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Archive through May 3, 2001

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The pipe line building industry has played a big role in both the Balkan and Chechen conflicts.
There is no doubt about that.

But I don't agree that the US is the allmighty mastermind of the whole thing.
This text is again a paranoid surestimate of the power of the US.
If Clinton and co are so goofy why is the US so powerfull then?

There is one incoherence in the analysis:
"The Bulgaria-Macedonia-Albania route has already won support in Moscow and from
the Chevron-led Caspian Pipeline Consortium that is developing the
Caspian-Kazakhstan oil deposits. Turkish authorities have now conceded
privately that Ankara had underestimated Russia's capacity to extend its
influence in the southern Caucasus states of Armenia and Georgia, thereby
dictating a high-risk security environment to the building and maintenance of
the Baku-Ceyhan line. "

That means that Russia too has a keen interst in the new order in the Balkan.
Russia wanted Milosevic to look after the pipe line. Nato didn't want that so the war to oust Milosevic.
Now they have lost Milosevic thought they are trying to save him by demanding his release and after they will help his come back to politic.

But both the west and Russia will benefit from the pipe line at the expense of Turkey.
That's why the Balkan war is not a plot to strangle Russia nor to exterminate cyrilic slavs.
It was a war for who will control the area: Russia, The West or the KLA.

The author fails in taking into consideration another power more important than the West/US: the islamic fundamentalists. He either doesn't talk about it and its power or he consider it as a toy of the US which is obviousely wrong.
We all know the role of the fanatic islamic sectes in the Chechen war and teyr involvment in the Balkan. It's dificult to imagine that they are all under american control. It's just absurd.
It's rather the oposite: Nato is not able the have them under theyr control. The US eventualy took profit of theyr struggle to overthrow Milosevic but the rebels are not following Nato's headquarter orders.
Russia didn't hesitate to accuse the Brits or the US os sinking the Kursk but they have never spoken about any link between Nato and the Chechen rebels. They named arab countries instead.

In Kosovo, the CIA trained the KLA. This argument is out of touch and just aimed at creating a scandal out of nothing. Nato didn't help the KLA only through the CIA training programs but also in bombing out Yugoslavia. I don't see what the "CIA scandal " add to this.

He fails to understand one of the main coponent of today's world order: Fundamentalist Islam.
The rebels obey to Islam. Geopoliticaly it can be summed up by most of the islamic states in the Middle East and Central Asia (exculing form sovietic block countries and Iraq) Jordan, EUA, Afghanistan, (Iran I'm less sure)... and why not Kuwait. Add the almost public support of Turkey to the Chechen rebels.

He falls further in the new leftist anti-west logghorea in accusing the Clinton administration of helping the KLA trafic drugs. If they wanted to ensure financial aid to the KLA, they would make a wire transfer straight. They wanted to hide the fact that the KLA was involved in drug business because they wanted to use the them as victims. In the meantime the drug traficker were jailed in Germany.

I don't think also there is a thread of destabilization from Slovenia to Makedonia...stretching over ten years. Nor from Nagornokarabahk to Dagestan. These conflicts have nothing in common.
The West is of course sticking with his position which is usualy oposite to the socialist run entities: Milosevic's Serbia (not Kostunica's Serbia) and Ziuganov'sRussia and the Duma (not Yelstsin or Putin's Russia).
But the author get rid a bit easily of the aspiration of the poeple for independence be it by nationalism or religion, be it anti-serb or simply neutral.
This is another power in the game which the US doesn't control eventhough it's on its side in the case by case.

To end with: the sunset of the West, the sunrise of the East...way to go...the decadence is worldwide.

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...i was impersonated _again_ today at USC, and
judging by the way it's always variations on that
limited vocabulary...

this is ber-STEEEN.
which doesnt mean St Tony didnt do any
impersonations lately...

but yeah, i'm afraid i'm starting to agree.
senor bettergoode:
the guy you asked me about was just 'beast'.



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...if you still have ber-STEEEN's link, would you
post it here, and at USC?

much obliged.

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Kim I would like to see everyones photo,it makes it easier to write a response knowing that you have a visual in your mind of whom you are addressing.Post it on Russ's site if you like don't have to email me.I am just curious that's all 🙂

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With Barnswein the visual was quiet evocative indeed.

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cant remember it go to archives in here and click in barnsweine

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Israel defies US with settlement
expansion plans

Special report: Israel and the Middle East
Special report: George Bush's America

Susanne Goldenberg in Jerusalem
Wednesday May 30, 2001
The Guardian

Israel yesterday deepened its defiance in the face of international pressure for a
freeze on Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza and admitted it was
building 700 housing units in the illegal outposts.

The housing minister and former Soviet dissident, Natan Sharansky, told the
Guardian he had approved tenders for more than 700 houses at Maale
Adumim - by far the largest Jewish settlement in the West Bank, with more than
23,000 residents - and Alfei Menashe.

The move gives the lie to assurances by the prime minister, Ariel Sharon, on
Sunday, that Israel accepts a central condition of a report on the Palestinian
uprising by the former US senator, George Mitchell, which calls for a freeze on
Jewish settlements.

