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Archive through May 3, 2001

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Lets just call for what it is: both of you offer each other the need to vent your anger and a forum to excercise your uncivilised cannibalistic blood mongering ways that you need for survival.

I am not responsible for an abyss of factual distortions in the otherwise fantastically colourful Arab propaganda. See, I call it for what it is. Isn't it very honest and Plenty Fair?

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I find something in common between our Kebabali and Coffee Annan. Both don't make any sense and look
C. Annan found nothing better, than hand-wringing over "the disproportionate response" to a terrorist act. If it were not for the UN logo, I would think I was watching a muppet show. What does he think to be a proportionate response, I wonder? A Jewish suicide bomber going into some Arab village?

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An official with the International Committee of the Red Cross said Jewish settlements on land Israel occupied in the 1967 Middle East war were a war crime under humanitarian law.

Under what law the US Red Cross, commanded by the Bob Dole's wifey, refused medical aid to Serbs? And since when the Red Cross became an outlet for political statements?
Simple, with the recent changes in the UN, the EU seems to be in a desperate search for some new Milo to prove its leading role in "championing of the oppressed"(sicK).
Mssr. Le Dingue, I thought, You would find some argument, that holds water.
But, still better, leave it where it lies.

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* u c bagel... noone wins!
Who wins? Wins what?
Be more specific, don't run away.

* the truth is ur country is as uncivilized as all the rest [...]
What was that, that lead You, dear Kebabali, to think so?
The current state of all the rest, i.e. of Your native habitat?
Please, specify.

* u can't even walk down a street without getting blown away to smitherenes.
Isn't it a show of how all the rest understands and promotes "being civilized"?
Aren't You ashamed of all the rest? Give Yourself hope.

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Dear, Abdumbali,
* Palestinians belong in Palestine.. not in Kuwait...Jordan... Iraq or anywhere else u mention.
You are very disappointing, because You don't seem to catch the line.
Where was it said, that Pals belong to Iraq, Jordan or Kuwait (I can imagine the Kuwaitis shudder at the thought of it, like a bad-bad night dream.)? It was stated just that, everyone, that had accepted Araf folks, - regretted it sky-high later.
Maybe, it is the size of the typeface, that gives You the reading trouble, but You can always visit an ophthalmologist. I am sure, You can find at least one decent one out there in Your Emirates (it cannot be that everyone there is a Forrest, sorry, Desert Gump, You know, ask Bashar Assad, anyways.).

untill u realize civilization !!!

You are delusional, dear Abdumbali, - what is the connection of KaBOOOOOOM and realize civilization? Are You saying that "realizing civilization" is promoted and made through KaBOOOOOOM?! Don't tell us, please, that You fell for the terrorist propaganda. Give us hope, man.

* peace in the region is so close to you... regardless of what u say bagel.
Wouldn't You mind sharing Your view on it?
How close? What should be done?
I am waiting for answers, don't run away, allright?

* syria.. lMAO... Iraq is done!!! , Lebaonon - LMAO... Jordan: dont think so... Saudi - again LMAO... Iran - 25,000 miles away off desert !!! so u can take all ur talk about being the victim and shove thenm up ur hairy A SS !!! lmao...
I just cannot believe it! It absolutely makes no sense!
See, You rave like a violent mental clinic patient! I am worrying about You, ask for a professional help.

* The truth is BAGEL is that ur kind needs a victim to blame to justify ur desire and need to kill and spill the blood of 4 month old baby victims.
How can You sink so low? To the level of this laughable gibberish?
P.S. Dear Abdumbali, Your mental state keeps me worried. I understand that You are overjoyed with the mirror looks of the results of the acquisition of Your first electric hair clipper, but, think again, bagels are not monkeys.
Thank You for Your understanding.

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you like that "give us hope" line!!! lol...

peace in the region is so close to you... regardless of what u say bagel.
"""Wouldn't You mind sharing Your view on it?
How close? What should be done?
I am waiting for answers, don't run away, allright? """

Bagel pls. if u know anything u know i don't run away! ur confused with ur childhood . Running away is hereditary! so expect ur children to be the same.

But enough of that! let's get back to my original point. If the jew is really so interested in peace, then its well within reach. All u do is return all the conquered territory that u took by force. Land that did not belong to you in the first place. Land that u conquered and which you deprived it’s original inhabitants the most basic human needs. the same land - and not an inch more - that those same inhabitatns now want back.

Is that simple enough Bagel?

You’ve been fighting for what seems like centuries, losing endless lives, causing countless devastation and ruin. All over a piece of arid land that u STOLE. Well at least everyone except jews calls it STEALING. So go ahead bagel and argue what & why its’ not considered stealing in ur delusional mind!!! But all u will be doing is avoiding the core matter!

