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Archive through May 15, 2000

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"But not you, you scary mongrel, just sit behind your keyboard, and keep barking. Everyone knows that barking dogs, never bites!!!"

For a minute I thought Belly Dancing Dumbfucked Turka is talking about himself.

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The FUNNIEST news of the week:

Piss pour famine ridden Ethiopia attacked Eritrea, again. Other countries just don't get it, STOP SENDING HUMANITARIAN AID TO ETHIOPIA!

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Hello, Mr . Pissbag L'menexe !!!You F**ng Rat-Bastard ya!!!Mr. S..hows it Hanging, G_Dawg??

...You Sand-Colored., Shitforbrains, Chechyn Dogs..can suck on my Left nut!!!

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By there is only _one_... L'menexe ( - on Saturday, May 13, 2000 - 12:14 pm:
nothin better to do on this fine saturday, huh,

dear readers of this excuse for a message board;
there is only _one_ L'menexe.

and the postings of this wannabe-nazi PUNK TRAILER
TRASH aint the one.

accept no substitutes. -_-


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ah yes, mr. Turner/ADDER...back again so soon?

well, i've taken you down _twice_ now.
[if you _really_ wanna talk dat kinda shite.]

hear what i say, blood?

you embarrass yourself
and the whole world is watching.

here we go again.

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To: Hmmmm...

Do I smell...Bacon? Hmmm...

Hi, Conrad! Still can't get off the Armenian issue? So, what did they do to you? And how did they do it?

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Speech given by me before I was captured.


You are graduating from our school today. Your teachers have trained you in the art of sabotage, corruption and the circulation of rumours for
four consecutive months, also teaching you many other subjects. All of you fought in the holy war for Ichkeria's independence. There are other
people, other than Chechens and Moslems, among you; but this is unimportant. Ichkeria has become their real homeland, all the more so as they have spilled their blood, while fighting for its freedom. They abide by Shariah laws; and they are our brothers. At present Moscow is trying to convince all and sundry that it has bestowed peace on Chechnya. I personally, as well as Shamil, Aslan and many others, who fought for independence with weapons in hand, don't believe this. All of
Moscow's promises to finance Chechnya can be taken seriously by fools alone. All money being transferred via Russian banks will be pocketed by
bureaucrats. Aslan is doing a good job, as he continues to double-cross the Russians. Quite possibly, he will manage to obtain money for our own national bank. And nothing terrible will happen, even if he fails. We don't need their money. Such money will come from some European
countries, as well as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. They will furnish us with money, weapons and equipment for our army. Besides, quite a few
top Russian officials are ready to sell weapons, food and uniforms to us.

We voice the following demands:

- complete political independence for Ichkeria;

- Russia, which has lost the war, must completely and unconditionally pay all indemnities down to the last kopeck;

- we are going to square accounts with all those, who supported Moscow during the war, in line with Shariah laws.

Some of you will begin to fulfil your assignments by tomorrow. You are supposed to sow mortal terror among all those, who have betrayed Allah. They must feel the cold hand of death every hour. You've got to instil fear and bewilderment among all servicemen, who are still stationed on
our territory. Take them hostage and kill them. Allah will forgive everything. Don't pay attention to those yelling politicians, whose shouts constitute a mere smoke screen. Those, who will settle down in Russia and neighbouring states, will be expected to accomplish a special
mission. You must destabilise the situation, the economy and the financial system there. You must set up bases and select people. But you
won't have to wait long. We are going to hit virtually all major cities, if Ichkeria doesn't receive its complete freedom and independence by
spring. You must pay attention to Cossacks, who are our ancient and most terrible enemies, during your work. But Allah is merciful. Most Cossack
atamans (chiefs) are corrupt and greedy. They can sell off their Cossacks and even mothers for money. You must set up joint ventures at
Cossack communities, as you drag them into a financial pitfall. Some of the Stavropol territory's Cossack atamans are already working for us. Those, who are going to work there, have already received compromising materials on such atamans.

You must pay attention to those specific areas where Russian military units are stationed. Their hungry officers and soldiers will sell just
about any kind of weapons. The list of such areas comprises the Kochubeevsky district, Nevinnomyssk, the Shpakovsky district, Stavropol, Budennovsk and the Neftekumsky district. You must compile a list of all officers, enlisted soldiers and especially Cossacks, who participated in the war to even the slightest extent. All of them must be killed, in the first place. You must smear all patriotic Russians, who can be easily accused of fascism and nationalism. You must also take the blood of
those infidels wishing to rally around Mohammed's holy banner; consequently, there will be no turning back for them. You must expand
the Moslem-school chain, accepting infidel children, as well. Children amount to dough; that's why they will serve those, who meld them. You must take advantage of the Russian nation's lack of spirit. You must sow ethnic strife on the territory of national republics, putting local
ethnic groups and Russians at loggerheads. The Russians must be blamed for any trouble. Those nationals, who don't want to live in line with
Shariah laws, must be killed; and you must blame everything on Russians. Everyone, who infiltrates federal agencies, must demoralise such
agencies. However, this must be done with Russian hands alone; let the Russians answer in line with the law. You must not be suspected in any
way. Those working at banks must exert every effort in order to delay wage payments and other settlements, the payment of pensions in
particular, thus sowing discontent between Russians.

