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Archive through May 16, 2000

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Noble Member
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the looks very interesting. Is that the one that you think that's being "americanized"?

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The researchers are based at an American university. I was wondering how accurate their take on the Russian press was?

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Everything about Antonio!!!
(Click here), Saladin, you will be surprised!!

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oh, I see. Well, I don't think my observation on this issue would be very accurate, due to the fact I don't really live there (Odessa, Ukraine is the only place I visit every now and then). From what I hear there a quite a few independed press agencies, but with all that "wind of changes"-thang, I am not certain how credible they are. I'll tell you one thing, though - if my online buddy Svoloch(remember him?) was around, he would be the one to ask, since he resides there.

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Are you in the UK?(today that is?)

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Vous m'amusez bien ,tous!

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I wish!
No, dear, I am in a good'ol US of A.

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check yo e- in about 30 min.

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check mail.

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Est-ce-que le Francais Canadien est different,que le Francais en Swisse, Fred?

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"Whosoever revolts, and continues not in the doctrine of Christ, has not God." (2 St. John 1:9)

"If anyone does not profess properly and truthfully all that has been handed down and taught publicly to the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of God, to the last detail in word and intention: let him be anathema." (First Lateran Council)

"If anyone does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all abominable heretics together with their impious writings, even to the single least portion, let such a person be condemned." (Pope St. Martin I)

"They have gone forth from us, but were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would surely have continued with us. Whosoever does not continue in the doctrine of Christ does not have God."
(1 St. John 2:19; 2 St. John 1:9)

St. Cyprian says: "Whoever withdraws and departs from the Church will be guilty, even though he has attained grace in the Church. That he will perish will be imputed to himself."

"Thou art a God who hatest all the workers of iniquity: Thou wilt destroy all who speak a lie." (Psalm 5:7)

St. Augustine says: "You heretics are all guilty and wicked by the crime of schism. From this most heinous sacrilege not one of you can say he is innocent."

"He who to support heresy distorts the Sacred Scriptures from their genuine and true meaning is guilty of the greatest injury to the Word of God, and against this crime we are warned by the Prince of the Apostles: 'There are certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they also do other Scriptures, to their own destruction.' (2 St. Peter 3:16)" (Catechism of the Council of Trent)

St. Thomas Aquinas says: "The unbelief of heretics, who confess their belief in the Gospel and resist that faith by corrupting it, is a more grievous sin than that of the heathens, because the heathens have not accepted the faith in any way at all. Hence, the unbelief of heretics is the worst sin. Speaking absolutely, the unbelief of heretics is worse than that of pagans or Jews."

St. John Eudes says: "The greatest evil existing today is heresy, an infernal rage which hurls countless souls into eternal damnation."

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "These unfortunate people do not see that, in refusing to submit to the Church, they reduce themselves to believing in nothing. The so-called Reformers have revived ancient heresies, and have sought by false doctrines to destroy the faith of Jesus Christ, and, if possible, to bring all souls with themselves to eternal perdition."

"Protestantism is the Great Revolt against God." (Venerable Pope Pius IX)

"Heretics are Antichrists and adversaries of Christ." (7th Council of Carthage)

"Heretics are to be classed with thieves and murderers." (Pope Innocent IV)

"Hence, if you fear to leave this Catholic unity outside which there is no salvation, beware of the subtleties of heretics." (Venerable Pope Pius IX)

"Therefore, let the blind and foolish subtlety of heretical impiety be despised. Whosoever continues in heresy is unpardonable, nor can he ever attain forgiveness. They are falling into that blasphemy which shall never be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the Judgement to come." (Pope St. Leo the Great)

"Those who have been detected even by slight proof to have deviated from the doctrine of the Catholic religion out to fall under the classification of heretic and under the sentences operating against heretics." (Pope Innocent IV)

St. Augustine says: "If anyone holds to a single heresy, he is not a Catholic."

St. Edmund Campion says: "What is the use of fighting for many articles of the faith, and to perish for the doubting of a few? He believes no one article of faith who refuses to believe any single one."

"Against the First Commandment, all those sin who do not have faith. Such sinners are very numerous, for they include all who fall into heresy, all who reject what Holy Mother the Church proposes for our belief." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)

"Anyone who says 'I love God,' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar." (Pope St. Gregory the Great)

"Those who turn aside unto deceits, the Lord shall number with the workers of iniquity. Thou art a God Who hatest all the workers of iniquity: Thou wilt destroy all who speak a lie." (Psalm 124:5; 5:7)

"A man who is a heretic is subverted and sins, being condemned by his own judgement."
(St. Titus 3:10-11)

St. Augustine says: "Heresies are embraced only by those who, had they persevered in the faith, would be lost by the irregularity of their lives."

St. Catherine of Sienna says: "What shows me that your life is badly governed? The poison of heresy! You have deserted the light and gone into darkness! I beg that you delay no more, nor kick against the prick of conscience which I know is perpetually tormenting you. Return, return, and do not wait for the rod of justice. For our faults do not pass unpunished, especially those committed against Holy Church."

