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Archive through March 9, 2000

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wrong. Savages are the ones who created this method. But I am sure your hypocritical ass already knew it.

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ponder + faiz khan = Dr. Goebbels.

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On my way to the airport this morning got the unexpected displeasure of seeing BACON waitings at the bus stop while I went by. He must of thought he was all spiffed up.

My god what a sorry specimen...he stood 6'2"..with a blackhead ridden and dentally challenged face and a set of lips like Yassar Arafat. He was wearing a suit that looked like it's been worn nonstop for several months. The top of the pants was pulled up to his armpits and his pot belly was clearly protruding from under his krinkled tie...The cuffs of his pants were above his ankles showing off his white socks and broken down shoes, almost as if he was expecting a flood. The knees of the trousers were quite worn...(HMMM..maybe All American knows why.)The white shirt he wore was more or less a beige grey color. Flies were circling about his partially bald head.

The displeasure people at the bus stop had with BACON was oh so apparent. They were subjected to BACON picking his nose with the tip of his umbrella and scratching his nuts with the handle.
Someone commented that BACON must of thought he was drilling for oil the way he was digging his arsh and sniffing his fingers. "OH...BUT WHAT A GROSS BASTARD BACON IS."

People if ever there was a Dork of Fargen Dorks BACON is it. He looked like a complete ree-ree, (that's short for retard.)

At any rate, BACON did not notice me pulling along the curbside to further observe his mannerism. While stopped I noticed BACON spitting on the ground while saying "where is All American with his pink taxi." He appeared to be sexually satisfied from his bout with the umbrella handle but still seemed quite anxious for the apperance of All American. While farting, BACON continued calling out "All American TAXI,TAXI,TAXI... I need you..I want you..please don't be cheating on me...I'm waiting for you."

Out of nowhere the towel headed, taxi driving, camel butt munching, Lebanese mongoose All American appeared in his pink cab with violet interior. They embrassed each other warmly after All American showed BACON an enema bag. They got into the taxi, BACON snuggled up to All American and they drove off into the morning sun both smiling.

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By Ponder... ( - on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 07:16 pm I will comment.I wish I could see this for myself,and I would use four trucks instead of 2

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So you would only punish the FIRST person who
invented a crime? But that is not Justice, which will come to all, soon enough.

It's a shame that Igor and you (and Russians in general) weren't brought up on Charles Kingsley's "Water Babies", in particular the two characters called "Be-Done-By-As-You-Did", and "Do-As-You-Would-Be-Done-By"!

Igor, if the rest of the russian civilians are like you, then it is time for mother russia to be put to rest.

God Willing, you will see both these characters rolled into one (or a more humane version) when the Mujahideen finally win and put her to rest.

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Wait you must be one of those sicko Muslim'sHey payback is a bitch and this is what the war is .

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By Gonzo ( - on Tuesday, March 7, 2000 - 06:10 pm:

>Antionio, since it seems like I am the only one
>here something you posted just didn't wash with

>"The Serbs did nothing to Albanians"

>Nothing, not one thing? So everything was
>hunky dorry.

The Serbs treated the Albanians with tremendous mercy and compassion and kindness. The ingrate Albanian Mohammedans are the cause and instigators of all the violence in Kosovo, and the KLA was even recognized by Holbrooke and Albright two years ago as a terrorist organization.

>"Albanians didn't start dieing en masse untill
>US/NATO started bombing them."

>Are you saying NATO is responsable for all the
>deaths of Albanians due to being killed by
>bombs from NATO aircraft and the burned out
>houses about half of them in Kosovo were
>destroyed by NATO planes.

Yes. And the other half of the houses were burned by the Albanians.

> OR are you saying it was justafied for Serbs to
>go out and kill Albanians en masse (your words)

Those were not my words. But I shall adopt them nonetheless. The Serbs have every right to annihilate the Albanians, but as the Serbs are demonstrating more compassion and mercy toward the Albanians than I would, I expect that the Serbs will settle for mere deportation of the Albanian squatters from Serbian sovereign territory.

>once NATO statred bombing even though they
>never did anything to them before (your words).

Once NATO started bombing, the Serbs and the Russians had every right to bomb America and Britian. Again the Serbs demonstrate too much compassion, handing over American POWs to Jesse Jackson. Were I in Sobodan Milosevic's shoes, I would have ordered the American POWs be put on trial for war crimes and then executed before a firing squad with CNN and ITN cameras looking on.

