechens -- the rest being contract soldiers from the Middle East, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, a military official told RTR.

"The situation in the republic is not simple and requires constant attention and corrections in
the efforts of federal forces," Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo said on his return from a
one-day visit to the region.

The army had previously received orders to eliminate the remaining pockets of rebel
resistance before the spring bloom provides cover for fighters in the mountains.

However AVN cited paratrooper command General Yevgeny Savilov as saying that rebels had indeed managed to regroup and were now staging a series of well-coordinated raids.

Savilov told the agency that his troops were almost constantly engaged in battles, which
have steadily grown more difficult as the Russians reach some of Chechnya's most treacherous terrain.

The topography and close-range clashes have also restricted the use of fighter-bombers and helicopter gunships on which Russia has relied heavily throughout the six-month war in
order to limit casualties among its troops.

Russian air tactics have come under strict scrutiny from the West for the heavy civilian death toll they have entailed.

With a Council of Europe debate on Russia's rights record in Chechnya looming, Moscow has made efforts to demonstrate that it is cracking down on reported lawlessness among its troops.

A senior tank commander on Thursday was charged with raping and killing a Chechen woman earlier this week.

The high-profile case was discussed in a nationally televised meeting between President-elect Vladimir Putin and military Chief of Staff General Anatoly Kvashnin.

Yet international human rights observers insist that most similar stories are covered up by the army or go unreported.

UN Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson is due to travel to Chechnya this weekend to get a first hand impression of the situation in the war-ruined region.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Thursday also won an assurance from Putin that it would be allowed open access to some the most notorious Russian-run detention centers in Chechnya.

"We have a clear statement from Putin to develop our activity" in Chechnya," said visiting ICRC president Jakob Kellenberger.

"There is a clear wish from Mr Putin to see us inside Chechnya."

Western organizations have had only limited access to Russia's detention centers, or 'filtration camps' where Chechen fighters are separated from civilians.

Rights monitors have been allowed to visit the notorious Chernokozovo camp, but only under tight Russian security.

Russia has come under strong international pressure to openly investigate reports of rape,
torture and murder at the detention centers, particularly the notorious Chernokozovo prison.

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Farce are the elections and farce are the leaders that promote "Gutter-filth" lifestyles in their countries. Comparatively, In terms of dignified life-style the worst of the Moslem countries is better than the best of the animalistic life-style Non-Moslem countries.

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Gonzo, you are not as thick as all that surely.
Christ talk about selective reading.
How can you hope to understand politics if you don't try to understand human nature?

Why is it so hard for you guys to understand.
The Serbs , the Albanians, the Russians , the Americans, the Europeans, we all give ourselves a million and one reasons why we are right and everyone else is wrong.

But what is the aim in Kosovo, any other disaster area, to kick the •••• out of a perceived enemy or to restore peace? Restoring peace takes diplomacy and a cool head. Aportioning all blame to one side of the conflict, however evil they may be, doesn't end the conflict. Unless of course Nato were willing to risk their own troops to go in and crush Serbia once and for all. Tell me in what conflict has Nato managed to do that reasently.
Nato want to sit on the moral high ground and be judges, then why not act as Solomon?????????


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Abuses against civilians continue

Russian Colonel Arrested in Killing

MOSCOW (AP) - A Russian colonel commanding a tank regiment in Chechnya has been arrested in the killing of a Chechen woman, Russian news reports said Wednesday.

The Interfax news agency identified the colonel only by his surname, Budanov. The RTR television
channel cited Col. Gen. Anatoly Kvashnin, chief of
the Russian general staff, as saying the woman was
abused before she was killed.

The reports gave no further details on the killing, including where or when it took place.

Russia has been under strong international criticism for alleged human-rights violations in Chechnya, including reports of torture and of summary execution of civilians.

Officials have rejected most of the criticism, but Russia's human-rights envoy to Chechnya, Vladimir Kalamanov, said Wednesday that 130 cases have been opened against soldiers for alleged rights violations.

Kvashnin said the killing of the woman was ``brutish and shameful'' and ``out of the ordinary,'' Interfax reported.

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K A , to what post are you refering to when you said "talk about selective reading". Is it the one about the tribunal and the three guys on trial. I was simply pointing out two things. One what these guys are accused of, and two how some will not believe ever that these guys are guilty. Nothing more nothing less. Now if you think there should not be a tribunal at all thats another story. Because if there wasn't and these guys are guilty who would punish them. Plus not only Serbs are on trial at the tribunal but croats and Bosinans also. Speaking of which you ask what ended the conflict for the most part in Bosnia. It was military action. How long did that war last while the talking heads talked and talked, 3 years. It was finally action that brought them to the table. Now I am not saying this the case in every conflict but it was in this one. One other thing, if you read my post closely I don't do the old Serb=Bad , Albanian or whatever=good thing. I most often when posting about bad thing one side or the other have done try to be more clear by posting "serb paramilitary" "KLA" and the such. I don't think Serbs are a people. Just what there government and what there forces have done is bad. Just like saying Albanians are drug runners. I wouldn't post that I would say something like some Albanians who engage in drug running. There is a difference and on this i think you agree.

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does the phrase "sparks of truth" ring a bell?

Okay, you got me! I confess I don't know. I've this phrase several times by you and others.

What does the phrase mean?

By the way, Kisako, Kissie, Abu or whatever she wants to call herself is a total fake or a totally traitorous secular Jew. The Sephardic will soon be catching up with her.

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Gonzo read Kissie's post at 8:15 for answer to your question from yesterday.

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Igor, the one at 8:15 a.m. right. Interesting stuff. I have read about that before. But I don't think the logical answer now is hey Tito let you in now leave. One thing about these two groups, not as a hole but somewhat, Albanians ans Serbs is the both when you say to them about something bad members of there ethnic group did, they don't reply except to say but what about this ,refering to somthing the other group did. Yes this a very general statement but does hold some water. So now what, does anybody on this board have a fair, logical, peacefull way to solve the Kosovo question? Theres the biggie. NATO leaves, then what? I do think Milosevich simply used the Kosovo situation for his own political goals. He did say to (was it Shay, I don't remember) "Are you crazy enougth to bomb us over that crappy land". By the way when is he up for re-ellection (or is this guy basacally a dictator.) Anyway he hasn't been that good for serbia what is he like 0-4 in wars. It seemed like evry time this guy called for a greater serbia it got smaller.

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Faiz, come on buddy what with this "gutter-filth lifestyles" If its cranking up AC/DC while crusing in my jeep with the top down on my way to get a double-cheesburger with mushrooms and drowned in catshup and mustard. I am all for it. I am not going to say some reactionary crap like how can moslems have the "dignified life style" when they do things like bombings and chants like 'death to America" beacuse that would be a gerneralization. I don't have any problems with moslems. Now by saying non-muslem countries pratice an animalistic life style, what the hell does that mean. Its called cultural differences, something that should be celebrated not feared. And thats just it, in the west the muslem culture is not feared (terrorist are but not all terrorist are muslem aka McVey-get my point I am saying people should not hang the terrorist label arround someones neck just because he is muslem) but in contries like Iran (were yes it is getting better) and Afganastan the government fears western culture, why? Not because it is animalistic as you would say but I will tell you why. Because the more open to new experices and freedoms the people of thoes two countries expericence the less control as in staying in power and mental control of the people the governments of thoes two lands have. Now you might say it is good to have control people should not be exposed to as you say the animalistic culture of the west, that it is bad for them. To that I say people have the human right to live how they see fit and are smart enougth to see what is good and bad for them and they don't need a government to tell them what is good and bad.

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