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Archive through May 3, 2001

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I beg you don't go!

This subject (Israel) is dear to you. Please understand that I never intended to throw •••• at you and that I'm talking about Israel as I would talk about any other burning issues.

I don't approve the FAKE's offending behavior and that's why I'v NEVER been responding his messages.

Now he seems, a little bit too late to be understaning the civilized way of conversing about politic.
By doing so he may seems to be meeting my views and my views meeting his.
That's not true in the sens that I have respect for the jews and that I have much less respect for the arabs in general.
But what can I do if I don't agree with the current Israel's policy?

I started to be intrested in the Israeli issue in light of the events. Not by sympathy for the FAKE.

I hope we will resume our famous copy-and-reply take-and-eat conversations and that you will regard this post as an attempt of putting more priority in being nice with you.

(as well as you, L'menexe)

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" she used to consume unnecessary board space with mainly redundant and trivial information. The good news is that I have the latest statistical data on Polish Economic Development 01/09/00 to 01/02/01..."

HAHAHA! As long as you DON'T POST Polish economic data or other copy-pasting on this board, I apreciate your sens of humor.

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....if i have to grab you by your NASTY SLIMY


bye bye...

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Mr. Lmenexe,

You are a crude, uncivilized racist individual. I shall be lodging a formal complaint against you for violating Yahoo's terms of service.

"but remember to respect other DMS Board Members. Do not engage in personal attacks on others,stray off topic"

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Mr American, you are banned and have been for awhile, BTW changing your name makes absolutely no difference to the system, so save yourself the effort.

Jack thornhill, we didn't come down in the last rain shower, we know what provocation is. What is your problem?

L'menexe, fine we can discuss this elsewhere, but I think Fred's apology, speaks for itself. Yes I saw the impersonation by a welknown FAKE, a bit pathetic really.

Kev, Yes I post as JO on USC, the Kim V. KimArx mix ups were getting boring and I know it wasn't you who impersonated me. I know you wouldn't sink to the level of.... , well lets say for once Antranik was in the clear.
It was the childish tantrum of someone who has never been welcome here and has finally driven away probably the most interesting poster on this board.

Madame, please reconsider.
(I only meant that it is not surprising you should get pissed off -but you have always risen above the Cr@p in the past- 'cause you are good and you know you are.)

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"crude, uncivilized, racist....."
so are you finished tongue-mopping Kisako's
kitchen floor?
define "uncivilized, racist" for me, Professor.

a jewish woman
for whom i had the greatest respect
and deepest regard

was driven away after enduring far more than her
share of abuse from the ANTI-SEMITIC RACIST IDIOTS
on this board.

did you hear that part, aging professor Thornhill?
should i repeat it?
so, go ahead and refer Yahoo to the moderator
here, and when you do, we'll discuss the conduct
of the FAKE, and there's quite a lot in the
archives of his mindless attacks on someone very
dear to me.
....and if you think yahoo would be 'offended' by
DMS Russia, tell 'em to go to USC. DMS is a
[expletive] Tea Party by comparison.
best of days to you, mum
Ohaya, Kisako!

daishki, K-san.
oy....i'm gonna miss you somethin' fierce,
as the saying goes.


so give us all a break and SHUT UP, Thornhill.

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Best of days also L'san.

R and I are gonna reconfigure the cr@p outa here for good!

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Kim ,Dimitri is not around .If you don't mind I would like to see your picture ,you can send it to me at

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It's a pitty Dellen took too seriousely the FAKE's offenses.
I regret to have been amalgamated with this unwelcome person.
She shouldn't leave because of him.
If he didn't bore us in the reality, I would say that Thornhill should be approach with more humor (however enlarged)even if this humor is not intended.
The problem with Thornhill is that I don't know if he is joking or if he is making personal attacks for real.
What is sure is that while he is not able to articulate sentences togheter himself he had to copy-paste "I shall be lodging a formal complaint against you for violating Yahoo's terms of service" then appeared Y!, irrelevant here.
But Thornhill is a caracter living on irrelevancy.
It seems he can't express himself without irrelevance.
Me too I should be approached with more humoristic mood than usual because this humor is intended (be it blundering, up to you to think it's stupid).
I never intend to hurt anybody.

I hope ,I mean I realy knee down and pray there is no misunderstanding...

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M'sieu Ledingue:

I love Kisako, you know.
no i _dont_ mean some sorta sappy SHITE else can i say it, y'know?

lolol our '2nd anniversary' is somewhere in
mid-july...i was obnoxious to her on the Yugo page
[because that's the 'side' i was on at the time]
...her response impressed me, we started
communicating on the page...i learned quite a bit
from her, incl how NATO destroyed yugoslavia...
the question for me hasnt been _whether_ i was
impressed by her, but _how much_

She'd leave the yugo page fall 99; one day i found
her on the russ page, and i've stayed ever since.
because of her more than anyone else. true dat.

