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Archive through May 3, 2001

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Mornin, mum!

so _which_ 'na' are we winking about?


======= the absence of the FAKE....SALUD.

best of days

{+1,000,000 sk}

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"It was the Arabs who "colonized" Jewish lands after Byzantine. The Arabs expelled many
Jews out of the country. They did the same to the Spanish in 711 (as well as to the
Italians). The Spanish came back eight centuries later and recaptured Spain. The Jews came
back three centuries later.
The Arabs are careful to hide the fact that a lot of Jews lived in the Arab countries.
Some 50% of the Jews in the present-day Israel descend from those "Arab" Jews.
Egypt alone had 75,000 of Jews in 1948. In 1956 4000 Jews were expelled, after being
forced to renounce all property rights and financial claims. In 1957 all Egyptian Jews,
not in "continuous residence" since 1900, were deprived of citizenship. In 1960, many
synagogues were closed down, along with Jewish orphanages, schools, hospitals and senior
citizens' care, and in 1967 all Jews in official positions were dismissed, with many more
And the Arab "comrade"-propagandists ran into their own trap (talk of brain fade) -
touting the Pals as "descendants of the ancient Canaanites", they embarass the rest - who
are the rest of the Arabs then?!;o))"

sorry Delenne, I didn't read it properly.

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Hello Kim;

It's an interesting point from Dellen.

Now, my question is: What if the christian koptes decided to create a kopte state in the same region?
What arab country would agree to give a part of its land for the creation of such a state?
What would be theyr reaction if such an idea come out?
I think the existance of Isrrael, even without the occupied Territories, is a miracle.

(the koptes were 90% of the Egyptian population in the past)


I think Israel is a sensitive subject for Kisako.
The conversatations I had with her took a dual form, just like every good debate on this board.
None of such intention to make pressure on somebody I don't agree with in order to make her crack down and find myslef with only poeple who follows my opinion.
I din't realize what I gave so nasty to work with the last night/evening...
But I'm sure she will come back.

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Got an email from you L'Menexe said testing,whats that about ?

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it's nothing for you to be worried about...maybe
something amusing will show up.


news headlines...


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For whatever reason be that European colonialisation,Hitler,Zionism or a historic/ biblical claim, Isreal does exist! ( I was not aware fully about what Delenne has written there.)
I think you are argueing a mute point, sorry, no-one (in the west at least) is seriously suggesting that the present day State of Isreal can simply cease to exist, we turn the clock back and everything is hunky dorey....

For that matter some of the eastern block countries didn't exist until the beginning of this centuary, or at least only in the minds of the various ethnic groups. There is little point in looking back, you can't change the past.

In a conflict like this there is even less point in taking sides and casting blame on the other. They are both perpetrators of violence and both victims of circumstance. The aim is surely to reach a lasting agreement with the minimum amount of casualties on either side.

This need for support from the rest of the world, displayed by both sides, is a way of absolving themselves of responsibilty for the present situation. The more rightious they feel, the less likely they are to negotiate and settle the dispute.

I am not sitting on the moral high ground here, every nation does that, we all as individuals do that. It's basic human psychology - but we are all capable with a bit of effort of overcoming set patterns of behaviour.
(If we aren't.....? Well what's the point .)

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best of weekends, Mum!

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Thanks L'san and you

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Hello Kim,

I don't know what you are talking about. I never said nor suggested nor supposed nor even imagined that the Israeli state shouldn't exist or cease to exist.
In my _infamous_ post of Sunday, May 20, 2001 - 08:15 pm: I wrote it explicitely.

In my last post I suggested that the creation and the existance of the State of Israel is nearly miraculous and exceptional.
The creation of another such a state in the region now would be totaly impossible. Not only because of less western power in the Middle East but also because the arabs/muslims are much less tolerant and much more hawkish and more fundamentalist than in 1948.

We can't turn the clock back but this clock is not turning for the Occupied Territories for already a third of century.
There is no lasting agreement. History is not doing its job there.

The question I wanted to ask Dellen (and of course anybody on this board) was why the Isreali are not content with the recognized borders of Israel and why is it impossible for Israel to grant independaance to the Palestinians.

And -should I repeat it?- my question is without prejudice or pre-conceived answer or pro palestinian submeaning.
I just want to know the answer (or an opinion).

L'Menexe, Thanks for the link.

I posted my questions on Israel on theyr board already.
I hope I will not be branded there as a pro palestinian of saoudi origin trained in Afghanistan for this question.
Maybe I should add a disclaimer?

Antranik is making a daily in impersonating you on USC.
Amazing how some poeple can have fun with so little. But I noticed that now he is speaking! (I mean writing opinions).

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Konbanwa, K-san
i know, you're probably not here...but =
i thought i'd finally found it last night ! i've
been seeking some form of english-hebrew
translator, and there it was -- in goes the
english and out comes the translation [and vice
versa]. yes!
but i attempted to download, and what i got was
'sorry, we dont have this anymore'.
nnnggghhh = and i got a similar answer from a
similar link for a similar attempted download...
but such a translator exists; i thought i'd
surprise you someday.
M. Ledingue;

i dont know what it is about you, but i'm just not
comfortable w/you.
yes, i thought that was a good link. i didnt
notice there was a place to post.
but you are far from their conflict, further away
than i am, arent you?
i dont know what it means to you to say what you
it would, however, mean more to kisako to say what
she said.
i refuse to pursue this thread, okay?

no, she's not my wife; maybe i was antagonizing
ber-STEEEN just then.
Baron, treasure your treasures.

i cant stand your politics, but here's a vice we
apparently have in common.

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Posts: 548

Fred, If you don't know what I'm talking about why so defensive??? :0)

Actually that post started off to you and then went on a ramble of its own.

So you are saying that it is amazing that Isreal exists at all, and that rather than occupying the surrounding area, they should be thankful for what they have. (to whom ?)

I don't think any Isreali is going to thank you for that, but I understand what you mean.
Its just that Most Isreali's will probably tell you that they have payed for what they have in blood.
And.... That the occupation came about because they were attacked, and that they now hold strategic areas for defensive purposes.

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Why do you want my photo?
Aren't there any dartboards where you live?

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No, I was on the defensive because since the begining, there has been a misunderstanding on my point of view.
Your answer kind of relieve me.
I just add a note: "exceptional" would be more exact than "amazing".
I wouldn't go that far as to saying they owe to thank somebody. Or God. But this is already out of the political question.

I'm just intrested in what happens in the world you know.

Sure I'm not close to this conflict. And I was not close to the Chechen conflict nor to the Yugoslav nor to the Afghan, nor to the Congolese, nor to the Kursk's crew, nor to the Colombian drug war, nor the to Lewinsky affair...Still, I spent a lot of my free time reading news about them, reading opinions and writing on message boards (afterward).

I have no particular feeling, no diferent sensitivity to the problems in Israel as to the others hereupon. (...)

I just excpect others to reply to what I say. It's not important for me to write it on the internet. I don't intend "to tell the truth". It's more important however when the replies change my opinion.
And I cant' have it without expressing a strong stance on the subject in question.
Sorry. Take it easy. Don't bear grudge on me.

Kim (2d)

What's so fantastic/unusual with your picture?
Can have it too?!

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I promise I won't make a dartboard out of it...

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