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Archive through May 3, 2001

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i didnt "threaten" you, pince cabron.
you must be thinking of your THREAT
to meet me in Boston....
i mean, it was a joke from an idiot, not to be
taken seriously...
but a threat's a threat, eh pendejo?

your time is gonna come, FAKE.
the moderator knows _all_ about you.
Ohaya, K-san!
Mornin', Kim!


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* is that what they are doing when the lights turn green??????
Counting traffic-sign and lighting poles hit;o))

And "allamericans" demand "Camel Crossing" signs removed, because they don't want camels crossing the road in that place. LOL.

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The CNN and the BBC reaired the Pal TV pathetic broadcast, featuring the lead PA clown pathological liar Araf, in the no-less pathetic prerecorded "Palestinian Nation Holocaust" address. Nothing was heard about this "nation" till after 1967, when it had become convenient to fan a "nation" myth to bamboozle the silly folks into believing Israeli "occupants" had "displaced" a "nation". Lies need to be repeated and repeated often.
The "address" contained "conditions" for peace: full IDF withdrawal to the June 6, 1967 lines, dismantling of all "settlements", the full return of the 1948 refugees to their "homeland" in the present-day Israel, and the creation of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. In other words, they want no peace.
Arabs, studying in the Hebrew Uni., decided not lag behind, and waved black flags and shouted war BS, faced with Jewish students, holding a nicely appropriate "Fifth Column" insults.
The Hard Talk of the BBC of yesterday was pathetic too. I was not previously of a high opinion about the host and now I think of him as a complete shallow BSnik. The schmock interrupted Melchior (he was not very strong, though, as Netaniyahu would have been) all the time, putting the cart before the hourse, which at times looked outright laughable for a thinking person: when asked about the Camp David, Melchior started describing the proposals and was, after some three sentences interrupted with "But how could the Palestinians agree to them, if you destroy Palestinian houses and shops?! Eh? How many houses and shops were destroyed?"
What?! Who was destroying "houses & shops" at the time of Camp David?! The guy was agitated and delusional, like "allamerican".

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If you think the Swiss are decent drivers......splutter, koff, Bwahaha, LOL, arab emirates: "Can you see over the steering wheel and touch the padals?"....LMAO!

"Mr moderator, mr moderator",......... ah please stop....koff, LOLOLOLOLOLOL.......
Where's your sister?......LOL ;0)LOLOLOLOLHAHa.....lost it....splutter.

ahum.... excuse me......composure...Ok Phew!

I am a friend, not that you would be able to tell!


".....because they don't want camels crossing the road in that place."
The Swiss wouldn't even notice, if a camel was overtaking them....(even with an allamerican jockey doing the Kan-Kan)

L'menexe WINK! learning to use those buttons.....

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Hard talk...all mouth and no research...apart from researching their own ratings!
I thought they might have been too busy, with the election and all.....

Interesting ? Tragic!

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Lmx u MIDDLE AGED F A G !!! ... I would never threaten a senior citizen... never!

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* she has never been out of her flee infested war mongering so called country!
I still don't understand, why Araf, Jihad & Co want it so much then?

* As a friend u should advise him that being a 43 year old never been married fatherless bonehead hanging around msg. boards all day isn't the way things are suppose to be!
A classic Arab showing up. Seriously, it is in their culture to question and mock everyone, who is not married.
"Allamerican, allamerican" ... allarab. LOL.

* 10.14 by the same spineless moron threatening physical harm towards me.
Get Your boxing gloves ready, but decide what You are going to put them on first;o))))))))))))))

* Bagel, are u still rubbing that rabbis magic wand looking for that damn genie?
Your wife's life experience living with You? LOL.
P.S. A belated appearance of Yours. You have been standing for the Pal "Nakba" imbecility since then and forgot to sit down?

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All the cussing and name calling kinda looks like the USC over here?
No break here eh?

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"Personal morals of politicos are dubious. "

Yes. That's why the morality of the population is low. Poeple follow theyr leader.

"* Is religion, when strong, the moral authorithy with always a political influence.":

" "

Interresting point. I mean (but I didn't think about that while writing in the box) that religion has _one_ political influence ,as they may be several and an influence of a certain kind, on some field more important for the clergy than others.

Why? Did I say something stupid or funny?

" It depends on morals pushed. For instance, Sheikh Umar Abd Al-Rahman,"
Yes, if you look at ultrafundamentalists theyr moral differs from our and from that of the world.

"Has the owner any right to defend his property at his own home?"

Yes he does. But in some country (I dunno for the US) if you kill somebody in your own house and it's not proven that the victim was threatening your life (ie if you shot him in the back) you may be found guilty.
What I wanted to say is that there are more risks the burglar shot at the owner if the owner show the intention or the possibility of shoting at him
than if he doesn't.
Of course it doesn't apply to 100% of case.


""Can you see over the steering wheel and touch the padals?"...."

I think it's not a problem for him to touch a "pedal" as he _is_ a pedal himself.

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"""I still don't understand, why Araf, Jihad & Co want it so much then? """

I don't know either - but i suspect they, like the JEW, crave blood and Anarchy. Jews were raised on the playgrounds of Auschwitz and Co. While Pals have been raised in Gaza. Different names with the same effect on the psyche.

Freddi, do urself a favour & spare urself with the minor league put downs. thx for the laughs!!!

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My, that almost sounded intelligent!

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Good guy,

No this is childsplay compared to you guys.
Did you manage to drag in enough people from outside to ban ?Glodeck?, was he really that much of a problem, amoungst all the usual suspects you have over there?

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"my, that almost sounded intelligent"

from the FAKE?
say WHAT?


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Dear Allarab, has anyone, so far, told You, that You really have a lot of homosexual thoughts? How do You and Your Informer buddy cope with it, being one ocean apart?
How is Your family life affected with this bent of Yours?

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Don't worry about me Bagel, I adore a nice piece of A S S and a nice rack as much as the jew likes the site & taste of blood from a 4month-old baby.

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