lolol not to mention i enjoy fighting the 'bad
guys'...'kissie' [soon to accept my endearment of
'kisako'] and i fought the bad guys _together_
= the scum would not leave her alone! =
...and we kicked their ass; line 'em up, mow 'em
including, the FAKE being banned twice...[this is
strike three for him and he is OUT -_-]
Kisako was and continued to be one of the smartest
person this board has ever seen =sometimes THE
she'd been away from here, quite awhile, but she
returned in full force earlier this year =huzzah!=
...and when St. Tony called her 'my jewish
girlfriend/lover' on USC, would i deny it?
no, but for a time, i was "Consort-Designate to
the Queen of the World" <[w/g]
it wasnt the FAKE which set her off the other
night; i could see it building in wasnt
quite toi, either, but your timing was pretty bad
and what you were saying a little too _rhetorical_
for that moment. she'd heard it before. more than
once, most likely.
no, i cant speak for her.
but i believe she felt let down, outnumbered,
lacking support.
she's 5-6 hours ahead of me and i was sleeping.

not that i could have contributed much; and often
i've felt i couldnt say more than 'yeah, yeah,
what she said'. [not the first time i'd've been
called 'cheerleader']. that wouldnt have been
many days ago, i had begun to make jokes
re:palestinians, off of a [joke] she left on a
post. i did a couple and stopped; 'i cant be doing
this'...not my place to do that.
being critical, fine. they [expletive] deserve it.
but not jokes.
out of all of us, Kisako has been the one living
in a place where, conceiveably, she could be =in
danger=, all the time, every day.

all the time.
every day.
i'm not exactly well-educated about all this = i
think very broadly, philisophically. Kisako was
_way_ smarter than moi. [Kim is too, i tink]

....for me to say 'yeah, yeah, what she said'
would not have been enough.
but it's not my world! i cant _make it_ my world!
...i will accept 'what she said' as good enough
pour moi; i could fine-tune it later.
I love Kisako, you know.
no i _dont_ mean some sorta sappy SHITE else can i say it?
and if she felt let down by me...oh no, K-san, no.
i think it's a matter of style w/you, m'sieu,
occasionally bad timing, and perhaps your
'elasticity' in deploying the english language.

your sincerity is/would be/will be
no worries on my end.
naaahhhhh, THORNHILL's no concern of mine;
doesnt even qualify as 'hot air'.
g'nite, mum
carrying on here will be different doubt.


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Bad timing, too rethorical, maybe. But I think there is one taboo with her and it's Israel.
She will eventualy answer but will get upset.
The FAKE knew it. I didn't know it.

One time you said that you married her.
He! For a while I beleived it. I mean in the real world. I was even trying to imagine how a husband and a whife are dealing with a common message going at diferent time and reading the message of the they would talk at home about what they reply to eahc other in public...

Have you ever met/wish to meet elle in the reality?

Congrats HWH Baron Glennmoragie!!!!

For your search up to november 99.

Would you suggest they are the same persons.

I think Jake B (to my mind the sickest of all) couldn't be something else than what he was.

Does anybody knows:
What's the administrative link between Y! and DMS?

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'ello, BARON.
maybe i 'figured it a time ago'...
...or not.

i dunno, i remember when you were doing those straight-outta-Camelot riffs last year...long, long ago.
i liked you...less...then.
but i already had my role staked out in that costume-drama....or so i wished.
the queen was always most tolerant and gracious.

so, we lobbed a few at each other
...until i thought i'd figured out
who you were
in relation
and i stopped.
i stopped.
oh, what a sweety i dig?
obviously, not for you [wink]
but for her.
so work with me on this, BARON.

there are several posts involving me there,
untrue garbage, some dating back months.
all that BACON crap, me going into some 'chosen people' riff at yahoo == i _still_ aint never been to yahoo = but yesterday at USC the exact 'chosen people riff showed up, by an impersonator using my name.
so, what are you saying, BARON?
what are you believing of me, or not?
i'll answer you, straight up.

but i gotta tell ya, blood,
at least i could read you
when we were all in Camelot.

interesting style y'got here now
when it works, yeah, pretty cool
and when it dont, it sho nuff dont.

okay blood, your move.
dont see no gettin' jiggy round here
= you shouldnt either.


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where are we, cap'n?

surely takes some work on their part...

all this deception pour moi? really?
oh, what a matinee idol i must be...
M'sieu Ledingue:

i never thought kisako wouldnt discuss israel.
if, on the other hand, _all_ she's given to work with is that of a wearisome, perjorative kind... did that night.
she _does not_ speak for, nor does she _represent_ or _embody_, israel.
it's always been absurd for her to always be on the spot, in a defensive posture, and there had always been TOO much of that.


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>>Would you suggest they are the same persons.
>>I think Jake B (to my mind the sickest of all) couldn't be something else than what he was.
nay..him same
scam goes like ya pick sob's site, play da sob wit da sob gettin' shitt fo nutin' --me knows....)
>>What's the administrative link between Y! and DMS?
nutin' me knows of -- 'tiz da place in ViExpo VIEXPO-DOM SEYYAHNET-DOM SEYYAHNET.NET FATIHSURMAZ2-DOM

an' mo..
>>all this deception pour moi?
nay..pour all da gud guyz 'n galz..

da board's a'graVeyard ain't so? mideast peace fell..
i'm outta 'ere

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I think the connection might have been that DMS was listed under message boards on the "my Yahoo" Chechnia newspage. That was how I got here originally.
There is no "administrative" link to speak of.

So Baron we have narrowed Thornhill down to being someone who knows that..
hmmmmm, interesting!

L'menexe? na! wink.

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