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Archive through March 6, 2000

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I believe Ultra Russian Nationalist is working for them(QCOM) in their Moscow office..those Options must be paying off by now..

BTW, John doesn't sound like a sensere person, but much less hypocritical than say All American or Turka..

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Madame Arx

more profound integration with NATO, but only if Russia is regarded as an equal

...why not, one day...Imagination has no limit, nor does History.
Now the ball (not the rotten egg) is in the Polish side. I agree with you.

Do you have problem with W98? Upgrade your PC!

Ultra Russian Nationalist

How are you? I can see, you post pro-communist stuff when I'm not there!!!!
I'm reading old messages, you know. Are you?

"Ziuganov said Putin's program ``is murderous for Russia'' because it would
continue to impoverish the country with reforms instead of
supporting it with state subsidies."

What subsidies?????
The cashier is EMPTY.

"``There cannot be an absolutely free
market economy for one simple reason: We have a large, cold country
and any product (produced here) would be more expensive than its competitors.''

It's not because the country is large or cold but because the old communists doesn't want to accept that the client is the king and not the seller.

Why Russia couldn't be competitive? It's stupid. It's a confession of weakness from Ziuganov.

He is against free market in the sens that he is protectionist. Well, the US is protectionist too.
But it's not the problem. Russia doesn't suffer from too much import. But from its failing to produce. Anyway people can't afford western goods, so it has no real impact on theyr daily life. Who in Russia buy imported food outside big centers? Practicaly nobody. But the imported food looms large in the official numbers because the rest is in black or home made.
If Russia wants to produce things that people can afford, it should first know that it's not because it's a private company that everybody is allowed to rake up. Drop that "they are making business" so let's suck them dry!

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kissie the whore_:

By Kisako ( - on Monday, March 6, 2000 - 03:43 pm:
Hi! Ladies and gentleman

You mean there is only one gentleman on this board with many ladies!!! what a flicking •••••- you are making fun of other people's spelling mistakes.

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John , you will get no argument from me the Russians are not fully reporting how many of there guys got killed. The Chechens I think do the same.

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a clue from Gonzo(an American)to John (most likely an American):
"""The Chechens I think do the same."""

it always has been that way, always will be..

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IP #(-, who claimes to be "L'memexe's fag",(read: fag of....) IS in fact a little.........."b", formerly known as "bosna"

Hi you li'l one...ehh..say "gav, gav" for me, please..

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Dimitri, just to clear things up when I posted I think Chechens do the same. I mean that is my opinion. I openly wonder if some of so called pro-chechen web sites have any real connection to the fighters in the sence the Cheechen fighters are sending "reports" to them. I think a lot of them are just taking general news that is coming out of the region and putting a spin on them. I say this because I doubt the Chechen fighters are running arround with lap-tops connected to the internet.

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I appriciate advice about Win98 but, my friend that's what I ACTUALLY did - upgraded it from Win95..after that I could not connect my sound card for many-many days..among other problems.

As per Russian-Polish issue - call me a pessimist(if ya wish so), but do you honestly think that Pols will show ANY signs of appriciation for what OMON did for them??? Ha..not in a near future and probably NEVER.

per Russia JOINING NATO - allies, maybe, but not as a member in a near future for sure..take Kim's word for it.

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i dunno, d-chan, i was thinking it was FAKE
american, unless that's another incarnation of
FAKE etc. there's been a few for me and a couple
for kisako.
i dont recall volleying w/bosna....these are so
stoopit, so obvious,,,{yawn}

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I appologize for "forging your signature"(in a matter of speaking) but ALLLLLLLL I was saying that BOTH sides do propaganda about casualities, and John here, seemed to be saying that Russians ONLY were decreasing their casualties...pretty naive statement..or one-sided one..

I am NOT trying to use you as an ally - I just thought that your opinion on this matches REALITY..that's ALL..

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my(hopefully valid) assumption is made based on freak's IP# - if you go back, say a month from now, and look for li'l "b" IP# and match it with "yourFag's" IP - you'll see what amtokin' about..
Another clue would be his "language" - just look at his writhing style as well as his "mentality"(or absense of)..

hope that helps...

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Balalaika posted
"In August 1839,
Shamil and 4,000 Chechens were trapped in the fortress of Akhulgo. When they realised
they were defeated, the fighters threw themselves on the Russian bayonets while mothers
killed their children with their own hands. "

Ho Great... GREAT...

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Dimitri, On the question of russia joining NATO. The would be a very expensive for American taxpayers. I remember reading how much it cost the US for other countries joining NATO (its in the Billions of billions dollar range). To have the Russian army brought up to NATO standards, tatics, etc would be astanomical. Instead of going down that road let Russia join the EU. As a first step in bring Russia closer to the west.

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Heres an open question. Forget history (if you can). Does anyone think , if the Chechen fighters were not shooting AKs for independence, would chehnya be a land opressed by Russia. I am not talking about the old USSR but Russia today. I don't honestly think so. Now of course the chechens would have to forgo the whole idea of being there own country but think about it with the regions natural wealth, and well the lack of fighting it would be a much better place as a whole for the people of the area to live in. Now I know thats a silly statement of course an area is better to live in when there is not a war going on but by seeking a millitary soultion instead of a slow political one the Chechens have brought destruction upon there land by an army and a president looking to "restore" Russian glory and ineffect help there own political careers. Of course hindsite is 20/20 but I think to many bought into the macho we can beat Russia instead of the more common sence approach of talk and looking foward in the "long-term" and not the sort-term , hey lets go kill something.

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Gonz..true. But like I said - Russia defenitely will not show any signs of desire on joining NATO for G-d knows how long..maybe never. So the taxpayers are most defenitely are very safe.

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