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Archive through March 8, 2000

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To Kim,

I do not have any problems with you. I pick on Kissie and L'menexe as I know the kind of hatred these two have, especially Kissie.

Crafty Kissie is a master at distorting the truth and presenting a specious one sided perpective

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Think of the devil ...

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You know that do you? How?
Why don't you present another perspective, instead
posting aload of sexist-antisemitic crap
I have a problem with that!

Or are you not capable of rational arguments?

L'menexe and Kissie have been here a while, I am perfectly able to judge for myself what their angle is.(you're severly mistaken, if you think I agree with you) You occationally show some lucidity (laced with views most people find abhorrent).
Call me PC, but you aren't doing yourself any favours.

I'm tired of reading that filth, I'd rather discuss chechnia, and hey it would be great if some new folks joined in- At the moment this place is like a bar room brawl........

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hello-u everyone!
yeap, chechnya isn't the subject anymore here..suckssss..

YES, Orlando is in Florida..and little B(aka dimi's FAG/aka L-chan's FAG, etc.) is in Orlando..
I say, lets contact his mother and show her her little boy's lovely posts, huh?

little B(osna), I am going to spank you myself..hehe..

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Hi, Dimitri..

Thanks for the vodka.....

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yo bacon,

you lie about and harass kisako like the GUTLESS CREEP you are, and what you say about me isnt worthy of response; it's all wrong. like you're making either one of us feel 'picked on?'

man oh man, books are FULL of what you dont know.

ship's a' goin' down, bacon.
arigato, kim-san...
and yes, k-san, dimitri swiped my question, heh, but orlando F-L-A, indeed.

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dude, you are not going to believe how bad of a hangover I've had the next day..brrrr..but I must admit, the party was awesome! thanx for inviting me, darlin'.

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I told ya so, L-chan 😉
Orlando it was/is, without a doubt..

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Hi! Dimitry. Reading those posts makes one think that those ones first eagerly "succeed" in turning their respective lands into garbage and then ran out of their wits to get out, for this instance, to the States. It's a simplistic approach, I know.
But think of a quite a lot of people that wouldn't and don't want to integrate into the recipient society.

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So, bacon, what's it going to be?

Clean up or get fried???????????


My fingers are poised..........

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I'm waiting................

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Ah-h-h! Hangover? Heh.
I just accomodated myself as comfortable as I could on top armour plate, sipped coffee and watched a local dog Khattab running around sniffing khattabs out;o)

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it's your call, mum, but bacon's been like this
from the very start...weeks and weeks...

methinks he needs to go for a wee swim..

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hey Kissie 🙂
Per your opinion on little B(osna) - it isn't simplistic at all - I agree with it completely.

say, I gotta few "khattabs" for your Khattab to sniff out.. if ya need any extras, just buzz my bell..

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nanananana, I meant to say - MAD COW SPEAKING:

The United States has been clear in criticizing Russia for its military campaign in Chechnya and has not endorsed Acting President Vladimir Putin, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in a letter published Wednesday in The Washington Post.

In response to allegations that the US government is reluctant to speak out on Chechnya to avoid damaging prospects for arms control, Albright said that Washington is "definitely working hard on arms control ...
"I told Acting President Putin face to face last month that only by getting to the bottom of these charges can Russia credibly claim to take its international commitments seriously," she stressed.

"He heard the same strong message when President (Bill) Clinton wrote to him about Chechnya last week," Albright added.

"No matter what agreements we seek on other issues," Albright said, the United States must make Russia see that its war in Chechnya "must be resolve by political, not military means."

Failure on the part of Russia to recognize this, she added, "can only lead to increased international isolation.

"To deliver that message, we will continue to tell it like it is."


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