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Archive through May 3, 2001

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* ...there's quite a difference between 'never married' to 'never having made love to a woman'
That is exactly a source of all frustrations in the Arab society. Freud fits in perfectly.;o)
Together with kerosene;o)

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Hi, Kim.
* Strange, Switzerland has no death penalty and we have no right "to bear arms", [...]
To bear, or to possess? Still, there are about 2 mln. pieces of firearms, including military automatic assault rifles, banned in some N.-American states, registered, and estimated 3.5 mln. of unregistered ones. 5.5 mln. of them total. All it has to do, IMHO, is the mentality of the Swiss, governing the Swiss state (the inherent idea of "You just don't go around gunning people"), plus, the idea of a Swiss militia army, sort of "weekend warriors" in its good sense. I heard, though, that the Swiss were about to create something of a regular Army. But I do not expect to see the Swiss handing in their weapons in the future.

* Isreal lives in a state of perpetual threat, I can understand why they would want to arm themselves, [...]
Israel was born this way, unfortunately, and all citizens of legal age have the right to purchase and bear handguns. I had to research the theme and ... , - all Israely handgun permits are, in fact, concealed carry permits (I might wear a holster on a waist-belt under a loose T-shirt, ladies do so to hide it, because it is a somewhat funny-silly-embarassing-amusing sight, - imagine a civil mom, "sporting" a huge serious loaded automatic pistol, while herding and tendning to her some four kids, - and the Police would pay no attention (of course, they would make a mental check, but they know what is what), but on entering a supermarket I would be required to declare a firearm, and on entering a Govt. office I would have to declare it and have it locked in a specially provided locker with a key to it handed over to me), feared and hated, and fought against in the US by the likes of Sen. Dianne Feinstein and the California and NY authorities. Kibutzniks and moshavniks have personal military M-16's and Uzis, besides the pistols they already have. Workers, that have to work in dangerous areas, or travel a lot about the country, may have an additional Uzi issued to them upon claim, but, generally, it is some private-possession high-power pistol to travel with. I witnessed one construction crew with Uzis dangling on their backs. A company of armed soldiers with live ammunition on them, or an armed non-military are a common sight in pubs here. In general, the mentality here works like "You just don't go around gunning people, or using it for criminal purposes". I just hope this brake stays same indefinitely, because, IMHO, it is a real show of responsibility.
It doesn't apply for jihading "allamericans".

* [...] but suburban America? (Do you still park your wagons in a circle?)
Kim, in the DC it is illegal for anyone, except the Police and "brahmins" to posess a handgun, ackwardly enough the DC can "boast" one the highest violent crime rate in the US.

* I would try to remember that if you have the right to own guns(for playtime???), so does every other retarded moron around you.
The US gun regulations require a background check of a purchaser, sure, they vary from state to state. Retarded morons are not sold guns to legally. But banning legal sales cannot ban illegal ones. And with a retarded moron there might be noone to call 911 later. And confiscating legal guns (that is what may happen, if Dianne Feinstein has her way) will not remove them from the hands of the criminals. Tougher law response to it may result in a soaring of a number of death penalties to scare the criminals. Did a UK ban on handguns in personal possession lower a violent crime rate? Who suffered? - A law-abiding citizen and the Olymics Committee. Sure, the Brits are happy to cite any US crime, involving firearms, Jamie Shea-style.

* Question is who would want to live in a country, where you have to own your own guns to feel secure?
They were born that way. The whole gun culture.The phenomenon, unfortunately, entails some citizens that think that, the way to the dream (a cocain one, a car one, a money one) lies through the gunsights.

Special Agent Of The Zionist NRA Conspiracy.

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LOL. No.:o)) There was a lot of dust, terrorizing a laundry activity, brought in by dust winds recently and hanging in the air, the rain clowds have been gathering above after midday, and the sunlight, filtering though them, was all yellow. Really, so eerie! Like some alien planet from a movie.

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Konichiwa, Kisako!

...i think last year i sent you that picture of the _huge_ dust storm advancing on phoenix; when i was a kid in az. we had to occasionally pull off to the side of the road, and let a dust storm have its way.
isnt the 'concealed carry permit' what the yanks have in the state of texas?
[grin] supermarket moms packing heat...oy...
i dunno, K-san; i received a 12-guage shotgun from my father upon graduating junior high school...returned it in my adolescent militance a couple years later.
yeah yeah... NRA...militia...keep and bear arms...having zero interest in firearms, i dont pay attention to this.
but screwball reactionaries doesnt mean there arent _responsible individuals_...hear that, bettergoode?
not my bear to cross, really.

and 'prohibition': lolol, you name it, it wont work. never does. never has.
hard to imagine you with your sidearm slung low, K-san [w/g]
amor et paz

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The reason your dad gave u a 12 gauge shotgum you moron is to blow you stupid head off!!! lmao...
dummer than i thought...

yeah i can totally c lmx as the ladies man back in the heyday... Too bad most 'cats' were blitzed on some "groovey acid" when he was performing his magic... became known as the "Woodstock love child"... LMAO...