See I told u … it’s Easy. so give ur future generations hope, man (lol) or u can expect more Bombs in Malls from the Palestinians.

edited by moderator

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* You are so blinded by your rage you can't even step back and take an objective look at the situation.
Dear Abdumbali, You have become too cryptic recently, - what rage and what situation are You talking about?

* Look who's running away!!! lol...
You are disappointing. And, as it was said once, it is most indecorous on Your part. So I have to repeat:
Who wins? Wins what? Be more specific, - we need fresh ideas.

* ahhhhhh, Call me picky but no Bombs in Malls for me, Thank you very much!!!
I know, I know, - You are not that civilized. See, scientifically speaking, it is the adverse effect of civilization on some Arab folks, - quite a lot (sometimes it strikes whole countries, - Algeria, for instance) of them, after absorbing more civilization, than they can cope with mentally, strap on bombs and go on enthusiastically promoting the benefits of it in the loudest way possible, poor souls, Allah akbar.

* Bombs in Malls !!! LMAO...
Bombs in Malls! lololololol....

Awful! Don't tell me You picked that much civilization up too and are strapping a bomb on.

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Hi Kim, Dellen

"I'm not sure that the red cross is being particularly helpful in this case!"

Maybe not but they are neutral. And it's rare in this case. The truth must be said about Israel and theyr occupation policy in the region notwithstanding palestinian terrorism and Allamerican jerking on this board.

It's very easy to respond with F16 raids to a suicide bomber. It seem harder for Sharon to have a coherent policy on the settlements in the occupied territories.

Looks like soon they are going to fight a total war once and for all.

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Jews conquered territories on the ground it has been conquered on them in the past.
If every nation which could claim the same kind of territory revendication on a 3 centuries basis (let alone 1000 years stuffs) they will be few acre of peace on Earth actualy. One have to accept History somehow.
On the other hand, the longer the jews occupy the land, the more they can claim it as theyr "because we are living here for half a century and I was born here as were my children" and so on.
If the jews have to pull back, you can be sure to hear such complains.

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* Jews conquered territories on the ground it has been conquered on them in the past.
Technically Le Dingue's words here and below in his original post of Sunday, May 20, 2001 - 04:05 pm follow the Arab propaganda line.

Because he implies that the State of Israel has no right to exist.

Yep, another anti-Jewish type. You are all the same this way or another. Enjoy allamerican.
Nothing more to talk about.

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I didn't say the Jewish state has no right to exist. I say the state of Israel illegaly occupy territories which doesn't belong to this jewish state.

I'm _NOT_ antisemit (or anti jewish whatever).

In the meantime, Ariel Sharon starts to go too far. He starts to do a big mistake.

" Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, in broadcast remarks
on the air raids, said he was ``not happy carrying out these kinds
of bombastic operations.''
Yedioth Ahronoth countered: ``This begs the question -- why did you
do it, to flex your muscles?
``Hi-tech language speaks of 'smart bombs'. The bombs dropped on
Nablus and Ramallah were as stupid as can be,'' the newspaper added.
``They were pointless. Does anyone believe that two F-16s over the
West Bank can deter Islamic bombers and those who send them?''"

The Ottoman Turks ceded control of Palestine to the
British in 1918. At the conclusion of World War I, the
British had deftly won a mandate over the strategic
Palestine territory. At the same time, Western powers
were becoming increasingly anti-Semitic. The Jewish
Diaspora began the Zionist movement in an effort to
reestablish their God-granted home of Israel, smack in
the middle of Palestine. In an effort to gain the
Palestine mandate, the British hastily agreed to help
the Jews form Israel. The result was a massive
emigration of the Jewish Diaspora to the Palestine
region upsetting the hegemony of the primarily Muslim
inhabitants. The British, more occupied with World War
II, were not able to control Jewish emigration policies.
By 1948, the British mandate expired and the Jews felt
they had significant numbers to be able to declare the
independent state of Israel. Given the conditions of
World War II, Jewish sympathy ran strong among the
Allied Powers, and Israel (occupying Palestinian
territory) was eventually granted recognition by the
United Nations.
Since the birth of Israel, Palestinians have struggled
to regain their homeland lost to a quick influx of
immigrants. Under Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian
Liberation Organization and its legislative bodies (the
Palestinian National Authority) have used international
appeals, violence, threats and negotiation to establish
their own homeland next to Israel.

Could you explain to me why the Isrealis are not happy with wath they get now and why they need to colonize more land. Is Israel too small?
Why is it impossible for Israel to grant full independance to the Palestinians in the Gaza Stripe and the West Bank?

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Hi! L'menexe!
Not very talkative today...

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