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Archive through May 21, 2000

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to hurricane:
Well, your thought in a rational direction. Russia isn't now in best stage, that,s why all the rats rais their heads, but on a way to recover. Mafia has a tendency to transform in a lowfull buisness, when its more profitable in a normal economical situation. The cleaning of drug smugglers and mafiozi is implementing now in Chechnia, all narconetworks coming from former east and south republics of Russia. As to prostitution-different matter:
Ussually when people not hungry,. or not lasy to work, they dont go on a street. Another aspect is a country morality. Muslim punish by death for that and womem there just a thing, Amsterdam has it in a legal stage, there women fully-fledged.
Russia historicaly had a good morality.

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To Ali Baba and 40 dildos

You are wrong my friend, your mother and some other Russian chicks are over there in chechneya. Your mom is doing a very good business, she charges $2 for BJ and $4 for FS. She works 18 hours a day. Do not worry man, sooner you will inherit a great deal of money.

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To papirka

No, my friend, my brave commander Ali Baba is 100% correct. I had to be involved in a "loving" process of field commander Arbak, and, my friend, I'll tell you, it ain't no fun to polish his arse till 4pm, non-stop. May Allah rest his soul in peace.

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By Turk

"50,000 Russians no longer fighting in Chechnia. Casualties of the unwinnable war."

Now, multiply this number by five since Russians trend to minimize theyr losses at least by one-to-five.
That makes 250 000 Russian soldiers killed or heavily wounded in Chechenya...

Russian army near anihilation.

Never mind,

With GEN.TURBINKOV, it will be over for the rebels very quickely!!!


Basayev lost a foot, by escaping first and leaving his men behind. He was punished by God while he didn't know he was driving through a mine field.
Instead of using one of the few car the fighters had to carry the wounded, the shameful Basayev sized it to save his own life and to flee from the battlefield. So he was wounded himself and justice was made by Allah Most Great.

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Chechen Police Station Hit, Rebels Claim New Raids
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A bomb exploded in a police station in Chechnya
on Sunday, killing one loyalist policeman and wounding four others,
a Russian military spokesman said.
Chechen rebels said they had caused the blast and put casualties at
nine dead and more than 20 injured.

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Chechen Police Station Hit, Rebels Claim New Raids
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A bomb exploded in a police station in Chechnya
on Sunday, killing one loyalist policeman and wounding four others,
a Russian military spokesman said.
Chechen rebels said they had caused the blast and put casualties at
nine dead and more than 20 injured.

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Nice trade name- ALIBABA and 40 Dildos, I like it.

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I am back.Where is that goofball Barnswein? No time to catch up on old news.Moved into my new house it is great ,so much room and no third world garbage.All is well.Hi to all except the retards and you know who you are...hehehehe.Any of them Chechen bastards captured yet.I have been of the net for about two weeks now and thereis no news in the papers.Soooo happy to get back online.

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I hope you are Igor

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Da eto ya

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