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Archive through May 3, 2001

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Okay, okay, give me a a little longer L'san.
on its way..... out!

By the way, those sweet sounds will be blasting me all the way home!

You're pardonnezed, Mme.
I was not in a mood to be around yesterday.
' scuzzez

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Afternoon, Kim!
dunno if this comes before or after
yr. note to me
but thanks.
...out of all the music i have, app. 2200
cassettes, that i should be sending you "the
feel-good sounds"...go figure [grin]
Konichiwa, K-san!
...and you _know_ you have but to ask, and if i
had it [who knows?...] it's yours as quickly as
i could send it.'s okay, i know, but i _would_...
so i hear tell de joint be _rockin_ real soon....

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"""those sweet sounds will be blasting me all the way home!"""

all night long too?


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* As much as u hate to admitt it, there is no reall dif. between u and the very same people u kill everyday.

You exibit a rare case of seing things. There is no fight between Jews, much less - between me and the rest of the Jews. So, what is there to hate to admit?

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May 18, 2001
08:47 (Israel time)
Foreign journalists complain of Palestinian pressure
Ha'aretz Service
A number of foreign journalists working in Israel have complained that Palestinian journalists and associations related to the Palestinian Authority (PA) have applied pressure on them to retract articles criticizing the PA, Israel Radio reported Friday.
Earlier in the week, the Palestinian Media Center (PMC) sent an e-mail letter to hundreds of foreign journalists working in the region. The letter harshly criticized NBC Israel correspondent Martin Fletcher for an article he published on the Palestinian Authority's use of children for propaganda purposes.

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It's betterthan/kev/good guy. Sorry for the long delay in response. Ah wasn't in favor of banning Frank I stayed out of it. I don't have a problem with him. I think he takes allot of heat because he doesn't fit into their scheme of things. Everything at the USC is either pro-russian or pro-Serb, if not you are a complete assshole. I don't now how I catch so little slack.
Anyway how are you and its FRIDAY, are ya still drinking the Red Bull's and Vodka?

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senor bettergoode:

you do realize this is not the 'Kim' from northern
ireland at USC....

just making sure.


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u c bagel... noone wins! the truth is ur country is as uncivilized as all the rest were u can't even walk down a street without getting blown away to smitherenes.

Enjoy it...

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"her country" was suicide-bombed, pendejo
in case you didnt notice...


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What led to that u moron?

Lmx... we all know just how dumb u are, so u don't have to prove it everytime u get the chance.

Give us hope man!

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PIG FARIS HOMOUD: got it all wrong, pince cabron.

it is understood here that you're an IGNORANT
the most _hated_ on this board; you prove it
_every time_ you vomit out one of your
kerosene-fortified posts.

your end here is nearer than you think...FAKE -_-

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* That hairy monkey Bagel [...]
Dear Kebabali, Your mental state keeps me worried. I understand that You are overjoyed with the mirror looks of the results of the acquisition of Your first electric hair clipper, but, think again, bagels are not monkeys.

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"No one has ever added up the terrorist attacks Yasser Arafat launched or orchestrated against Israel since his Fatah group murdered 17 Israeli sportsmen at the 1972 Olympic games in Munich. The blast at the Netanya mall Friday, when a 20-year old married Arab tax-driver from Tulkarm blew himself up to slay 6 Israeli citizens and injure 102, was one of the most devastating - though not his last. After all, in the 1970s and 1980s, Arafat set whole cities on fire – Amman, Beirut, Tripoli. (And remains a EU humanitarian darling. Aren't they perverts?)
Flames over Gaza and Tel Aviv, as well as Khan Younis, Ramat Gan and Petach Tikva, are, as he keeps telling his followers, the best way to advance his unchanging goal: a Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital, achieved not through diplomatic dialogue, but by destroying Israel.
To this end, Palestinian violence escalates month by month, forcing Israel into a hopeless spiral, - from tanks to gunships and from long-range anti-tank missiles to warplanes on Friday, May 18.
Arafat survived the Jordanian air force in Amman, the Syrian air force in Tripoli and the Israeli air force in south Lebanon and Tunis. He knows the limitations of military prowess; Israel can only escalate so far. The Israeli government needs to contend not only with the Palestinian threat, but with its own internal debaters, who urge restraint on army action so as not to burn all bridges to negotiations - Arafat must be left the option of dialogue or accepting a ceasefire.
Friday night, US secretary of state Colin Powell demanded an unconditional cessation of violence in the Middle East and urged all world leaders to support the US appeal.
On past performance, Arafat may accept a ceasefire, especially if he thinks it will bring him a White House invitation, but then, without pause, he will violate it. The same applies to peace negotiations. His favorite gambit is to shoot while talking in order to raise the ante, as Clinton and Barak discovered to their extreme discomfiture.
Israeli policy-makers, searching for a means of containing the Palestinian juggernaut of terror, are therefore running out of options. They may find themselves left stuck with the only one that has ever worked with Arafat, the one resorted to by the late King Hussein of Jordan, the Syrian president's father, President Hafez Assad, and the rulers of Kuwait after the Gulf War. They saved their regimes by expelling Arafat and his legions from their territories.
For decades the Palestinian leader has not been invited to Damascus; even his current ally, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, refuses to see him in Baghdad, aware of this veteran terrorist's capacity for stirring strife. Whenever he arrives in Riyadh, the Saudis put him aboard his plane within hours of his landing, smiling and promising him funds, that never arrive. Since the Palestinians in Kuwait played ball with Saddam in 1991, the Emirs have not given any Palestinian a resident's permit.
The Jordanian authorities, which did welcome him, are dismayed by his alliance with the dissident Moslem Brotherhood and its concomittant threat to the throne.

Since the 1993 Oslo afforded him an entry visa to Palestine, has practiced terrorism against the Israeli population – intermittently, but with mounting force since he declared his uprising last September. This is a campaign of attrition that Arafat is determined to wage to the end, regardless of bloodshed it costs both peoples.
Because it is not a dictatorship, a kingdom or any other kind of monocracy, Israel is vulnerable to domestic political and social pressures, international opinion and its dependence on the US. Any Israel leader would therefore think twice before undertaking the task of cutting Arafat out of the Middle East equation by force, as Arab rulers did. For driving Arafat out of Lebanon in 1982, with Syria's help and American support, Israel's current prime minister, Ariel Sharon, then defense minister, paid dear – 19 years in the political wilderness. By electing him now, 62.5 percent of Israel's Jewish voters said loud and clear they do not want another Barak, but a leader who has proved he can deal with Arafat exactly as he did in Lebanon.
Today's Sharon, at 73, may not be up to the task. His ambitions may be different, he may be more wary, or anxious to live down the brand of brutal war-monger that dogged him for so long.
Arafat has no such inhibitions. He is fast driving Sharon into a corner, where eviction of Arafat is the only way to save the country."

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An official with the International Committee of the Red Cross said
Jewish settlements on land Israel occupied in the 1967 Middle East
war were a war crime under humanitarian law.
``The policy of settlement as such in humanitarian law is a war
crime,'' Rene Kosirnik of the International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC) told a news conference in Jerusalem.

Reuter May 17

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Hi, Fred,

I'm not sure that the red cross is being particularly helpful in this case!

Hi Kevbetterthangoodguy!

I think you know that KimArx and USC kim are different people by now, unless you read with your eyes closed.
It seems funny that the USC folks take such offence at Frank - If he really is so dumb - I guess people like you just have natural charisma..
grumble, grumble, *$%#!- some of us are just totally ignored GRIN.
Where's that Dimitri person, anyway????

Kim AKA Jo,(aka >Angel< Fred: Wink)

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