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Archive through March 9, 2000

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Shut-up Dummy. LOL.

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So it appears that the Serbs had a spy within NATO who was divulging top secret information of the bombing campaign against them.

But it appears he was not so successful, as we tomahawked them into the 19th century and eventual submission. In what Military Analysts labeled the best Air Campaign ever conducted in the History of Warfare.

With Spies like that who needs enemies. LOL.

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Shut up, dummy!!!!!!!!!
Mr Arab Emirates, Who are we??
"as we tomahawked them into the 19th century".

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All American (TAXI, TAXI)

I only report the facts and tell it like it is.

On another note, it appears that after flunking your IQ test,you are attempting to take out your frustrations with me, L'menexe, Kim, Kissie etc., Please be advised that your antics will not work. YOU FLUNCKED PERIOD. You are now officially labeled as being lower than whale sheet on the bottom of the ocean floor and hereby, remanded to the lowest levels of the intellect world. You will take your rightful seat next to that other dimwitted ignoramious, the one and only ree-ree-BACON.

By the way the correct answers where as follows:
Oh never mind, perhaps within the next decade you may wish to take a makeup exam. HA HA HA HA

Having said that, I'm off for a luncheon.
BTW..what do dummy, HOMO, towel headed, camel butt munching, Lebanese mongosse cab drivers eat for lunch...each others shorts. HA HA HA HA

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Even savages do not do this

The most recent issue of
Kommersant-Vlast, a Moscow weekly, described
what Russian troops did to a woman sniper
captured in the battle for Grozny. They tied her
legs to a pair of light armored cars and tore her in
half, a soldier told the magazine. Perhaps the
only thing more horrific than such a story is that
it provoked no comment from either Kremlin
officials or the magazine's Russian readers.


To do this to anyone, let alone a woman is simply beyond my disgust.
Let the bankrupt, third world, hands stretched out begging to the world Russians die slowly and painfully in their own cesspool nation.

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To All American

I think the creaure by the name of Hairy Mary, is having another one of her attacks.

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>>>By L'menexe ( - on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 05:23 pm:
makes ya feel kinda...
huh bacon? >>>

This is really funny! If anyone needs to be loved by likes of Kissie or Dimitri, or for that matter, L'menexe, what it says about that person?

L'menexe are you loosing it? Be serious.

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By Antonio ( - on Thursday, March 9, 2000 - 02:45 am:

Once NATO started bombing, the Serbs and the Russians had every right to bomb America and Britian.

Sorry pagan pope worshipper, but USA and Britain hold the purse strings for bankrupt Russia

By the way, its time for you pagans to convert to Christianity and stop following the godless fake catholic religon.

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>>>By Dimitri ( - on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 07:32 pm:
ponder + faiz khan = Dr. Goebbels. >>>

You must be looking to a mirror pointing yourself DOG! You are a sick individual, why aren't you seeking help?

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Really enjoyed seeing how you slapped down that nim-rod ree-ree. NICE JOB.

The macho man that he isn't...he actually coweled to you. "DUH..I don't have anything against you." Kimmy...if that's not a wimp, I don't know what is. If you take notice...little by little he is proving just what a piss-ant little man he really is. It appears that the cab driver is not too far behind him.

Derivatives indeed, he wouldn't know one if it hit him in that farcing empty head of his.

Luv Ya HM

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By Turk ( - on Thursday, March 9, 2000 - 07:27 am:
>>>By L'menexe ( - on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 05:23 pm:
makes ya feel kinda...
huh bacon? >>>

This is really funny! If anyone needs to be loved by likes of Kissie or Dimitri, or for that matter, L'menexe, what it says about that person?

Thanks turk,

Who does indeed wishes to be loved by these intellectually impovrished beings.

I can make a snack out of these low income individuals!

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To Hairy Mary

Keep on Begging!! I hear the pickens are good for you on the London underground

Thank God, garbage like you could NEVER afford to be seen where I live!

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>>>By KA ( - on Thursday, March 9, 2000 - 04:20 am:
Shut up, dummy!!!!!!!!!
Mr Arab Emirates, Who are we??
"as we tomahawked them into the 19th century".
Kim >>>

Aren't you showing your real racist face bitch. I bet you'll sell your body gladly to any person from Arab Emirates knowing that they are really loaded with what you don't have much. But if I am wrong, I am prepared to apologize if you are prepared to apologise for your racist connotation.

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Afford to live where you live HA HA what a joke. I'll just stay in my Kensington townhouse and look down on the likes of you. Thank you very much. Now go play with your joke of a losing derivatives business and I'll tend to my most lucrative business.

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I would love to continue giving my attention to the mis-guided handicapped ree-ree BACON. From time to time it's is incumbant upon us all to show him some attention and kindness, for let us not forget, we could be like him.

Kindly excuse me, I must be off for a luncheon meeting.

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