Russia's state-power and financial structures are corrupt; besides, many of them are subsidised by local mafias. We must assume leading positions
inside mafia structures. While working in Russian regions, you must rely on Chechen, Gypsy, Daghestani and Korean diasporas. You will be
receiving all the required instructions and money from them.

Brothers, I no longer want to distract your attention, all the more so as each of you has already received the most detailed instructions.

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In our next visit with Chechenionok we made an ambush on Master to gain a money. Not the wretched marasmatic dr. Hrenov, or petty flap-eared mooncalf apprentice, but real ovner of that fler pit office- out &out gull Allam.
We found grunting shaggy creature with round opossumlike muzzle, doing bodybuilding by rubbish pile. He straiten up and we faced a strong fellow, bigger than russian out of question, with flabby musscles. Me myself hadn't laid a finger on his fistuled face, chechenionok flick him like groggy haystuffed bag and gave this mock heroic what for.
Appretice of master flung up by then, and Allam went to histeric. This Molly Caddle, hungry for Kim Arx and Hairy Mary attention started milk and water, mop & mocking that his wife is haggish, and Dimi inflamed his hemorrhoids, and he is only hulfbreeded baboon and hack without money.
Plaster on his mouth stopped this gush of and halitosis. I pressed my gally against his gallet until he start to gulp down and gurgling.
It was a real gusto. I left this clever by half mongrel not earlier than got his money and ptomises to make a Hadje to MEKKA.

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Brothers, I no longer want to distract your attention, all the more so as each of you has already received
the most detailed instructions..

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Israeli press insistent over alleged Armenian genocide

Turkish Daily News

The Jerusalem Post published an article at the weekend claiming that some 1.5 to 2 million Armenians were massacred by Ottoman troops during World War I and claimed that Israel's attitude to
date is due to fear of angering Turkey

The Israeli press continues to publish allegations of Armenian genocide. Daily The Jerusalem Post published an article at the
weekend called "A tragedy that can no longer be ignored," claiming that some 1.5 to 2 million Armenians had been massacred at the hands of Ottoman troops at the beginning of the 20th century, the Anatolia news agency reported.

The Israeli press started publishing such articles following a speech by Education Minister Yossi Sarid on April 24, the day commemorating the alleged genocide of Armenians during World War
I. Sarid promised in his speech that the issue of the alleged Armenian genocide would be included in Israel's high school curriculum.

The article noted that Turkey denied the allegations and quoted a statement by Professor Deborah Lipstadt saying that Turkey's attitude was "tyrannical." Lipstadt recently won a suit against historian David Irving who tried to prove that the Nazi genocide did not take place.

According to the article, Israel has long kept silent on the issue in order not to anger Turkey, and the Israeli Foreign Ministry has prevented films concerning the issue being televized and
conferences being held.

It also says that in 1994 the Education Ministry prevented the inclusion of a program on the alleged genocide in the high school curriculum, claiming that the program was one-sided, but,
maintained the article, the real reason was fear of angering Turkey.

The article claimed that should Sarid keep his promise to include the issue of genocide in the high school curriculum, an important step on the way to breaking a national taboo will have been taken.

Noting that the most important practical reason behind Israel's attitude to date has been that Turkey was one of its most important allies, the article recalled that Turkey cancelled a $145-million defense contract with France when the latter recognized the alleged genocide.

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To Antonio

Well done Israel!

I told you before Spanish Armenian terrorist,

Armenians are of zero value in contemporary society. Most Armenians are pretty criminals who defraud medicare in the USA or steal credit card numbers. The odd Armenian terrorist targets an important Turkish official now and then.

Bottom line is Armenians don't even have the brains to pull of any major crime!

Sorry, Armenian animal - you are nothing. Keep barking though.


God Bless Turks and Protestants.

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to those people who don't know their history.

After WWI, Traitorous Armenian bastards were a fifth column in Turkey. Before the Armenians were themselves were massacred. Armenians were responsible for the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Turks at Van.

I guess the Turks grew sick of Armenian trechery.

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So, mr S. stepped in did he L'menexe(the real one).
Shame, had such a great time this weekend, I didn't have time to check in and missed the fun.
All that effort pour moi and I didn't even get to read it.

Rancid Bacon smell hanging around still.

Kim Arx

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PS : Thanks

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Mornin', Mum!
de nada, de nada, the ultra-creep is already back.[for the moment].
twasnt barufi but ADDER, IMO.
basically, mr. S was, at last, motivated to clean out the TRASH.

hmmmm....i think i smell that _bacon_, too.


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