I think its an anthrax party... lol..

their bodies have developed total immunity due to prolonged exposure spanning half a century... they now used it to kill mosquitos.


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DID the Jews kill Jesus?
very interesting @

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The Song of Destruction

When one thinks of an enjoyable song, "Beautiful Day" by U2 or "Music" by Madonna come to mind. It seems that the Israeli Defense Force [IDF] prefers the sound of cranes and homes crashing down into rubble, as their most recent campaign of home demolitions indicates. They called it "Operation Enjoyable Song."

More than 32 shelters were demolished - housing some 400 people. It was the worst single act of destruction on Palestinians since the uprising against Israeli occupation began last September. That the civilized world remains silent as Palestinian civilians go homeless is difficult enough to comprehend, though nothing new. When the Israeli Army has the ability to find beauty amid children's screams and grown men's tears – it is barbarism to the extreme.

Sadly, home demolitions have been used as a form of collective punishment and ethnic cleansing for many years. Even the Oslo Accords represented no reprieve for the destruction of Palestinian homes. In many cases, the demolitions accelerated.

The pretext has generally been that the homes are built without permits. Thus, the Israeli Army could work within some sort of "legal context." Forget the fact that Palestinians trying to obtain permits is like pulling teeth. Forget the fact that the price of a building permit could cost as much as $20,000 and take five years to obtain. Forget the fact that Palestinians are often living in severely-cramped spaces. Palestinians are not given permits because they "violate existing zoning laws." Such adherence to laws by Israel is admirable, except for the fact that there have always been political motivations behind the policy.

Almost all the homes that have been demolished, or have received demolition orders, are situated near existing illegal Jewish settlements or by-pass roads. The demolitions result in areas that prevent territorial contiguity between Palestinian population centers or neighboring Israeli military installations.

The logic can be quite astonishing, at times. Consider that in many cases, Palestinian homes have been demolished for being built too close to a Jewish edifice -- a structure which did not even exist when the Palestinian home was first constructed.

While Israel has targeted Palestinian homes for destruction, Israel has authorized massive housing construction, tax incentives, and roads and related infrastructure for illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Even as thousands of completed units have stood empty, the Israeli Housing Ministry has authorized the building of more illegal settlements. Note that the Ministry admitted that almost a quarter of all units built by the government in the West Bank between 1989 and 1992 had never been occupied.

Like the seizure of Palestinian ID cards in Jerusalem, house demolitions have served as another form of ethnic cleansing. The Israeli rationale is: Lay as many facts on the ground before any potential final status negotiations, and it is believed that the Palestinians will get much less than what they are expecting as a matter of right and law.

Homes have also been demolished as punishment, as "Operation Enjoyable Song" demonstrated several days ago. It was certainly a measure widely used during the First Intifada [1988-1993]. In fact, during its first four years, 786 homes were destroyed as reprisals against those who took part in the uprising.

It is also standard for the homes of the families of Palestinian suicide bombers to be destroyed, though they had nothing to do with their sons' decisions. One can only imagine the outrage that we, as Americans, would have felt, if bulldozers went to the home of Oklahoma City terrorist Timothy McVeigh, and demolished the home of his parents and siblings. Why make the whole family pay for the actions of an adult child?

With regard to Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention clearly states that no resident of an occupied territory "may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed." It explicitly forbids collective punishment.

Unfortunately, the Fourth Geneva Convention has never mattered to Israel. UN resolutions have never mattered to Israel. Condemnations by human rights organizations have never mattered to Israel.

The cries of Palestinian children have never mattered to Israel. If they did, the IDF would not find amusement in wrecking people's homes. They would not find joy in children digging through rubble to find their favorite toys. Or delight at mothers salvaging what they could of treasured belongings. An "enjoyable song?" For Palestinians, the IDF melody is but a song of destruction.

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Great peace Satso!

thanks for shedding some light on the situation.

Well done!

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* isnt the 'concealed carry permit' what the yanks have in the state of texas?
I don't know:o). I'm not a gun expert, or a buff, or a shooter:o)) They say, that the Texans can carry handguns, but openly, so that they are seen.
* supermarket moms packing heat...
They can be seen sometimes, - moms, driving with Uzis.
* hard to imagine you with your sidearm slung low, K-san [w/g]
For me too.

