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Archive through March 4, 2000

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I hope russians and poles will stop^throwing tomatoes at each other...

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"[Maria Eismont] NEVER LEFT HER MOSCOW (OR WAS IT ST-PETERSBOUR?) RESIDENCE" - Actually she reported directly from Chechnya; "

At the time I noticed she was once reporting from Grozny and the next day from the mountainous south.
As I know, she doesn't understand Russian.

"...Too bad, no one understands Russian; " Especialy Maria Esmonth.

"In order that Allah may distinguish the evil-doers

(the so called freedom fighters who misled theyr religion to wage a materialistic war)

... from the righteous

(the inocent chechen refugees in Ingushetia or in Russia, victim of the war led by the mujahedeens),

...and cast the wicked ones one on another, heap them together and cast them into Hell. Those! It is they who are the losers." [Quran 8:36-37] "

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All American, Balalaika

"After so much bragging that the war is over and the enemy has been terminated, they subject themselves to yet another humiliating defeat. "


Russian military spokemen ALWAYS said the war is far from over and gone for a long haul.
They said when they regrouped in the mountain after the fall of Grozny that they will face the most difficult part of the campain.
They said at the eve of the fall of Shatoi that this will not mean the end of the war.

"The general is positive that after the taking of Shatoi the rebels stand no chances."

Of course

" The elimination of the enemy near the localities of Ulus-Kert, Yaryshmardy, Zony is the question of a week's time."

Just talking about a village...You twist the information as much as to say "we will win in a week"; Incredible;
I'm reading the news you know;;;CAREFULLY

" yet another humiliating defeat. " Which one?

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Chechens kill 60 russians soldiers in an ambush near Grozny...

Is it such an extraordinary event, such a rare one that you should post the news in bold red font?
That someone came especialy to video the attack!!!


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