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Archive through March 31, 2000

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Mujahideen Follow up and Destroy Russian Units
Units of the Chechen Armed Forces continued their operations to destroy the aggressors' formations in the Vedeno Rayon. The mujahideen are following up the scattered units of the enemy.

This morning another four Russians were take prisoner. So during this battle a total of 13 Russians has been captured. The staff of the Central Front of the Armed Forces of the ChRI reports 160 Russians killed and 9 armoured vehicles destroyed in the region of Zhanni-Vedeno.

During the last 24 hours the mujahideen continued to attack the enemy in the area 3 km north of Zhanni-Vedeno.

According to Chechen scouting, the Russians hurry to compose one of their well-known armoured columns and to direct it in the direction Vedeno-Dargo.

Kavkaz Center's correspondent reports another Russian column destroyed in the Vedeno District. According to preliminary information of the Chechen staff, this column consisted of 9 BMPs, 4 URAL trucks, and 5 UAZiks. The mujahideen attacked 3 km south of Dyshne-Vedeno. Not less than 40 Russians were killed, while 3 BMPs, and four motor vehicles were knocked out.

The Chechen command reports fighting with so-called paratroopers. In two days of fighting, more than half of the Russian units were annihilated.

In the Argun Valley and in the Nozhay-Yurt District
In the southern part of the Argun Valley armed clashes continue, but they are less intense than a few weeks ago. The Chechen mujahideen carry out raids.

The Russians did not manage to entrench near Khorsenoy and Khal-Keloy. The mujahideen units active in this region inflicted several defeats on the enemy. The base of the Russian operations remains near the village of Dai.

During the last two days the mujahideen three times attacked the enemy. When moving towards Khal-Keloy, a Russian column lost its two leading tanks due to mujahideen attacks and retreated.

Last night shooting between Chechen fighters and Russian units occurred near the village of Aslambek Sheripov.

Sporadic clashes took place in the Cheberloy District. Here the Chechens are improving their positions and are hindering the enemy to gain operative territory in the region of Nizhaloy.

In the Nozhay-Yurt District the Chechens are applying the tactics of mobile defence and counter-attacks. They attacked the Russians near the villages of Tsontaroy, Khidi-Khutor, Yalkhoy-Mokhk, and Dzugurty.

The Chechen suffered no casualties, while the Russians lost about 65 men in the course of these operations.

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To Igor
Your Russian sources for news are most credible!!!


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May 5 thousand wet, stinky Rabbis smoke fish in your Synagogue

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Can't leave out AllAmerican can we. Hmmmmm let me see. I know

Hey AllAmerican..I don't mean to be mean, but Ya really need some Listerine, not a sip, not a swallow, but the whole fargen bottle. Because, Roses are red, violets are whack and damn your breath really smells like ass crack.

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It has occured to me, why the discussion on this board so rarely touches the conflict in Chechnia...

(apart from reasons that are clear to most of us)

..... No corroborating reports or evidence.

Just the Russian's word against the Chechen's.

Are there in fact any independent reports coming out of Chechnia at the moment? ( Does anyone know what happened to Maggie O'Cane?)
What about the Red Cross, OCSE?
Who were the independent observers during the elections?


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all american, wanna be my daddy?lolololol..wanna have a russkiy son..boy, I haven't laughed so much in a long matherfucking that the best you can do, amerikanski putz?
try again, sucka..

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By KA ( - on Friday, March 31, 2000 - 12:56 pm:
It has occured to me, why the discussion on this board so rarely touches the conflict in Chechnia...

Why? Because Russians don't want the world to know they are beggars and thieves. They steal from chechens and beg from Israel.

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what is "sucka" ??? I got news for you MR. T is off the Air. LOL.

Who's you Daddy? WHO'S YOU DADDY?

Im you Daddy! LOL.
(I don't have to get any better than that) LOL.

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you're right - western media is being awfully quiet..but, just wait till Ms.Robinson gets back from her North Caucasus trip - I am certain she'll have something to say about it..

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Jake B,

and both get their money from the U.S.

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about your reply to Igor in reference to trade slave - the only reason why you don't believe it is because yo've never lived there (Lithuania doesn't count, with all due respect). Do you also not believe about massive kiddnaping during last and current campaign? I am not going to try to convince you, but I do have a suggetstion - talk to Kissie about it, she knows whole a lot about it and I know you trust her more than Igor and I, so..
..that is if you're interested.
Cheers -D.

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by all american:
"""what is "sucka" ???"""

LOLOLOLOL...ok, ok you really wanna know? Here's what you do - go to your li'l boyz-room and look and the mirror - the SUCKA should appear

..whatta dumbfuck

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You dumbass rooskie,

the reason the western media doesn't give a s h i t is because we don't give a rats ass how many of you Commies die. Its of no interest to us - All we care about is you Rooskies continuing the expensive course into this quagmire.

and besides there are more pressing news at home - Do you know what the NASDAQ is YA DUMBASS! Exactly...Americans are losing their hard earned money (because we are not beggars like your kind)and you want us to care about your dumbasses? LOL.

Maybe if we stop feeding you YA lazy drunks ...

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all american brown-nose your mother was a prostitute that why you have no clue as to your father, but I think he was a Muslim camel jockey.

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not trade slave but slave trade... You dumbass -LOL.

anway give us you and your family's first hand account of "trade Slave" ... You know stuff like;

Workin' the fields at dawn, Washing YO MASTA' balls - competing with dem' NIGRO BOYs!


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