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Archive through May 3, 2001

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yeah, i voted anti-glodek;

if only it would be so simple to banish FAKE
AMERICAN FARIS HOMOUD (for the 3rd time)

just by _voting_.

he'd be thrown out on his ass so quickly his
wooden head would spin like a top....
better watch your back, FAKE......
pince cabron!


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* A bit like Hague's college, complaining that Asylum seekers are Bastardising the British Race
I see, "my" version of "our" nationalism concerns when the nation is demonized, a case of Serbia. And at this point accents shift, - there were no ambitions of Gindenburg-and-later-on times.

* He in the meantime seems to have done quite well out of it [...]
What did they expect, an extralegal move of handing him over to the court, that was established by the Sec. C., which has no legal powers to establish of any court? That is why the wildlife park.

* you,too:0)

* In the meantime all this nationalism whipped up by all sides (and probably with a lot of help from outside) had the effect of turning a large number human beings into bloodthirsty animals.
Nationalism as cover, or nationalism as means? The latter I apply to Serbia, the former - to K.-Albs..

* Hmmm best way of dealing with a group of seperatists, vote for the guy with the "final solution".
If the K.-Albs. disliked him so much, why then having boycotted the elections? A Big Brother advice to stock on sheepskins?

* There is still outright condemation of what China has done to Tibet, [...]
As if it cared ... .
Now China has a hot-spot at its hands - the Uigur region with its own share of Uigur "albanians".

* [...] just not a darned thing we can do about it-except hope that the regime changes. (Have you forgotten the Cold war already?)
Yeah, it is not Serbia.
The Chinese has far more brains in transformation-transition matters, then that joke of a statesman Gorbatchov.

* African wildlife park.
* Hmmmm, is this what we aspire to?

The ways haven't changed much. The form, - maybe.

* Do you mean the individual countries that make up Europe have lost their identities? LOL, you talk as though Europe had a common identity to start with.
Yep, beef-whatever squabbles as " reimergence of goddamn nationalism". Shoot them!
Sorry, Europe (politically) seems to me just a big uncertain blob:o)

* On a slightly more serious note, perhaps a few centuaries of 5 superpowers on one continent, expantionism, imperialism and invasions has taught us a few things about the dangers of Nationalism!
Remember our Heider "talk"? They can run, but they can't ... .
But, again, if it taught so well, why then attacking Serbia? It was not falling under expantionism, imperialism and invasions. What is the difference between Europe and the US in their actions against Panama, Grenada? After the K. affair it looks exactly the opposite - expantionism, imperialism and invasions, plus, Serbia is put in the post-WWI position of Germany, BTH, for nothing. And the real dictators get kisses.
IMHO, the notion of "nationalism" became a single convenient multipurpose blame and a weapon in beef squabbles to teaching "humanity" with bombs and giving sick "teachings" to us. Everything has its practical purposes.

* Two tribes fighting for one bit of land, [...]
Ki-i-i-i-im, don't:o)
Yep, with the second tribe, suffering of the "the grass is always greener on ..." syndrome;o)

* Appealing to your better nature not to wipe them off the face of the planet, ought to be a compliment.
Or an attempt to get on the ME scenario on the Pro-Arab side to diminish, or even snatch the US influence at our expence and under the usual "humanitarian" word-salad dressing, and when the salad doesn't work, because it passed the expiry date and because Jews don't want to die, proving, or disproving European " Voltaire humanitarian theories", threatening us with sanctions?;o)
Europe tripped on its own mine - the examples of having Kosovo, Monte Negro and Macedonian "palestinians" are not "encouraging" for us with our Arab "albanians", - and is snubbed with it.

* "Tell me, what Putin does that a US President wouldn't do, and what the US President did, that the USSR did?"
*Tell me, which is the better form of Nationalism:
The Latvian extremists who would like to see all Russians repatriated, or the Russian extremists who would like to re-annexe the Baltics?

Tell me, which is the better form of Nationalism: the Latvians, or the US transit, putting into effect the visa system, or the Russian Foreign Office, retaliating to it?
Wasn't France pushing pro-France politics and regulations through EU?

* It doesn't matter who is playing politics with nationalism, they will always be playing a with a dangerous genie, that won't fit back into the bottle when it is no longer needed.
Nationalism exists everywhere and, as with almost anything, has a double purpose and can be used, and misused. Using it as a EU blame buzzword means an ostrich behaviour.

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* How old would we estimate Mr allamerican?
18? -or younger.

These are Arab "comrade propagandist" grown-ups on an Arab, whatever the cause, pushing propaganda like drugs. Their Arabic MBs are not enough, - most Westerners don't visit them, those, that visit, get banned very soon, because Arabic MBs don't tolerate non-conformity to the "comrade jihad". Their MBs bore them too, - noone likes to listen to the same broken vinyl looping tune and noone to push their propaganda hashish to. They use fake Western names and fake nationalities for pretence at "objectivity". Our backyard variety uses "allamerican". He knows, that the cover is blown, but there are lurkers too, that can catch the bait. Or "thornhill" making the MB move fast and burying posts among junk, thus trying to discourage potential lurker-participants and annoy us into abandonning the MB. Misusing the technological advances to drag as many as possible back to the 16th century;o)
That is why I quoted "If they pay him to be a fool (clown, idiot, etc..), - they get their money's worth ...", otherwise, it is a bad investment.
The phenomenon has a lot with development retardation too. But, generally, I think S'ud Ibn Muhammad Al-'Aqili was right with his: "While writing these letters I heard on the news about an American plane that fell in Vietnam while looking for the remains of American soldiers who disappeared in the war there 30 years ago... This [apparently] is the difference between the Muslims and the West..."

