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Archive through March 9, 2000

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not that i necessarily have an interest in what you say, but my "unloved" post for bacon involved material taken off the board last night.

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KA's reference to "mr arab emirates" stems from the fact that while he denies it, that's where the messages of rump-buddy FAKE AMERICAN originate.

no racism, just fact. deal with it.

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"intellectually impoverished", eh bacon?

this from someone obsessed with "zionist
fundamentalists" and "pagan pope

see what i'm gettin' at here, mr.turk?

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By igor ( - on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 08:16 pm:
By Ponder... ( - on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 07:16 pm I will comment.I wish I could see this for myself,and I would use four trucks instead of 2

Irrespective of which 'side' you're on. You are a sick bastard, just as well you'll stew in the gutter for most of your life.

Just as well people like you are thought of as human garbage

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By Hairy Mary ( - on Thursday, March 9, 2000 - 08:14 am:
I would love to continue giving my attention to the mis-guided handicapped ree-ree BACON. From time to time it's is incumbant upon us all to show him some attention and kindness, for let us not forget, we could be like him.

Kindly excuse me, I must be off for a luncheon meeting.

Dear fatso,

Have to tried weightwatchers?

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Antonio, "I would have ordered the Americans put on trial for war crimes then executed them."

So to you patroling a border is now a war crime. The Hauge is going to need more judges but then again you would just "put them on trial then execute them". So I guess you wouldn't need real judges since it would just be a show trial.

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Antonio, OK so according to you of all the Albaninan houses in Kosovo that were destroyed, half were destroyed by NATO bombs and the other half were burned down by the Albanaians themselves. Wow.

Just so we can all get a good picture of where you stand. Sebrenicha (sp) is the Serbs slaughter of hundreds there during the Bosnian conflict a lie.

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Ponder, Wait - the guy who changes skin quiet often,

hey guy - you are one weak debator..wontcha stop screaming on top of your laungs how sadistic Russians are..afterall she did not get her head SLOWLY remowed by a saw..the chechen "brothers" love doing that to their I said - shot your HYPOCRITICAL mouth

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I think it's terrible that someone had the great idea to start a forum where people could discuss the rights and wrongs of the world in a civilised way, regardless of boundaries and states, and you lot use it as some junking site for bitching at each other. SHAME.

Whenever anyone raises a question all they get in return is cries of "hypocrite" "rhetoric" "unsubstantiated" or "f**k wit". I didn't realise I needed a doctorate to have an opinion, or to have written a book to refer to in order to reply.

REMEMBER : The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.

PS all you American Pie's seem to forget ...
When in Rome, do as the Romans; while in Washington, don't get caught.

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By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, March 9, 2000 - 01:00 pm:
Ponder, Wait - the guy who changes skin quiet often,

hey guy - you are one weak debator..wontcha stop screaming on top of your laungs how sadistic Russians are..afterall she did not get her head SLOWLY remowed by a saw..the chechen "brothers" love doing that to their I said - shot your HYPOCRITICAL mouth


Assuming you are correct, two wrongs don't make a right!

Anyway that worthless pathetic piece of excrement Igor enjoys this kind of thing.

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Zdorovo, kak dela?
Che tyt novova?
Ti babalaiky s 8 marta pozdravil? a to smotri obidetse 🙂

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Agreed - two wrongs DEFENITELY don't make it right - I just don't like people who sream about one's barbarity forgetting that the other does the same..nanana, not even the same but much worse..the point is - its a war, and the brutality come from both sides. One thing for sure - RF is not even as half evil as chechen "brothers". Fact. Live with it.

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zdorov bratan..kak dela? Y menia vse pytem 🙂
kak vidish - pidari zdes' razmnojzaiutsa..hehe..

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CANADIAN SALO you are a goof.I would tie you to a truck and drive around for a while cause you deserve it.You are totally retarded,why don't you get some electric shock treatments and get your head screwed on right.

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Confrontation over Pristina airport

Nato was taken aback by the Russians' arrival

Details of Russia's surprise occupation of Pristina airport at the end of the Kosovo war are revealed in a new BBC documentary on the conflict.

For the first time, the key players in the tense confrontation between Nato and Russian troops talk about the stand-off which jeopardised the entire peacekeeping mission.

The Russians, who played a crucial role in persuading Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to end the war, had expected to police their own sector of Kosovo, independent of Nato.

When they did not get it, they felt double-crossed.

As Nato's K-For peacekeepers prepared to enter the province on 12 June, they discovered the Russians had got there first.

A contingent of 200 troops, stationed in Bosnia, was already rolling towards Pristina airport.

'Third World War'

General Wesley Clark, Nato's supreme commander, immediately ordered 500 British and French paratroopers to be put on standby to occupy the airport.

''I called the [Nato] Secretary General [Javier Solana] and told him what the circumstances were,'' General Clark tells the BBC programme Moral Combat: Nato at War.

''He talked about what the risks were and what might happen if the Russian's got there first, and he said: 'Of course you have to get to the airport'.

General Jackson: Backed by UK Government

''I said: 'Do you consider I have the authority to do so?' He said: 'Of course you do, you have transfer of authority'.''

But General Clark's plan was blocked by General Sir Mike Jackson, K-For's British commander.

"I'm not going to start the Third World War for you," he reportedly told General Clark during one heated exchange.

General Jackson tells the BBC: ''We were [looking at] a possibility....of confrontation with the Russian contingent which seemed to me probably not the right way to start off a relationship with Russians who were going to become part of my command.''

Russian plans

The Russian advance party took the airport unopposed. The world watched nervously.

A senior Russian officer, General Leonid Ivashev, tells the BBC how the Russians had plans to fly in thousands of troops.

''Let's just say that we had several airbases ready. We had battalions of paratroopers ready to leave within two hours,'' he said.

Amid fears that Russian aircraft were heading for Pristina, General Clark planned to order British tanks and armoured cars to block the runways to prevent any transport planes from landing.

General Clark said he believed it was ''an appropriate course of action''. But the plan was again vetoed by Britain.

Partition fears

Instead, he asked neighbouring countries, including Hungary and Romania not to allow Russian aircraft to overfly their territory.

Russians are not under direct Nato command

During the stand-off, Moscow insisted its troops would be answerable only to its own commanders.

Nato refused to accept this, predicting it would lead to the partition of Kosovo into an ethnic Albanian south and a Serbian north.

A deal on the deployment of Russian peacekeepers was reached in early July.

The Russians now operate as part of K-For in sectors controlled by Nato states, but are not directly under Nato's command.

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