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Archive through March 6, 2000

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ALKHAZUROVO, Russia (AP) - Firing from inside a fortified mosque, besieged Chechen rebels held on to a southern village Monday, proving that despite Russian claims of victory, the war in Chechnya is far from over.

About 30 rebels took positions inside Komsomolskoye's mosque on Sunday and were holding it despite intense shelling that had flattened much of the village, said residents who fled to nearby communities. Komsomolskoye's capture on Sunday demonstrated the rebels' skill at penetrating Russian lines and at fighting numerically superior forces.

A Russian officer manning a checkpoint near Komsomolskoye said up to 50 Russian troops had been killed since Sunday. Overall Russian casualties from the weekend fighting were not mentioned in Monday's official reports. The Russian military has lost scores of soldiers in fighting during the past week.

Thousands of rebels fled the Chechen capital of Grozny in early February and joined their comrades in the republic's mountains. Russian forces last week took the rebels' last major mountain stronghold, Shatoi, but many of the fighters filtered into the rocky terrain.

On Thursday, the rebels shocked Russian forces with an ambush in Grozny that killed 20 Interior Ministry troops. Thousands of people gathered Monday at the monastery in Sergiyev Posad, one of Russia's most famous religious sites, to mourn the troops.

The rebels have carried out several night attacks, including a pair of weekend assaults on Russian checkpoints in Grozny, said Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the spokesman on Chechnya for acting President Vladimir Putin.

A top Russian commander, Col. Gen. Gennady Troshev, said Monday that up to 1,000 rebels had been killed in the last two days. Troshev's statement, however, could not be independently confirmed and appeared exaggerated since Russian officials say only 3,000-5,000 rebels are still fighting in Chechnya.

Russian Lt. Gen. Vladimir Bulgakov conceded Monday that the rebels still control two small pockets in the mountains, but he said they would be destroyed ``in a matter of days.''

Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the spokesman on Chechnya for acting President Vladimir Putin, said other fighting on Monday was focused near the mountain villages of Ulus-Kert and Selmentauzen. He said intercepted radio communications indicated the rebels were also planning new incursions into Chechnya's flatlands to attack Russian-held communities.

The Interfax news agency cited military officials as saying some rebel groups were moving through canyons and rivers, apparently heading toward former rebel strongholds in the eastern Vedeno area.

Because of the fighting, a delegation from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe postponed a fact-finding trip to Chechnya until Saturday, a spokesman with the body's Moscow office said.

Russia sent troops into Chechnya in late September, following weeks of air raids, to fight Islamic rebels who invaded the neighboring republic of Dagestan in August. The rebels are also blamed for a series of apartment bombings that killed 300 people in Russia in September. Chechnya had been effectively independent since rebels fought Russian troops to a stalemate in 1994-96.

By the way, the ambush resulted in killing about 135 soliders not 20 as the russian media says.
Yesterday, there was another ambush that killed about 30 russian soliders.

Any way, I hope that the russian and jewish idiots can see that the war will not end fastly as they think. Do not Russians feel shame that after more than 6 months, they could not conquere the Mujahedeen ?

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"Upgrade your PC" I was kidding. In fact I don't have problem (ok just one small) with W98.
Basicaly I'm satisfied. I must say that I added more RAM to 96Mb. It gives more bandwith to run heavy softwares and do several types of action at a time.
I didn't upgrade for that purpose but I notice it helped.

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OK enougth of this "jewish idiots" crap. What does anyone being jewish have to do with this conflict. I will tell you...NOTHING. If you insist of posting such silly racist stuff like that just admit why you are doing it. Because you think it will help gain support from other islamic people with an ax to grind over Isreal. I have nothing against Islam but I do have problems with religious-bateing in which one tries to tie two sepperate things in order to gain support and further devide people. See the problem is division. Call it a holy war all you want, but that doesn't seperate it from the fact it is war just like any other and dieing in the name of Allah results in dieing in the name of anything else. Death and the kids no longer have a dad. There is not much glory in death.

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"let Russia join the EU"
Do you think it's easier to joing EU than Nato???
Look Poland is already Nato but is not in EU yet.
It's much more difficult to meet EU standard than Nato's.
As for Russia joining EU, I can say that's realy science fiction. They may want it more than Nato but nobody dare think about it.
In the actual situation, russians don't want Nato to join them because they are not respected as they should be. Because they are not "considered as egal partner". It means a lot and a lot of move and political change for russia to be so.

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Fred, agreed. I think before Russia could (if it ever happened) join a millitary alliance such as NATO they need to get there house in order to the goals that would allow for possible membership in the EU. Anyway its all sort of pointless now since anything of this nature is years down the road. Well time to go. Later.

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""""As for Russia joining EU, I can say that's realy science fiction."""

..and the same goes for NATO..Fred, just understand one thing - EU and NATO are simply affraid to let them onboard..per NATO(as I already said) Russia have NO desire to join anyway. So guys, let's not speak under Russia's or EU's names..I think it's pointless to even argue about something that is not being discussed by Russia and EU yet..

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ALL listen, Russia is vowing!!!!

Monday March 6 2:56 PM ET

Russia Vows New Tactics After Chechnya Losses

Reuters Photo

By Peter Graff

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's military said Monday it was changing its tactics after a series of bloody setbacks in its campaign to wipe out remaining resistance in Chechnya, but offered few new details on how it would respond.

A solemn televised funeral Monday for some of 20 crack Russian police killed last week in an ambush in the capital Grozny underlined a mounting sense of frustration and grief.

Here is the new russian tactics:
1) russia vows to offer its army more vodka
2) to kill ever rf soldiers who fvcks his comarad
3) to mutilate every russian who is not wearing his watch in his right hand (like Putin).
4) to molest every child if his/her mother is not selling her bod for mother russia
5) to call back all of the russian prostitutes working in Dubai and bring them back to motherfucker russia, so the rf army can have a good time
6) to give every OMON special forces, a vibrartor to amuse him self.

guys the list goes on and on, but i agree eith putin in every step he is making, after all we all came from motherfucker russia

hail russia

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"let Russia join the EU"

russia should be happy if they let her join the PU (pigshit Union). FYI, only humans join the EU, no pigs allowed!!!

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To: little "B"(osna)/aka the FAG,

thanks for revealing yourself to me and EVERYBODY..whatta fool you are, I made a trap and you fell right into it..hehe..moron.
by the by, thanks for telling everybody that you are a fag(good for you)..but B(osna) - you are not my fag, or L'menexe's fag, boy, are YOUR OWN FAG..or are going by a new name? you wanna be like me? you wanna call yourself Dimi? Sure thang! You kiss that mighty Dimi's ass, boy!

BTW thanks for barking at my are such a sweet gay-boy..let me hear some more barking now - "b", say "wan, wan" now..

I'll be waiting..

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Happy to be alive, or banquet in the Vodka army:

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