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"""Yeah, I agree"""
It took some time but with enough vasaline we managed to pop your cherry...

Becoming desperate-desperate? Snipping the post to prove Your wooden head is working? LOL.
No problem, I can repost it;o))

Yeah, I agree, see for Yourself:
in his short daily column in the Egyptian Govt.-sponsored newspaper Al-Akhbar, April 18, 2001, entitled "Half a Word," Ahmad Ragab discussed the Holocaust. He wrote:
"Thanks to Hitler, of blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, [...].
Are you keeping Mein Kampf next to Kor'an?;o)))
Don't even think of removing me from the MB with Your sorry insults. Your wooden head is not working.

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Konichiwa, K-san!
you cant be hurt by the cliched dumbass Garbage of
not on this board; he has gotten away with much too much already.
the thought of such a board w/ nothing but imitation FAKE FARIS HOMOUDs...yeesh...
but since he's, in effect, betrayed his countrymen and his heritage by denying his origins with his being a FAKE AMERICAN...
he'll be as _scorned_ on whatever arab board he attends
as surely he is at DMS. -_-

poor, poor, lonely virgin shed-boy.....

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* In the meantime all this nationalism whipped up by all sides (and probably with a lot of help from outside) had the effect of turning a large number human beings into
bloodthirsty animals.
Nationalism as cover, or nationalism as means? The latter I apply to Serbia, the former - to K.-Albs..

***Same difference, the end being a means or the means an end.
( by the way, you wouldn't be much of a seperatist, without a sense of Nationalism, would you)

* Do you mean the individual countries that make up Europe have lost their identities? LOL, you talk as though Europe had a common identity to start with.
Yep, beef-whatever squabbles as " reimergence of goddamn nationalism". Shoot them!

*** No I mean the Europe that tore itself apart, then was torn apart between two superpowers-that can't organise a piss up in a brewery and has no defence strategy-
still squabling about whether the Germans are too powerful.

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* Same difference, the end being a means or the means an end.
Instead of standing up and saying: "I am a proud German, and I am a proud Frenchman, and I am proud Italian" and going eat Italian pasta with a German sausage and French wine, and get to terms with reality, EU bosses use it to boo EU together. I know, it is too simple:o) But Bavarians would still use the Dutch Carlsberg for washing roads, - a show of nationalism;o)? And Austrians still elected Heider.
But, why, do You think, Berlussconi?

* No I mean the Europe that tore itself apart, then was torn apart between two superpowers-that can't organise a piss up in a brewery and has no defence strategy-still squabling about whether the Germans are too powerful.
;o)Are they learning?
Do You think artificially degrading the German level to cool this particular squabble theme down will not result in a prospect of hearing Krauss-Maffei products round the corner;o)?
Every European country likes the EU ... , as long as it's at some other EU country's expence.

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....mail for you, K-san.

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"Absolutely no problems with it. "
No problem...`no problem!

"I don't think it is the politics, or politicos. It has economic causes."
Then it's about moral. And I beleive the politic has its saying on the moral. Is religion, when strong, the moral authorithy with always a political influence.
Lawmakers, to the extent that the law is a mean to separate the good from the bad, have to defend the moral. And stealing and killing instead of working, even in hard economic situation is abmoral.
And if the cause is economic, the politics are even more guilty because they are to take care of the economy and of the sharing of wealth too.

"One cannot make changes to the existing socio-economic system overnight."
No. That what the communists did in 1917. But you can improve it every overnight day.
Don't be fatalist.

"Isn't a junkie a maniac,"
No. Often it's a poor guy who has lost everything on drugs. The next dose matters not molesting lone women.
Note that some can be both: look ALLAMERICAN!

"And, besides, one doesn't have to be a maniac to be that ugly."
What do you mean. If you are that ugly, you are a maniac. Isn't it?

"Whose self-defence?! Sounds like "I shot the house owner for his lack of understanding "
You don't understand. The burglar see his life endangered. Adrenaline. Panic. It's the first who shot the other. He shot the owner by fear to be shot himself.

"You cannot blame the idea, because people do not fit it,..."
That's a point of view. To my mind, an idea is bad if it can't be put into practice.
Let's say a beautyful idea. Still not a good one.


many engels in the commie sky...

The problem with Milosevic is that he is not yet 85 years old. He can play the medical card but not as much as Pinochet.
Well, one day the Russians will take him back like the japanese with Fujimori.

