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Archive through March 4, 2000

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L'menexe Darlink:

A hearty greetings to you. To enable you to better understand Bacon's daily morning outbursts...I suggest that you go to yesterdays 3:17 pm posting. The World Health Organization is now concerned and involved with Bacon's crispy situation. Get back to me with your thoughts after you read posting. BACON NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN THROW DARTS. HA HA HA

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Another clownish bragging from the VODKA ARMY: "we will win in a week":


58th combined army Commander, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Shamanov has ordered to open a museum, which will comprise exhibits of arms and equipment of the eliminated Chechen rebel gangs, Major-General Valery Gerasimov, the army chief-of-staff told the Military News Agency.

The general is positive that after the taking of Shatoi the rebels stand no chances. The elimination of the enemy near the localities of Ulus-Kert, Yaryshmardy, Zony is the question of a week's time. Separatist regime in Chechnya is becoming history and the exhibits of the future museum will be the lesson, the evidence, and the memory of the threat Russia had to face on the threshold of a new millennium.

Maybe, he should have said, "on the threshhold of the disintegration of the last Evil Empire in history". Time will tell, just in a week!!! O-tanoshimi-ni.

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ms mary:
thanx for the note. yeah i saw your 3:17 post yesterday.
if, as in worst cases, the afflixion is terminal, i wish the sucka would simply die and get it over with.
see my own post, 1:27 pm yesterday, for one more (final?) "articulate" attempt on my part to address bacon, and/or his newfound ally...
yes'm, your approach is better for one's own nervous system...i got too serious yesterday.
i tend to.
but graver matters are at hand today, twould seem.

more important, i might add, than the 3rd time around for that list of 96 dead people.

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Hi ya kids? LOL. Remember me!

What a nightmare for the Rooskies. After so much bragging that the war is over and the enemy has been terminated, they subject themselves to yet another humiliating defeat. Surely it was small from a military standpoint but politically its huge and the backlash cannot be underestimated.

Am I the only one on these boards that believes the Rooskies should just contemplate shutting up and go about their business quietly. I mean every time they say something it ends up blowing up in their rather large round pale faces. I personally get a chuckle every time it happens - but how stupid do you have to be to keep repeating the same mistake over and over and over again. Wake up already.

I am just waiting for the next Russian general to stand in front of the world and proclaim loudly and surely that "organized resistance" has been crushed.

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L'menexe Babes:

If it looks like a dork....and acts like a dork...then it is nothing more than a dork. Therefore, may I suggest that we all treat Bacon accordingly. But of course, we don't ever want to be brought down to his piss-ant little man level. Although I am not a Jew, I have, non-the-less, contacted the Jewish Defense League in the UK to bring to their attention certain anti-semite remarks that I feel should be followed up on. THEY HAVE VERY LONG ARMS.

At any rate, with that being said, L'menexe Darlink, yes those 96 odd names coupled with that disturbing video should cause us all to pause for a moment and thank our lucky stars that we all can be rather comfortable and warm while sitting in front of our screen. People in Chechnya living in dank cellers without heat, food or any of basic necessitiesof life, the poor Russian conscripts bivwacked in the muddy fields, cold, wet and hungry while not knowing what the future holds, let alone their next hour, not knowing when or where the enemy will raise it's ugly head. As younsters, the psychological impact of what their seeing as well as what they've been ordered to do must be most overbearing and shall remain with them for the rest of their lives. Most know not why they fight. Their mothers not knowing if their dead or alive.

On the other hand, the so called freedom fighters are likewise holed up in wet, cold, muddy conditions. However, the big difference, they are convinced and fully believe in the cause for which they are fighting and will go to any extreams to reach their goals.

As long as both sides continue to excersize a tit-for-tat wholesale slaughter and torture attitude we should not expect any viable solutions. The battle may eventually end, but the war will continue unabaited for many years to come.

History tells us that the hatred between these to combatants will never diminish. Yes it is a matter of Russian internal affairs, and should remain as such. However, this could be a cancerious tumer which will spread to other regions within Russia not to mention the muslim world. In this scenerio, the battles in Chechnya will seem to be only a warm-up.

It is becoming ever more apparant that the time for mediation is past due.

Hairy Mary

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Captured Russian conscripts are not hungry (maybe):

Happiness on faces of captured Russian conscripts:

(to be continued, thanks to continued chain of military successes of the VODKA ARMY...)

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All American,

The video tape came out only today. BBC has already shown it in its news. I am not sure about other TV companies.

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RF definitely should thank Japan for the humanitarian aid it provides, - yet another nice-looking and strong trawler, with catch, took the wrong "full ahead" to Japan, but a friendly RF Pacific Fleet sub chaser, that was comfortably around, used her gun to designate the right course.
The crew was honourably thanked and deported to their motherland, the catch - honourably appreciated together with the trawler, which will be sold, Masi Maru 128, if I remeber it right.
The RF side will request 129-th, 130-th, etc..

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no dis intended to the 'list of 96', but repetition of the list wasnt gonna bring anyone back.

and to each name, its mourners.
and to each name, a life cut short.

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Just for fan: today's carnival in Rio...

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Hairy Mary ,

Just relax, and forget about CB when you see the carnival in Rio.

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ORT is supposed to be pro-Russian. Of course the timid Russian generals will deny this...

Chechen Mountain Ambush Leaves Up To 75 Russians Dead

MOSCOW, Mar 4, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Up to 75 Russian paratroopers may have been killed in an overnight ambush by rebels in the southern Chechen mountains, the state-run ORT television station reported.

The attack happened in the Argun Gorge where Russian paratroopers have been battling to separatist fighters who took to the mountains after the fall of Grozny.

"The casualty figures vary widely, one of these is 75 dead," an ORT correspondent reported.

However, he stressed that the toll was unofficial and the military press service had not confirmed the incident took place.

The Russian defense ministry was not immediately available for comment.

The latest attack came two days after Chechen fighters ambushed a column of elite interior ministry troops near the shattered capital Grozny, killing at least 20 men, according to government figures. The Chechens claim 60 Russian dead. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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Ha-ha! The BBC said to NTV, that the tape of "attack" was obtained from the Antenna 3, Spain. BBC pulled the tape down, because, it said, it could've been shot everywhere, but not at the alleged place, and refers to prior events, if any. Balalaika's been framed again.

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Hi kissie(glad we know), l'Menexe,Mary, Dimitri, Balalaika(tenacity-good!)

And to attention seekers everywhere, I hope you find what you're looking for someday.... somewhere else.

I see some deep thoughts on the board..even from those we previously thought incapable. (Followed by a return to the usual blabber.) Keep it up, we might take you to be human...


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