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Archive through May 3, 2001

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Ohaya, K-san...

ship's a-goin' down, FAKE.
we'll wave to you as you SINK...


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* I don't know either - but i suspect they, like the JEW, crave blood and Anarchy. Jews were raised on the playgrounds of Auschwitz and Co. While Pals have been raised in Gaza. Different names with the same effect on the psyche.
It may seem "intelligent" at a first glance, because it does not contain the usual arapish extralingual gibberish. But, still, is BS, that is suitable for duping the unsuspecting, that Jews originate out of nowhere, that they haven't existed on the historic land way before the land was called Palestine by the Romans and that they are European "colonizers". Moslem Arabs, with their illiteracy rate running at around 65%, can be duped into believing it.
Almost 80% of Mandate Palestine went to the arabs of Palestine after the anti-jewish rioting of 1921. This land was called Transjordan, and then Jordan. That 80% was supposed to go to the Jews under the Versaille Agreements between the Arab leadership (Feisal) and Jews (Weiztman) in 1919, and under the agreements with the League of Nations, not to mention the Balfour declaration, but was given to the Arabs instead, under the British Policy of appeasement of aggressors, which later became infamous, because it encourages further banditry to "appease", and which continues to be thrust on us by the EU hypoctites.
It was the Arabs who "colonized" Jewish lands after Byzantine. The Arabs expelled many Jews out of the country. They did the same to the Spanish in 711 (as well as to the Italians). The Spanish came back eight centuries later and recaptured Spain. The Jews came back three centuries later.
The Arabs are careful to hide the fact that a lot of Jews lived in the Arab countries. Some 50% of the Jews in the present-day Israel descend from those "Arab" Jews.
Egypt alone had 75,000 of Jews in 1948. In 1956 4000 Jews were expelled, after being forced to renounce all property rights and financial claims. In 1957 all Egyptian Jews, not in "continuous residence" since 1900, were deprived of citizenship. In 1960, many synagogues were closed down, along with Jewish orphanages, schools, hospitals and senior citizens' care, and in 1967 all Jews in official positions were dismissed, with many more expelled.
And the Arab "comrade"-propagandists ran into their own trap (talk of brain fade) - touting the Pals as "descendants of the ancient Canaanites", they embarass the rest - who are the rest of the Arabs then?!;o))
P.S. Allarab does not want to be a loser (he is, anyways) and avoids this ground. That is why he is left with a sorry BS, making an idiot of himself by himself.

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Thanks Delenne, now try looking up sarcasm!

Sorry, but I've had a long day in a real microcosm. You know a place where different people from entirely different races and cultures, languages, nationalities actually manage to work together!

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"appeasement of aggressors bla,bla...."

It isn't the EU, you'll find both the Europeans and the Isreali's dance for the same organ-grinder! (for now)

Anywho, you have the technology as it were, send them all to hell then, solve the problem?????
What'ya waiting for?
(Oh of course its those EU hypocrites stopping you)..."*$~@"!

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That hairy monkey Bagel just loves to bellow like a Babboon in heat! blah, blah, blah...

As much as u hate to admitt it, there is no reall dif. between u and the very same people u kill everyday.

Lets just call for what it is: both of you offer each other the need to vent your anger and a forum to excercise your uncivilised cannibalistic blood mongering ways that you need for survival.

Plenty Fair!

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* Thanks Delenne, now try looking up sarcasm!
Wait, I'll fetch my big know-all foliant ... we-e-ell ... here it i-i-i-is ... woah! It turns out I usually know one, when I see one:o)))
Top secret! Devour after reading!
It was a targeted elaboration on Your original line. Sh-sh-sh.

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Try again, sarcasm (often involves saying one thing and meaning another).
But don't worry about hypocracy and right-wing backlash, just blame the NWO!

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eom. [as they say at USC, lolol]

ps> ship's a'goin' down, FAKE.
believe it, pendejo.
Konichiwa, K-san!

sorry if i'm the only one to say it, but arigato.
much there i didnt know.

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* Try again, sarcasm (often involves saying one thing and meaning another).
Pardonnez moi, Kim.
I, in fact, joked in my Wed., May 16, 2001 - 05:16 pm. Maybe, the joke was crude, pardonnez again. No misunderstanding on my part, - the post was aimed at enfant terrible.

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Hi, L'-san.

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* as the jew likes the site & taste of blood from a 4month-old baby.
Salam, Kebabullah. What do You think is the case, - the care for kids was not included into the Hamas Sheikh Yassin's spiritual curriculum for freedom-fighters, or the freedom-fighters were all dropouts, because the curriculum was too thick for them, or freedom, as such, is applicable only to the freedom-fighters?

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* Don't worry about me Bagel,
I was just showing humanitarian compassion with Your plight, as it may become irreversible without the qualified psychological and psychiatric help, with the adverse impact on the family life and on the Arab society, as it may lose a productive member.

* I adore a nice piece of A S S and a nice rack
So, it was all about You:
Mr. Moderator... yuuuhoooo Mr. Moderator....
We gotta a gay guy! We gotta a gay guy!
He's that annoying character who keeps bugging u while u try to ignore him...

A nice ad. But it is a little bit premature, - Mr. Moderator hasn't indicated his sexual preferences yet.

Prominent Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 835 "humanitarian compassion" collides with
another _deep inhalation_
of _Kerosene_...

Ohaya, K-san!

but do you really believe the FAKE
has a WIFE?

so every few weeks
she's obliged to
'Lie back and think of england...'
as the 19th century saying went.

so it'll be one-two-BANG and he rolls over and
goes to sleep...

this w/the assumption that any 'reasonable' woman
would get 20 km near him....

maybe FAKE's papa paid her parents off in

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"""Salam, Kebabullah. What do You think is the case, - the care for kids was not included into the Hamas Sheikh Yassin's spiritual curriculum for freedom-fighters, or the freedom-fighters were all dropouts, because the curriculum was too thick for them, or freedom, as such, is applicable only to the freedom-fighters? """


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The Nazi's not only gave u a country... but they also taught u how to scirt issues & run away.

Thank them u hairy baboon.


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