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Archive through March 31, 2000

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Hi Kisako,

your 7:32 post....
exactly, my what took you so long!!!
I don't think the board members are quite ready to
hear it though:o)

Seems we are being invaded by international fascism, check out the Anglosaxon!


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Unfortunately I don't think we will get either
clean-cut solution you suggest.
Just ongoing military presence in Chechnia, whilst Putin rules by presidential decree.
The Chechen hatred of Russians will continue to simmer, but at least those terrorists, will have more "legitimate" targets. Kidnapping amoungst civilians may well diminish. Drug traficking to the West will increase, as the rebels no doubt have to settle their debts with those who provided them with arms.


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4:18, 5:37, 5:54 posts well said



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But Gonzo,

What ended the war in Bosnia? The treat of military action and a lot of diplomacy and negotiation. Then in Kosovo the Serbs called Nato's bluff. In the end there was a negotiated withdrawal- think of all the money we could have saved, if Noam Chomsky is right.

Re the court in the Hague - It is a very Nato/western orientated setup. Its jurisdiction is not recognised by Russia or any of those being tried. This is the"let them fight it out, then we go in and persecute the survivors scenario". I'm not saying there shouldn't be a court, in the circumstances we are probably lucky to get what we have.
My feeling is that unlike Nuremberg the Hague court is not serving to draw a line under the conflict or to restore peace if it is not universally recognised.

A peaceful solution in Kosovo, the Russians bring the Serbs to the negotiating table, Nato brings the Albanians. Like the 2 by 2 talks in Ireland or before German reunification. It serves both Nato and Russia to restore peace in the region. Hey, why don't they discus a joint starwars project whilst they are at it. But no, some people just enjoyed the cold war intrigue too much!!


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"Now let's see if I understand this correctly. President Clinton has ordered our forces to engage an entrenched, politically motivated enemy, backed by the Russians, on their home ground, in a foreign civil war, in difficult terrain, with limited military objectives, with bombing restrictions, boundary and operational restrictions, queasy allies, far across an ocean, with uncertain goals, without prior consultation with Congress, having the potential for escalation, while limiting the forces at his disposal, and while the majority of Americans are opposed to, or are at best uncertain about, the value of the action being worth American lives.

So, what was it that Clinton was opposed to during Vietnam?"

Lt.Gen. Tom Griffin USA (ret.)

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Who's your Daddy? Who's you Daddy?


Ya dumb Rooskie

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Kissie, :o))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Afternoon KIMMY:

How goes the battle? Your significant other denies the candle light dinner of the other night.
I'm sure that is not the case. However, if he suddenly gets the urge to be as romantic as some of those on this board may I stongly suggest that you implement an educational process that will leave his head spinning and his bed empty until he graduates. HA HA HA HA

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the greetings of an already underway dawn for you!
ps>> i have a link for you, very far from the one
you (rightfully) passed on

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AllAm mother's brother is his father. Calls him Uncle Daddy.

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check your mail, chula...
"i understand you're angry, but understand this"
you say.
i dont have time for this right now, but YOU
a month ago, a different poster, canadianbacon,
was hounding kisako for the _opposite_ reason for
which you now threaten her. check the archives.

you've made this arbitrary decision about her for
no other reason than the fact that she's a
_woman_, a _jewish_ woman, whom you cannot control
or bully around.
if you're axually a jew yourself, then why havent
you splattered "WKnight" against the pavement yet?
or does your attack on kisako confirm the
suspicions of others, that you are in fact a white
i have 'known' her for almost a year now. yeah
yeah, what can one axually "know" about we words
on the screen....but i know _enough_ to know you
are off the mark to a ludicrous degree, just as
your opposite bacon was.
she's just one woman. too bloody SMART for a lot
of the fear-of-women types, for whom she has been
an easy target.
i gotta go; try not to pollute the board while i'm
gone. -_-

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Roses are red, I'm going into a store
Saw Bernstein holding a cup saying
Change for the poor

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All I can say is that Mr A'wulf has that all so important sense of humour I have spoken of in the past. Although I would probably never get away with it, as he's his own man, he knows that were what he said true, I'd definately resort to some reeducation of my own making.
However he could never stoop as low or behave in as ugly a fashion as those certain folks on this board, or indeed be so stupid.

Tall, intelligent and handsom, that's what I like.


See you soon I expect, my you're having fun today,
you cheeky wench

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sorry, but naaagh I don't believe that...


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