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Archive through May 12, 2000

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Reputable Member
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Yea that is why I think this conflict resembles Vietnam. There really isn't any front lines or areas that can be considered 'safe" for the Russians. Much like Vietnam one can win all the battles and still loose the war.

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OK, I see what you're saying.
But, unlike Vietnam, the Russians can't just pack up and head home to another continent. Even if they were to end the war in Chechnia now, these kind of attacks would probably continue. The surrounding regions are already involved in the conflict in various ways- supplying arms, trafficking, providing bases. The Islamists won't stop at Chechnia, and a Russian withdrawl would increase their confidence.

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Very true, Chechnya is a part of Russia. I guess they will have to stay and duke it out. luckly the Chechens don't have the numbers the viet cong, and NVA had.

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Which reminds me,

Dimitri, as far as British involvement in Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe, is concerned, that's exactly what will happen. Pack up and go home for the most part. What the UN can still do in SL, I don't know, but they are hardly likely to get involved in Zimbabwe.


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True. Unless, of course, Zimbabwans(spelling?) kill a few more white farmers. But, as far as Sierra Leone goes, invasion of the UN forces is very likely in my opinion..unless the separratists are ready to SOON.

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Interesting analogies, Chechnya is like a Vietnam or Afghanistan.I think that much is true because the type of war these guerrilas are waging is a hit and run with no clear fronts. If and when Russia withdraws it would conceivably encourage the Rebels and simply killing them all is not an option or an easy task. It's like the shoeshine story of Vietnam where a kid walks up armed with a loaded shoeshine box-bomb and kills the soldier. My point is that these rebels, bandits, muslim fundamentalists, or whatever you choose to call them will never give up the fight and the fight will carry over to their children.

The Chechens will never accept any form of Russian puppet government in Chechnya. This war was a bad decision because there will never be trust. Perhaps an Israeli Solution- Independence for peace. Of course that will never happen, but this war which was supposed to be over back in February has only proved what we Americans have learned the hard way. You can win the war , but never the hearts of the people.

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Ex-colonies are a British speciality. The empire crumbled away long ago, the Britsh involvement with Zimbabwe is through the Common Wealth.
(which sadly still operates along imperialist lines, but fortunately has little importance).
The White farmers are a legacy of the Rhodesian times. They have chosen to continue living in a way that was untenable(unless they reintroduce apartheit-just kidding) and now they are paying for it. I don't think its a cause for Human rights watch(eek)- but it can only get nastier. I don't think Britain will be seeking revenge on their behalf, just offering to fly them to a damp, cold, wet little Island off the coast of Europe, where farmers rely on subsidies from the EU to survive.

I thought that there was already a UN pressence in SL, but without a mandate to take military action.
Predictions aside, what do you think should happen now in Sierra Leone?


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To all our patients of last 3 days:

Doctor has asked me to assume leadership here in his absence. He said, "without leadership rooskies are no more".

On his behalf I want to thank all Dr.Dremov's Club fans for their enthusiasm and incredibly thoughtful discussions of the matter, that interested all rooskies most. Not to forget, tomorrow the office mailroom will send to all registered patients the babushka dolls aptly styled as rooskie president. All exam matter samples should be brought in those babushkas (Monday appointment). Who needs oversized doll or a doll that decorated with pictures of patient's own family members please post a request here before 6 p.m. Central Time 5/13/2000.

Also, Dr.Dremov signed yesterday a contract with the security firm "Private Pushkin and Friend Ltd". They will assume the responsibility to guard office freezer. Yesterday excited rooskies tried to inseminate stored there black caviar. Such behavior will no longer be tolerated.

Dr.Dremov asked me to apologize for him before the group of yesterday patients (from #45to #7) who were accidentally f*cked by him. Though such accidents are consistent with Doctor's personality and nature, he wants to say that he did not mean that. He hopes that this apology will reach all involved patients before tabloids brake the news.

Truly yours,
Apprentice of the Master.

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Tell me, why is it always the AOL users.......?

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Can't tell ya, it all depends on what Sierra Leoners (spelling again?;) do with their 500 hostages (UN soldiers). From what I hear the British are talking about helping the SL Army against the rebels. And the rebels don't seem to wish to compromise so far. As a Brit, what do you think the UK should do?

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All american doctor Hren
just because you're an idiot doesn't mean that others here are. Didn't I predict that you will be back as someone else. Of course, of course I understand that being abused so much makes you want to seek another identity. Boy, you can run, but you can't hide! Not from me. And next time you pretend to be apprentice, be sure to use another computer. Moron, you forgot about IP existance, or what?

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AOL users are just like AOL - cheap and easy. Who does it remind you of? That's right..

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I thought Cook had ruled out intervention by British troops- The hostages are unlikely to survive military action to free them- so I would think it might be the SL gov. that compromises.
Another trip for Kofi I think!!

As a Brit- I think those troops should get out once they airlift the foreign nationals- the rest is a matter for Sierra Leonians and the UN.
(Which does not consist of Nato alone)

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this is where I got my information from:

"""UK defence sources say that rebel columns converging on the Sierra Leone capital have halted short of Freetown.
The Revolutionary United Front rebels are estimated to number some 1,500 fighters in all, though there is no formal front-line.
The British force commander, General David Richards, was quoted on Friday as saying that his troops now intended to help the Sierra Leone army "take the battle forward" against rebels into the interior..."""
So it does look like the UK might interfere afterall..

P.S. Thanks for replying to my "as a Brit" question 🙂

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What i do not understand in this whole situation is why federal forces were not prepare for this?
They had planty of warnings. I guess generals sons and daugthers are not on the front line.(sob)
I understand the difficulty of the situation and limits of funds, but common, this is second war. Do not they learn anything? It sounds that they still do not have a central command, and good communications. I guess, people on the front new about this, but guys in Moscow, just chosed to ignore. How can you send lightly armed convoy near Chechen border??

Djuma Namangani: can you give me a link to your source, please.

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