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* Then it's about moral. And I beleive the politic has its saying on the moral.
The state of the economy, the practical (not theoretical) probabilities of sustained, decently paid for, employment opportunities, politicos, following the Constitution, not circumventing it by extra-constitutional legislation. But politics has proved to be a dirty business. Personal morals of politicos are dubious.

* Is religion, when strong, the moral authorithy with always a political influence.
LOL. It depends on morals pushed. For instance, Sheikh Umar Abd Al-Rahman, who was convicted and imprisoned in the U.S. for his involvement in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center is a national hero and a role model. So it goes.

* Lawmakers, to the extent that the law is a mean to separate the good from the bad, have to defend the moral.
The law is not based on morals, though it is considered in the Court of Jury.

* Don't be fatalist.
I am a realist.

* "Isn't a junkie a maniac,"
No. Often it's a poor guy who has lost everything on drugs.

That can kill for a dose as like as not. Can anyone be 100% sure of his behaviour?
And The next dose matters, acquired by illegal means is a crime nonetheless, and the attempt on it is a criminal intent, guns, or no guns.

* You don't understand.
I understand perfectly.

* The burglar see his life endangered. [...] It's the first who shot the other. He shot the owner by fear to be shot himself.
An interesting position, while:
What is the burglar doing in the someone else's house in the first place?
Is the burglar's potential presence in someone else's house a warrant to promote a gun-ban?
Has the owner any right to defend his property at his own home?

* If you are that ugly, you are a maniac. Isn't it?
It isn't. It depends on an environment, morals, education, etc.. When our two soldiers were lynched at the onset of their stupid infantilefada, they were happily dipping their hands in their blood and showing them out of the window, and continued to live with it. Well, for some time, of course, but it has nothing to do with emotional pains and repent a la Voltaire.

* To my mind, an idea is bad if it can't be put into practice.
Or the people are bad, because they cannot put it into practice.

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nstead of standing up and saying: "I am a proud German, and I am a proud Frenchman, and I am proud Italian" and going eat Italian pasta with a
German sausage and French wine, and get to terms with reality, EU bosses use it to boo EU together. I know, it is too simple:o) But Bavarians would still
use the Dutch Carlsberg for washing roads, - a show of nationalism;o)? And Austrians still elected Heider.
But, why, do You think, Berlussconi?

Ironically, something like 40% of Italians view themselves as Europeans first, then Italian....the highest rate in Europe. (maybe what they really want is constitutional reform within Italy????) - Following that line of thought, theItalians, the Germans, the Spanish, all having had experience of Dictatorship reasently seem to support European Unity more strongly than the "good guys": England,Switzerland, France.

I can only speak for myself, but if I say I'm English, that isn't entirely true, neither can I claim to be a national from the other countries I grew up in. English and proud of it except that i think of the average Brit as a beer-guzzling, sun-reading, arogant, mono-lingual, Island monkey!(not forgetting the glorious past antics of the Brit empire).
At the same time the Germans can't cross a road without written permission in triplicate,
the Dutch spit at you when they talk down at you, the Swiss can't drive and the French are a law(laws are of course just guidelines, no need to stick to them) unto themselves. (Is that enough multi-nationalist prejudice for you?).GRIN

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* the average Brit as a beer-guzzling, sun-reading, arogant, mono-lingual, Island monkey!(not forgetting the glorious past antics of the Brit empire).
That wouldn't accept the metric system;o)

* At the same time the Germans can't cross a road without written permission in triplicate,
That's why they produce some excellent cars;o)

* the Dutch spit at you when they talk down at you,
No doubt, it is the Bavarian fault;o)

* the Swiss can't drive
But they can count and sometimes produce a Del Ponte a time;o)

* the French are a law(laws are of course just guidelines, no need to stick to them) unto themselves.
That's why part of ME arms contracts ends up in very "high" pockets;o)

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* the Swiss can't drive
But they can count and sometimes produce a Del Ponte a time;o)

**** is that what they are doing when the lights turn green??????
Indicate?... you mean there are OTHER PEOPLE on the road?

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Kim don't mind that Bagel.. she has never been out of her flee infested war mongering so called country!

The Swiss are decent drivers!

Kim, ur suppose to be a friend of that moron on this board, otherwise know as soreknees errr lmx. As a friend u should advise him that being a 43 year old never been married fatherless bonehead hanging around msg. boards all day isn't the way things are suppose to be!


Why don't u tell him that? Are you trying to protect his fragile personality? I can understand ur desire not to seem to be standing against him, but u realize deep down what a sad case he is... and what Im saying is 200% accurate. But u would never admit that to him would you?

Is that a real friend? I beg to differ!

Who needs enemies when u have friends like these... eh lmx?

Bagel, are u still rubbing that rabbis magic wand looking for that damn genie?

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lmx is gay isn't IT?


I say we take a vote to decide if gay people are to be vanished from this board.

Lesbians not included.

Mr. Moderator... yuuuhoooo Mr. Moderator....

We gotta a gay guy! We gotta a gay guy!
He's that annoying character who keeps bugging u while u try to ignore him...
Cut him off.

Oh and pls refer to mgs. 10.14 by the same spineless moron threatening physical harm towards me. That's a clear booboo as per the laws & regulations of the rules of DMS.

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