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini says: "Many Protestants have almost the same practices as we, only they do not submit to the Holy Father and attach themselves to the true Ark of Salvation. They do not want to become Catholics and unite themselves under the banner of truth wherein alone there is true salvation. Of what avail is it, children, if Protestants lead naturally pure, honest lives, yet lack the Holy Ghost? They may well say: 'We do no harm; we lead good lives'; but, if they do not enter the true fold of Christ, all their protestations are in vain."

St. Peter Julian Eymard says: "People often say, 'It is better to be a good Protestant than a bad Catholic.' That is not true! That would mean that one could be saved without the true faith. No. A bad Catholic remains a child of the family, although a prodigal; and however great a sinner he may be he has a right to mercy. Through his faith, a bad Catholic is nearer to God than a Protestant, for he is a member of the household, whereas the heretic is not. And how hard to make him become one!"

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "How many are the infidels, heretics, and schismatics who do not enjoy the happiness of the true faith! The earth is full of them, and they are all lost!"

St. Augustine says: "Therefore, we are right in censuring, anathematizing, abhorring, and abominating the perversity of heart shown by heretics."

"We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy, condemning all heretics under whatever names they may be known; for, while they have different faces, they are nevertheless bound to each other by their tails. Secular authorities shall be compelled to exterminate all heretics to the best of their ability, and if, from sufficient evidence, it is apparent that a bishop is negligent in cleansing his diocese of heretical wickedness, let him be deposed and another substituted who will confound heretical depravity. But if any of them by damnable obstinacy disapprove, from this very fact let them be regarded as heretics." (4th Lateran Council)

St. Teresa of Avila says: "I could go forth all by myself against miserable heretics!"

St. Therese of Lisieux says: "How happy I would have been to fight at the of the Crusades or, later on, against the heretics! I want to be a warrior, a martyr! Oh! Is it possible I must die in bed?"

St. Louis, King of France, says: "A Christian should argue with a blasphemer only by running his sword through his bowels as far as it will go."

St. John Chrysostom says: "When a person blasphemes, his mouth should instantly be shut. Strike him in the mouth! Crush it, so that he cannot speak!"

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Quotes from the
Bull of the Convocation of the Holy Ecumenical COUNCIL OF TRENT under Pope Paul III

"Whilst we desired the commonwealth to be safe and protected against the arms and insidious designs of the INFIDELS [MOHAMMEDANS], yet, because of our transgressions and the guilt of us all, indeed, because of the wrath of God hanging over us by reason of our sins, Rhodes has been lost, Hungary ravaged, war by land and sea intended and planned against Italy, and against Austria and Illyria, since THE TURK, OUR GODLESS AND RUTHLESS ENEMY, was never at rest and looked upon our mutual enmities and dissensions as his fitting opportunity to carry out his designs with success."

"In the meantime, THE TURK, OUR CRUEL AND EVERLASTING ENEMY, having attacked Italy with a powerful fleet, captured, sacked and ravaged several cities on the shores of Apulia and carried off as booty the inhabitants, while we, in the greatest fear and general danger, were occupied in fortifying our shores and in furnishing assistance to the nearest neighboring localities."

"Wherefore, beholding with the bitterest grief of our soul that the affairs of Christendom were becoming worse, Hungary oppressed by the TURKS, Germany endangered, and all other states overwhelmed with apprehension and grief, we resolved to wait no longer for the consent of any prince, but to look solely to the will of the Almighty God and to the good of the Christian commonwealth"

"...we may in the holy and ecumenical council, in a better and easier manner consider, and with the charity of all concurring to one end, ponder, discuss, execute and bring speedily and happily to the desired result whatever things pertain to the purity and truth of the Christian religion, to the restoration of what is good and the correction of bad morals, to the peace, unity and harmony of Christians among themselves, of the princes as well as of the people, and whatever is necessary to repulse those attacks of BARBARIANS [TURKS] and INFIDELS [MOHAMMEDANS] whereby they seek the overthrow of all Christendom."

FIRST SESSION of the Holy and Ecumenical COUNCIL OF TRENT
celebrated under the sovereign pontiff, Paul III, on the thirteenth day of December in the year of the Lord 1545

Decree concerning the opening of the council:

Paul III:
"Does it please you, for the praise and glory of the holy and undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the advance and exaltation of the Christian faith and religion, for the extirpation of heresies, for the peace and unity of the Church, for the reform of the clergy and Christian people, for the suppression and destruction of the enemies of the Christian name, to decree and declare that the holy and general Council of Trent begins and has begun?"

They (the bishops and cardinals) answered: It pleases us.

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To Antonio

Do be quiet you Godless ignorant catholic pope worshipper

Thank God, we have Protestants, Turks and Israelis - all who can't stand catholic filth.

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To Antonio, pope worshipping catholic pagan

One can only derive great pleasure from reading the history books. How sorry catholics got a good beating by Muslims during the crusades then later by Protestants, during the reformation. Thank goodness history is filled like with men like Saladin and Henry VIII and his wonderful daughter Queen Elizabeth I.

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Wow, being a catholic sounds a bunch of fun, and you can't leave once you join. Can we all join your club Antonio, oh please, please, please.

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