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Archive through March 6, 2000

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Canadian Bacon

Ever come across the oft-sung "sweet lass of
Richmond Hill"?...nah, just kidding!

For even leafier confines, check out the following
old-world, cobblestoned, town of Haslemere, 'tween
Guildford and Portsmouth, complete with Dickensian
store-fronts and their own handcrafted harpsichord
-and-recorder factory! (There even used to be a
picturesque mill in another town, Godalming,
not far from there.

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Something fishy about that video,I do not know if any one else noticed but they were showing prisoners and they were all conscripts.However in all reports it says that they were all elite OMON troops.

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Within the past twenty four hours 73 militants yielded themselves prisoner in the Chechen Republic. This happened near the inhabited area of Silmentauzen, said Deputy Commander of the Joint Grouping of federal forces in the North Caucasus Colonel General Gennady Troshev.

He also said that 672 militants, out of the total number of 1,500, were killed in an attempt to break through towards the Chechen border at the inhabited area of Gargo. In this battle, said Troshev, 31 Russian paratroopers were killed.

According to him, this group carried Shamil Basayev for whom a special runway was prepared on the ice of the Lake Goluboye at the border with Daghestan. Russian reconnaissance discovered this runway. It was meant for receiving a light-duty plane. The runway was blown up. During this operation 23 militants, who were at that time in a special camp, were killed, said General Gennady Troshev.

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Hairy Mary;

Are you going around telling lies about me?
OK Let me take this opportunity to clear the air with you and start fresh because you have simply overwhelmed me with your intellect. Let me see if I can ascend to your level. hhhhhhhhmmmmmm.... So what is your favorite part about muff-diving? LMAO!


Bravo - Good one! Now come and get your Lollypop . LOL.

What's up Canada;

I see you liked the dissection of Kissako.? After I finished with Lmenexe and Hairy Mary - It was just a matter of time.

Then again it must be very hard for a Jew because they can't really support anybody. All Throughout history the Jew has been abused and violated by all sorts of races and cultures to an extent were today, their political ideologies and opinions are simply based on the rational of "Who abused my ancestors more; X or Y ".

Their neutrality would probably be laced even in dealing with such remote conflicts as the Aborigines' burial sites vs. Kangaroo breeding grounds. LOL.

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Posts: 151 US government helping launder money.

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that's how slavs solve their problems, ANIMALS!!!

Monday March 6 5:11 AM ET
Raiders Smash Serb Opposition TV Antenna, Two Hurt
By Beti Bilandzic

BELGRADE (Reuters) - People in police uniforms destroyed a transmitter belonging to Serbia's biggest opposition television channel early on Monday after beating and tying up two people working there, its editor-in-chief said.

Dragan Kojadinovic said five people in blue police fatigues jumped out of a vehicle at 3 a.m. on Monday at a suburban Studio B transmitting station.

They beat a guard and a duty technician, tied them up and covered them with blankets, then systematically destroyed the equipment. One of the victims sustained serious head injuries.

``They covered the two men with blankets so they could not identify the expert who knew exactly what equipment to break,'' Kojadinovic told Reuters by telephone.

He said the attackers took a stereo coder that broadcasts the independent radio station B2-92 and Studio B's 51st channel that covers up to one million viewers, mostly in Belgrade. But it was the violence rather than the damage that was most worrying, Kojadinovic added.

``This act itself is much worse than the damage. It is clear that blood was shed at a Studio B transmitter tonight and that is the worst thing,'' he said.

``This is a crackdown the police through the state are conducting against Studio B. This is obvious and has now taken on the form of a real war against Studio B,'' he said.

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i heard you are putting your might lips to work very nicely, ohhh pussie. Also I heard that your price went up to 2 shickles a night!!!!! keep the GOOD kinky work babe.

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More evidence of Russian barbarity...

Russians Killed 363 In Chechen Village, Claims Observer

LONDON, Mar 6, 2000 -- (Reuters) A British newspaper said on Sunday Russian forces in Chechnya killed 363 people last month in an attack on the Chechen village of Katyr-Yurt.

In what it described as "one of the most savage atrocities since the Second World War" the Observer newspaper said the Russians bombed the village and attacked a convoy of refugees fleeing in cars flying white flags.

