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Archive through March 7, 2000

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Crafty, I work in the derivatives market in London. I do like day traders - thanks to the volatility created by them, premiums on options are soaring.

Well its time you got back to the grind..

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konichiwa, kisako!
nice to see you... arigato.
the best of days for you!
so bacon says he lives in the UK but calls himself "canadian".

and the FAKE lives in the UAE but calls himself "american".

you guys need a road atlas or something?

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the gutless and the clueless ganging up on a single female. how typical.

not that she cant handle the likes of you.

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Kissako wrote;

" Now the humanity can thank zoologists, that determined You're kind of fit for day traiding."

Exemplary grammar!

Kindly decipher this message! LOL. Murdering the English language should be against the law.

Traiding - oh you mean Trading. LMAO.

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That message upsets you doesn't it?
* Ha. Too much honour to the inbred Gulf muffdiver. He-heh.
Don't worry I am one of the few who have never abused your ancestors.
* Very good, so there are a few "decent" perverts around - don't take it to heart, darling - that's what You are. [insert a lollypop in Your mouth between jobs].
C'mon the Jew Girls only like it up the Ass - everyone knows that. LOL.
* Your wet dream? Heh.
P.S. Which pair?

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oh, you mean "kisako". LMAO



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Kissako - A Jew talking of Honour. Makes me LMAO.

Lmenexe - you are just Dumb! LOL.

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Hey, could we reroute some of these messages back to bacon's employers????????

Are you telling us you work on the stock market,
You don't have the brains to be a trader, and you certainly wouldn't have time for this kind of filth.

PS: Linux stocks went down, huh. Phew we can take the tie off the penguin, don't want every twit with a pentium jumping on board.
No offence, but "Microsoft" is for the semi-literate!


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ALL AMERICAN My Dear Lost Son:

I am writing this real slow because I know you can't read fast.

Wanted to let you know that we don't live where we did when you left for Chechnya. Your father read in the paper that most accidents happen within twenty miles of home, so we moved.

I won't be able to send you our new address because the family that lived here before took the number with them for their next house so that they wouldn't have to change their address.

This new place is real nice, it even has a washing machine. The first day I put four of your fathers shirts in it, pulled the chain and we haven't seen them since.

The weather here is real nice for the garden, it rained twice this week, three days the first time and four days the second time.

That coat that you wanted me to send you in Chechnya, well, your Aunt said it would be to heavy to send in the mail with them heavy buttons, so I cut them off and put them in the front pocket for you.

About your father...thanks to the Camel Nuts Gazzette he has a lovely new job. He has over 500 people under him. He is cutting grass at the cemetery.

About your sister...she had a baby this morning. I haven't found out if it's a boy or a girl, so I don't know if your an aunt or an uncle.

We got a bill from the funeral home saying if we don't make the final payment on Grandmother's funeral bill, UP SHE COMES.

I am sorry to tell you that your only three friends in the world went off the bridge in a pickup truck. One was driving and the other two were in the back. The driver got out and rolled down the window and swam to safety. The other two drowned - they couldn't get the tailgate down.

Your Uncle Abdul fell into the whiskey vat at the brewery. Some men tried to pull him out but he fought them off..ended up that he drowned so we cremated him. He burned for three days.

Not much more news this time. Write us from Chechnya and tells us about your new business.

Luv ya,

P.S. I was going to send you some money but I had already sealed the envelope.

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Hum, L'menexe,re email, a point maybe?
Do you remember Unicef's sis?

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Hi! Kim. Here we are.

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Hiya! Great, the old tincan made it........
Pass the Merlot, someone?

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I love the way all Americans either attribute all the blame or shame on their country, as though they are in charge ! It echos of the post WWII German mind set.
You didn't send the Austrailians into East Timor. They went anyway, and before the US had decided to act. They were enforcing human rights, and ensuring that internal hostilities did not spill over into the international community. It is DAMAGE CONTROL, unlike the US attitude of "coca-colarization".
The US uses internal conflicts in other countries to effect its foreign "empirical" policy. The Monroe Doctrine prevents the US from becoming an Empire, but it does so anyway.
The problem in the world is that we all agree to do things, we sign documents and treaties, and then the US ignores all of its obligations to these documents in favour of domestic economic prosperity. You blank the outcry from your domestic media, call anyone like myself who shouts out against this tyranny a crackpot, or loon. A dangerous element in society with a subversive agenda.
I doubt I could ever change your mind if you disagree with me. But that will be the downfall of the US. As the central government forces your people closer and closer together with crackpot social agendas, you will deliniate and fragment. You will again become states, and Russia and Europe will look on at your civil war with a wry smile, and give you even less help than you gave them as they take your place as the super powers, and divide up your lands for their economic goals.

Justice is rough
Do something before its too late. Money isn't everything

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>>> P.S. I was going to send you some money but I had already sealed the envelope

I heard this joke in the USSR 6 or 7 years ago. How it could become so international, and so fast?!!

P.S. Mary, please do not reveal your roots so simply.

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Tuesday, March 7 11:06 PM SGT

Russia admits "heavy" losses in Chechnya after report of 86 killed
MOSCOW, March 7 (AFP) -
Russia admitted Tuesday to suffering "heavy" losses in fierce recent fighting in southern Chechnya, where its forces are trying to wipe out the last knots of dogged rebel resistance.

The Kremlin, which has been keen to prevent military reversals from hurting acting President Vladimir Putin's strong chances in imminent elections, was forced on to the back foot by a news report that said 86 paratroopers were killed in a battle last week, far more than previously acknowledged.

"There were heavy losses," the Kremlin's spokesman on the conflict Sergei Yastrzhembsky acknowledged, adding that more specific numbers would be released shortly.

Russian generals earlier put the toll of the February 29 clash in Chechnya's snowy southern mountains at 31, but Yastrzhembsky admitted this figure was now an understatement.

"The number of losses have increased because fierce fighting is continuing in this region," he admitted.

Yastrzhembsky would not confirm a news agency report that gave a blow-by-blow account of how 73 Russian paratroopers and 13 officers were killed in the February 29 battle near Ulus-Kert some 40 kilometres (25 miles) southeast of Grozny.

In four hours of fighting, virtually the entire Russian unit was wiped out by a much larger Chechen formation, leaving just six paratroopers to escape and tell the tale, the AVN agency said, citing Russian military sources.

man, fvck, these rebels wiped out almost the whole unit!!! our russian men are being killed in chechnya, and our women are being fvcked all over the world!!! what is going on to our mother russia!!!!!

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