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Recent "same-old" news.
Assaf Hershkovitch killed in a Pal shooting ambush on Ofra-Bethel Hgw this morning several weeks after his father was shot dead in Atarot by Pal innocent gunmen.
Another Israeli motorist injured in the second ambush near Itamar in Nablus Area.
Murderer of the Israeli teenager, victim of the Internet trap, was among the four, blown up in massive explosion in Ramallah terrorist safehouse.
US State Dept. Annual Terrorism Report cites Israeli charges, implicating the PA, and restores Syria on the list of terrorism-sponsoring govts., alongside Iran.
A large roadside bomb dismantled safely on Jerusalem Route 1, linking Northern suburbs with downtown.
IDF tanks shelled Khan Younis, following rounds of the mortar fire on Gush Katif Army positions and settlements in Gaza Strip.
Arafat assured Tanzim gunmen that, no ceasefire would apply to Pal "uprising".
Two Hamas pyromaniacs died on Mon., when their bomb, hidden in a van, exploded in Gaza City, causing heavy damage.
Yet another Pal pyromaniac got himself blown up, when the bomb, he planted in his employer's car, went off prematurely in Rafiah-Yam greenhouses.
Israeli woman stabbed by Palestinian Assailant in Ganim, the WB.
Syrian Assad cools towards Araf, and seeks to assemble a rival Pal leadership of radical jihadniks.

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NAZRAN, Russia (AP) - Completing a tour of Chechnya, a top human rights activist said Monday that peoples' rights were "constantly violated" in the rebel region and that Russian troops were responsible for much of the misery.

Lyudmila Alexeyeva, head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, said the stories told to her by refugees who have fled to neighboring regions and by people still in Chechnya showed a different picture from that given by the war's supporters.
"When you hear about the tragedy of the people directly from those suffering, then you form your own opinion, which human rights groups say Russian troops have killed, tortured and robbed civilians. Young men have disappeared during sweeps by Russian troops, and some have turned up dead. "People have lost everything, they have been physically and psychologically crippled, and human rights are being constantly violated," Alexeyeva said. "Residents of Chechnya risk being killed, crippled or robbed by those who supposedly came to Chechnya to defend them from terrorists and bandits."

President Vladimir Putin said earlier this month that troops were "doing a good job."

Although most of Chechnya is occupied, rebels still inflict daily casualties with ambushes and bomb attacks. The rebels have targeted civilians who cooperate with Russian forces, and people have also been killed by armed men whose identity or allegiance isn't clear.

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Konichiwa, K-san!
1210 edt

i'll write you to yr mailbox a bit later....too
much idiot traffic here at the moment...

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Great, another punch bag arrived for kicking.
The poster intentionally omitted the writer. But the writer is either not familiar with the subject, or builds the scare up to squeeze a couple of tears from the "progressive humankind", to which, BTH, the Pals cannot boast any affiliation to.

* More than 32 shelters were demolished - housing some 400 people.
Note the use of shelters. A clear "hint" at a "refugee camp". Let's think. Can a Pal be termed a "refugee", residing among his own brethren, being a subject of his/her own Palestinian Autonomy, a de-facto Govt., with which negotiations, bearing the interstate status were held, and the Chairing gangster of which was treated as a head of state in the White House? No, he/she cannot be termed as such. And as for the squalor, they continue to live in, it is the fault of their elected "Chairman" Araf, which is very good (together with his bros-in-kleptocracy) in misusing and embezzlement of all, aid or development, funds (the US, the EU, the Gulf Arab ones) he can lay his hands on. As with any Arab dictatorship, guns and ammo mean for Araf more, than the welfare of his subjects. As for the "shelters", - why shedding crocodile tears afterwards, if "brotherly" gunmen do not hesitate to use them as firing positions, jeopardizing that small, that the so-called refugees have courtesy local Palestinian Chairman Mao?

* It was the worst single act of destruction on Palestinians [...]
A pretty deserved one, considering the firing positions thing. The Joseph's Tomb was trashed and burned in the early days of the silly infantile "infantifada", the joint industrial parks, build on the Israeli-Pal border to provide Pals with jobs and promote cooperation in the spirit of Oslo, were looted and burned (to blackmail the "World" later on with "We don't have work!-We don't have work!", maybe, who knows.), the surrounding greenhouses, that provide Pals with some jobs, are routinely burned by them by themselves, etc..

* [...] since the uprising against Israeli occupation began last September.
There is no occupation, forget it;o)

* That the civilized world remains silent as Palestinian civilians go homeless is difficult enough to comprehend, though nothing new.
Must be that, the civilized world knows what is what and that is why is silent? Eh?

