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Archive through March 6, 2000

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"The USA commits wholesale genocide on its own people"

When did this happen.

"The U.S. stood by and did nothing while the Indonesian Mohamedan regime butchered the East Timorese Christians."

We sent the Australians instead.

"The U.S. butchered Serbs and continues to support terrorist KLA ethnic cleansing campaign against Kosovo Serbs"

What goes around comes around.

"The U.S. aided and abetted the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia."


"Yes, the U.S. regime is the world's premier outlaw criminal terrorist regime."

A very deserving conclusion to the rest of the nonsense. Sorry!

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Fresh news

It has just been reported that a russian general FADEEV has disappeared in Chechnya.

Link (in russian)

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Hey Kisako,

Which pair??????

See you Jews have decided to pull up your pants wipe away the white stuff and high tail it out of South Lebanon while you still can.

Another case of a rag tag militia defeating an army! What cowards you must be. LOL.

Your hatred for the Chechians stems here just because they are Islamic, not because you are Pro-Russian. What a feeble little peanut size mind you have. LMAO at you.

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To Antonio

Listen to me you godless catholic pagan,

(CATHOLIC DEVIL POPE WORSHIPPERS who have instigated more genocide throughout history than any other institution)


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All American,

You are absolutely right! This particular Jew's hatred stems from the fact that the Chechens are Moslem. Russians actually hate jews. Look at the the pogroms initiated against jews in russian history.

By the way what she lacks in mental capacity, she more than make up for it in sheer crafiness.

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Still You haven't decided on which pair to put gloves on? AllinYaface American of the MidEast sandbox, heh-heh.

Mental Bacon, what was that line of Yours on people of that area
another dumb caucus black,
it seems. Just don't type, that You're not the author of this. Ha.

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What you need is a nice lttle JEWISH girl to straighten you out......

BTW..Speaking of seconds....All American said that you have the fastest trigger he's ever might want to make an appointment with your Urologist....and don't forget your oil change at the Proctologist.. HA HA HA I struck a nerve with this one

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Still You haven't decided on which pair to put gloves on? AllinYaface American of the MidEast sandbox, heh-heh.

Dear crafty Jewess,

Your people(jews and arabs are BOTH semites!)live in that awful sandbox of the mid east(your quote).

I am gratefully domiciled in the leafy confines of Richmond, Surrey.

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ohaya, kisako!

the greetings of a genuine dawn for you! 'bout time....
but alas, today's freak show has already begun.

dont know quite how you did it, k-san, but bacon was pretty traumatized by you yesterday. of course, all you'd have to do to traumatize _him_ is walk into the room. but today he's pretty freaked out, more of an edge to his rant, and he's added anti-catholicism to his anti-semitism....boring, boring.
as for FAKE AMERICAN, who cares? his general, vulgar uselessness is well-established here.
the joke's on both of these sorry individuals.
no matter what.
thus it has been
thus it shall be.
gomen, kim, sometimes sense is replaced by nonsense here.

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What you need is a nice lttle JEWISH girl to straighten you out......

nice? is there such a thing? I have admit hairy you are not crafty,but you have been brainwashed by jewish progaganda regarding their own people.

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Keep on trying L'menexe, may be one day you'll weasel your way into crafty's little pants!

Best of luck to you!

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All American

don't ever be intimidated by these traumatized individuals. I'm just reving up..

Thanks for speaking the truth against the cretins on this message board

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I don't need to be crafty....I look, listen, evaluate and then..I JUST TELL IT LIKE IT IS....

Now about your mental and physical abnormalacies...Oh never mind I'll save that for another time

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yo bacon:
you can pick your friends
and you can pick your nose
but you cant pick your friend's nose.
story of your life, huh?
"just revving up", you say?
what a laugh.
one-note bacon.

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ok kim.
i'll rest awhile
to let the scum coagulate a bit

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