The Observer said the attack took place on February 4, a few days after the Chechen capital Grozny, 25 miles (40 km) to the northeast, fell to Russian forces. The village population of 8,000 had been swollen by 16,000 refugees.

Other correspondents and Chechen rebel sources have spoken off mass destruction and loss of life in Katyr-Yurt as Russian forces pursued Chechen fighters moving out of Grozny.

Officials were not available to comment on the Observer report, but Russia's chief spokesman on the Chechnya conflict, Sergei Yastrzhembsky, has already denied reports that large common graves were found in Katyr-Yurt.

Observer correspondent John Sweeney quoted residents in the village as saying that Russian forces began bombing at 10 a.m.

"They used everything. In the center of the village, not one house is left standing," 27-year-old Rumissa Medhidova told the newspaper.

At 4.30 p.m, Medhidova said, villagers were given two hours to leave. "They sent buses in with white flags," she said, which the villagers piled into and headed west.

"When we were on the open road, they fired ground-to-air rockets at us," Medhidova said. "Every car had flags... They hit us without stopping."

Western leaders accuse Russia of using disproportionate force in civilian-populated areas in Chechnya and human rights organizations have voiced concern over alleged atrocities by Russian troops. Russia denies its troops committed atrocities.

The Observer quoted another witness in Katyr-Yurt as saying Russian troops promised a "safe corridor" out of the village to the nearby town of Achkhoi-Martan.

"Then they used rockets against us. Some say 350 refugees were killed, 170 from the village itself," the unnamed witness said.

Zara Atkmirova, 59, who took refuge in a cellar, said she later saw cars on the road "mangled up, like mincemeat... The convoy stretched three kilometers. Every car was hit."

At a mosque on the outskirts of the village another man said he had tried to wash the bodies before they were taken away by Russian troops. He said he counted 363 bodies, some of which he said were dragged away by chains from car bumpers.

(C)2000 Copyright Reuters Limited.

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From Reuters:

A top Russian commander, Col. Gen. Gennady Troshev, said today that up to 1,000 rebels had been killed in the past two days. However, Troshev's statement could not be independently confirmed and appeared highly exaggerated, since Russian officials say only 3,000-5,000 rebels are fighting in Chechnya.

What can we expect from Troshev...

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Prey tell... Let me pause for a moment to bring myself down to your would never tell lies about you or anyone else for that matter. I JUST TELL IT LIKE IT IS. Do you want me to tell everyone about your cab?

Well's not black like in London or beige like in Germany or not even Yellow checkered like in NY City.'s has a lite pink checkered body and pastel violet interior.

He drives around, not looking for fares to pick up. Nope he's looking for fairies to pick up and bring them to his newly opened Gay Bar in Chechnya.

Stay tuned for more hot scoop "I mean poop on Bacon and All American."

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Russians are the lowest form of human there is. They were responsible for the deaths of over 7 million Ukrainians. Russians are nothing but filthy deranged beings. Ukraine (especially in the east) is currently contaminated by a 24% Russian population, forced upon us. Now its time we kick these sub human people out. We must cleanse entire areas from Kyiv to Kharkiv. Thank goodness our president is already kicking russian filth out of the government.

Igor suffers from verbal diarea of the worst kind.

Conrad, darling!
I live close to the center of london. I'm 5'9, 26, blonde, slim, 100% Ukrainian - love to hook up one day!

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It's getting on 4 so I'll be heading to the tube for my ride home. Gee...hope I don't again see the likes of Bacon, All American, Abdullah, Turk etc., picking through the Fish & Chips dumpster looking for something to eat. Or like last Thursday when they were picking, scratching and sniffing each others arsh while bent over praying.

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Oh my!!!! Just realized, I brought myself down to All America's level for a moment and couldn't believe that I forgot I was a lady I am and did that last post. Kindly, excuse me for the verbage...but that posting is really true.

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more impersonations from you, huh?


duh, golly, how many people do you think you're fooling?

you ain't nothin' but a FAKE.
in general, you ain't nothin', period.

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Hairy Mary ... You must be a Dyke because no lady would ever talk like that??? I think you've had your tongue up your Dykes' shooter for too long. LOL. Go ahead and wipe away the brown stuff before you take the tube. 😉

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