* When the Israeli Army has the ability to find beauty amid children's screams and grown men's tears – it is barbarism to the extreme.
The author is disoriented. The IDF doesn't have the ability to find beauty in "martyrdom" and in "Allah akbar!" cries, that terrorise more, than half the World, from Africa to Indonesia.

* Sadly, home demolitions have been used as a form of collective punishment and ethnic cleansing for many years.
Ethnic cleansing! Stale BS. But, see below.

* Even the Oslo Accords represented no reprieve for the destruction of Palestinian homes.
Here starts one of the great Pal Chairman Mao propaganda twists and turns. As though Oslo was just some kind of a Middle East bulding code agreement. LOL.
No. What was it then? The final "legalization" of the de-facto legal Pal state, in which they can build what they want and where they want withing their jurisdiction, they were doing it all along before Oslo, but, never mind. But (strangely, no? Eh?;o)) they want to build in and around Jerusalem, and this is a whole lot another story. Hence the permits, hence the Jerusalem Architectural and Bulding Authority, hence the building codes. For anyone, whether a Jew, or an Arab, or a non-Jew, or a non-Arab. Hence the demolition of illegal buildings.
Tha-a-a-a-at is what the Pal propaganda prefers to shut up about. BTH, why wouldn't they try this type of building out in Europe? Or the US? Well, the US is, obviously, out of the question, - it is not a preferential moslem Kosovo treatment, and the stakes of getting their butts full of the Police buckshot are high.

* The pretext has generally been that the homes are built without permits.
Uses Jerusalem cases, but doesn't specify it intentionally to create a false feeling it is going on thoughout the PA. Where is the Pal Autonomy-state? How come, that Clinton was so mistaken? Must be another Zionist Pikachu conspiracy;o) Damn, I'm good!

* Forget the fact that Palestinians are often living in severely-cramped spaces.
Israel is one big park with heavily developed infrastructure. The Pal Authority is wastelands. The Pal Development Authority has been doing nothing, so far, to develop their infrastructure. They prefer to rely on the existing Israeli-build one, thus overcramping themselves, and blame Israel for the lack thereof in the PA. Hypocrites. So, forget it.

* The demolitions result in areas that prevent territorial contiguity between Palestinian population centers or neighboring Israeli military installations.
Now he skipped from Jerusalem to the surrounding area. Pity, I cannot post a map here. This "territorial contiguity" sounds innocent for an unsuspecting, but, in fact, it was aimed at encircling of Jerusalem with one continuous chain of Arab residence total, thus strategically cutting the City from the rest of Israel by controlling the roads, water, electricity, etc..

* Israel has authorized massive housing construction, tax incentives, and roads and related infrastructure for illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
What is "an illegal Jewish settlement", anyways, besides being a propaganda BS?
This "building-demolition" BS is boring.

* Unfortunately, the Fourth Geneva Convention has never mattered to Israel
Israel rejects the interpretation of the 4th Geneva Convention applying it to Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, stating that those territories were captured in 1967 as a result of a defensive war against countries which had illegally occupied them since 1948.
The Convention covers regular military hostilities and strictly civilian population. It is not applicable to guerrila-type warfare, that the Pals are waging now.
BTH, what about Pal gunmen endangering civilian areas of their own?
And the UN Res. 242 which addresses the territories is not recognized by the Arabs. Funny, the areas will not wait forever for Arab recognition;o)

* UN resolutions have never mattered to Israel.
The only Res., that matters, is the Res. 181, - the creation of Israel. The subsequent resolutions, are that, - moot, since only Jordan and Egypt recognized a State of Israel, so far. And this is a bi-i-i-ig catch. How can a state entity conduct talks with a nonexistent state entity;o)?
So, what are they talking about? Bye-bye.
But Arabs like to bring resolutions up, when it suits them.

* The cries of Palestinian children have never mattered to Israel.
Sorry, they were supposed to have moms and dads and a local Chairman Mao of their own to care after them.
But the thief is the loudest to cry "Thief!".

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* Lyudmila Alexeyeva, head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, ...
... making a handsome living off BS, suffers from vast amnesia, covering the period from 1996 till 1999, during which Chechniya had been a land of law-abiding citizens, a heaven to human rights, a perfect example of democracy, a Singapore of the Caucasus and a bright light in the land of darkness in general. Why so? A job contract does not provide for off-line out-of-theme payments.

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go "tend to da rabbits" u monkey boy.... lol

Bagel girl is billowing like a baboooooon in heat again...

Is that Rabbi still combing through ur bush, sniffing at ur kosher spread? ONE of these days he's gonna throw away the rake and find what he's been searching for - and only then will u get STUFFED by the MR. LOVER LOVER MAN...


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