>The logic of which does hold much water.

I agree on that point.

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Hairy Mary; I see you took some time off from pounding the neighborhood sidewalk. lol. Well definitely time not well spent. If you're going to take time of work try to at least make it worthy. This was by the far the lousiest attempt at cutting-down people as I have ever seen. Terrible, waiting for something with a little more punch,

Jack and Mary went up the hill with a buck and a quarter each, Mary came down with a buck-and-a-half -- OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH the W H O R E! LMAO.

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Torture centre: Chechens detained in Chernokozovo
'Phone' torture for Chechen

Mark Franchetti, Moscow
RUSSIAN soldiers refer to it as "the call home". Behind the
high brick walls and barbed wire of the Chernokozovo prison
camp in Chechnya, prisoners from the breakaway republic are
offered an apparent perk by the guards: a chance to telephone
their family.

Survivors of the infamous camp claim those naive enough to
accept are pushed into a nearby cell and secured to a chair.
Two bare wires are placed in their mouths and, to the
amusement of their captors, they are given electric shocks.

According to Human Rights Watch, the humanitarian
organisation which has documented Russian atrocities in
Chechnya, other prisoners face even worse humiliation.

Dozens of witnesses have described how the Russians have
raped both men and women in the camps. The men, mostly
Muslims, are then taunted by their guards, who give them
women's names.

The prison, 30 miles north of Grozny, is the largest of several
so-called "filtration camps" where the Russians intern and
torture Chechens in what they claim is an attempt to flush out
guerrillas from among civilians.

Up to 300 people are believed to have been held in
Chernokozovo at any one time. Most have been arrested in the
past two months in a crackdown that reached its peak when
thousands of Chechen fighters abandoned the flattened capital
of Grozny last month.

"We know of horrendous abuses being committed in the
camps," said Peter Bouckaert, a Human Rights Watch
investigator. "Chechen civilians are completely at the mercy of
the Russians. I have been told of rapes, torture and executions.

"One man I interviewed was beaten so badly that he passed
out four times during his interrogation. Each time, they brought
him back to consciousness and started again."

The group's findings were echoed by Andrei Babitsky, a
Russian journalist working for Radio Liberty, who was
detained for two weeks in Chernokozovo after being arrested
by soldiers angry about his critical attitude to the war.

"I was kept in chamber 17 together with 13 young Chechens,"
said Babitsky, who was held by the Russians for more than a
month and claims to have been beaten in an attempt to silence

"They had all been severely beaten. One of them had only one
tooth left. Another looked as if his entire body had been broken
and would never function properly again. I tried giving him a
massage but the sight of his blackened back was just too much
for me.

"In a number of cases, the torture was pure sadism. On
January 19-20 in cell 18 they were torturing a woman. I could
only hear through the walls of our chamber and I was not able
to see, but the type of cries left me in no doubt as to what was
going on. It lasted for two hours.

"On January 21, they were torturing a man, threatening to cut
off something."

No early end to the horrors of Chernokozovo and the other
camps is in sight. Last week 37 Russian soldiers were reported
to have been killed in an ambush mounted by Chechen rebels
in Grozny and up to 75 died in another attack in a southern
gorge. The incidents are expected to lead to new reprisals and
mass arrests.

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Igor wrote:
Hey payback is a bitch and this is what the
war is .

Oh yes, and the pay back for the "pay back" will come soon enough...just wait till those brave little chechen orphans grow up...or it may come sooner, God Willing.

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well, looks like there's been a {little} cleaning up around here... sorry i missed it, kisako. nice goin', luv.
but i see mr FAKE is so fond of that ancient dice clay riff he's posted it for the 2nd time.

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How are you dummy?

Maybe it should read jack and Lmenexe went up the hill.... LMAO.

5'7" 140 pounds - you weakling. LMAO

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well, not 'cleaned up' in regards to the horrorshow
topic of the page.

just a little less bacon.

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Sore knees lmenexe; my personal little B I T C H !

It's always nice to know that you are there when ever I need you. 😉

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on display for the world

yeah, you _wish_ i was yo' bitch, FAKE.
dream on.

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