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Archive through March 7, 2000

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Bacon, OK once again we see a post that is simple put down retoric with no logic. You called Lobo "peasant"...."mentally deficient". So tell what in his post makes you say something as stupid as that? What...or you just stiiring the pot with no intrest in discussion of points, facts, and logic?

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To Crap?.... ( -

Thank you for putting events into perspective. One thing I do know is never trust a Jew

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Sorry Gonzo, I did not wish to denigrate Lobo so harshly, But these third world types like Lobo are usually the ones full of hate and irrationality

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Bacon.."third world types?" He lives in the USA.

Lobo posted "Economic prosperty is something most Americans enjoy." True

"more and more immigrants wanting to live here" True

USA has more nationalities than any other in the world." True

"most Americans couldn't care less what happens to muslim fundamentalists who always decry jihad , whenever given a resaon" True

So bascally his post is not irrational at all. Or did I miss something?

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Bacon, as far as putting events into perspective. Crap said that there is a world war against muslims or something to that extent and his proff as he posted. Some injured russian troops were treated in a hospital in Isreal...a little bit of a strech don't ya think.

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You poor boy your mother's letter. It is quite apparent that intellect is not within your bloodlines. This may help to explain your irrational behavior.

However, all may not be lost, there maybe help available if you can pass the following simple test.

Hmmmmm..lets see.. You have 45 minutes to answer these two questions.

# 1. Without using your many bananas are in a bunch?

# 2. Which word is mispelled-parallel,embarrass, assassin?


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Gonzo, Yes you're right! I can't deny that, but
then again think? what does this have to do with Israel? any other countries doing this?

Throughout history, Russians have hated Jews! look at all the pogroms against them by russians.

Whats all this new chumminess about? are the Jews guilty about the wholesale buying and selling of Russian women in Tel Aviv?!! I don't know,but when Jews are involved theres more to it than meets the eye.

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Bacon, First off in the orginal post he nver said where it was reported, if at all, Russian troops were being treated in a hospital Isreal? Any other countries doing this? Hell if a family of one the injured troops wanted to pay for teatment in the USA would the USA be part of this wacko conspiracy theory?

"when the jews are involved there is more than meets the eye.? In other words you don't have any points based in fact and logic to back up this claim so you post baseless retoric (and biggoted) that doesn't support your argument.

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Bacon and crap, so to get right to the point you are trying to make. Little Isreal and Russia which is having big trouble in little Chechnya are going to take on and wipe out all the muslims.
Thats there plan according to you. Wow

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"the ones full of hate and irrationality"
hey bacon
look in the mirror

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Antionio, since it seems like I am the only one here something you posted just didn't wash with me.

"The Serbs did nothing to Albanians"

Nothing, not one thing? So everything was hunky dorry.

"Albanians didn't start dieing en masse untill US/NATO started bombing them."

Are you saying NATO is responsable for all the deaths of Albanians due to being killed by bombs from NATO aircraft and the burned out houses about half of them in Kosovo were destroyed by NATO planes. OR are you saying it was justafied for Serbs to go out and kill Albanians en masse (your words) once NATO statred bombing even though they never did anything to them before (your words). The logic of which does hold much water.

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oops, I really need to pre-read my posts better. The logic of which does NOT hold much water.

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OK I can't help myself. Time to take apart Craps post even more.

"Russia and Zionist are both engaged in the systematic campaign to exterminate muslims and the muslim presence in the holy land and the cacussas."

Uh , they are pulling out of Lebanon and more areas inside "the holy land" are under palistinan control. They are sort of doing what you say backword.


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Well the Gonzo hour is up, later all.

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Huh, the usual paranoia.

"Russia and Zionist are both engaged in the systematic campaign to exterminate muslims and the muslim presence in the holy land and the cacussas."

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