Mr Sharansky said: "I don't think we should give any concession or prize for
terrorist activity and that is what happens when we are asked to stop housing

In his 32-page report, Mr Mitchell singled out the 145 Jewish settlements,
considered illegal under international law, as one of the greatest obstacles to
finding an escape from eight months of bloodshed.

That point was underlined yesterday when two Palestinian suicide bombers
struck an Israeli army position and gunmen from both sides launched deadly
attacks, casting a shadow over US-brokered talks. One man with explosives
strapped to his body blew himself up at a checkpoint in the Gaza Strip,
wounding two soldiers but killing only himself, the Israeli military said. Soldiers
shot dead a second bomber who threw grenades but failed to detonate his load
of explosives during his attack near a cluster of Jewish settlements.

The Palestinians insist that Israel must accept the Mitchell report - and freeze
settlements - before a ceasefire.

Mr Sharansky shrugged off charges that he was imperilling peace efforts.
Instead, he argued that the new houses were approved by the then Labour
prime minister, Ehud Barak, last December, and the construction tenders were
issued on April 5, well before Mr Mitchell called for a freeze.

But Peace Now, which campaigns against settlements, says the move was
provocative. "Sharansky was looking for anything to show he was a settlement
builder, and perhaps anything to torpedo a settlement freeze," said a
spokesman, Didi Remez. "This was what he had on file ready to go."

Israel maintains it will limit the expansion of settlements, for which it has
expropriated as much as 58% of Gaza and the West Bank, to "natural growth".
"We believe people in Maale Adumim have the right to live there," Mr
Sharansky said. "We have to take care of current needs, which means if people
want to improve their conditions, or buy houses for their children, they can."

Peace Now says "natural growth" is fiction, meant to encourage migration to the
West Bank and Gaza from within Israel proper. Although foundations are being
laid for the 496 new units in Maale Adumim, work has yet to start at Alfei
Menashe, largely because private builders complain they are unable to find any

"You have 9,844 housing units in the end phases of construction, or lying
vacant," said Gilad Ben Nun, who leads research on settlements for Peace
Now. "You could freeze construction now and have enough housing units for
natural growth for the next four years. What they are saying about existing
demand is a blatant lie."

Settler groups argue that they are entitled to expand without limits because the
Oslo peace accords deferred discussion on their fate until a final agreement.
Nearly eight years later, and after Mr Barak built more than 3,000 houses in
Jewish settlements, Palestinian officials admit they made a fatal error.

"Our major mistake was not to stop the settlements before moving on any major
negotiations," said planning minister, Nabil Shaath. "It is absolutely ridiculous to
negotiate with the occupier on land for peace, and allow him meanwhile to keep
the occupation by force."

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Sunday May 27 10:11 AM ET
Polish Church Apologizes for 1941 Massacre of Jews
By Rob Strybel
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland's Roman Catholic Church was taking an
important step to improve relations with the Jewish community Sunday
by apologizing for the Poles who took part in a massacre of up to
1,600 Jews during World War Two.
The 1941 massacre in the town of Jedwabne came to prominence last
year with the publication of ``Neighbors,'' a book by emigre scholar
Jan Gross, who alleged that Poles, not occupying Nazi Germans, had
brutally murdered Jews and taken their possessions.
Jewish circles expressed satisfaction that the blame was finally
being placed where it belonged. But many Poles, accustomed to
viewing themselves as war victims and heroes, resent being regarded
as co-perpetrators of the Holocaust.
``Neighbors'' describes how the Jedwabne Jews were bludgeoned,
beaten and stabbed to death by their Polish neighbors, and how most
were herded into a barn and burned alive, but many details of the
case remain unclear.
Historians and journalists have questioned whether the Jedwabne
Poles had acted on their own, as Gross maintains, or were forced to
cooperate at gunpoint by the Germans.
Jewish collaboration with the Soviets, who had occupied the Jedwabne
area for nearly two years prior to Germany's invasion, has also been
cited as a possible motive for the pogrom, a point repeatedly raised
by the Church.
Poland's National Remembrance Institute (IPN) has started an
investigation into the massacre and promised to bring those
responsible to justice. Half a century ago, 23 Poles were sentenced
for complicity in the massacre.
The IPN, a state body probing war crimes, is now supervising the
exhumation of the mass grave in Jedwabne to determine the exact
number of victims and how they died.

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Agent orange

Chatroom of the week

Tim Dowling
Thursday May 31, 2001
The Guardian

Welcome to the NewsRoom at, the UK's premier online
current affairs forum!

>connecting to server...

Current Host: Chris 1

Current Topic: As part of PermaChat's Vote 2001 content, the NewsRoom
presents live chat with Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Simon
Hughes, starting at 11:00 AM. Have your questions ready!

Pashmina: ho hum

capitalistpiglet: any word yet Chris1

LadeezMan: I cant believe Bronco is gay

Pashmina: u dont know that, anyway whatsit matter

Host_Chris1: sorry everybody. Simon Hughes is running very late this
morning, but we expect him online shortly...

Pashmina: whatever Chris1

capitalistpiglet: you said that a half hour ago Chris1

LadeezMan: hes me best mate

Host_Chris1: sorry

Pashmina: if hes yr best mate then it shouldin matter. Anyway how can he b yr
best mate. U never met him in real life!

capitalistpiglet: I can't hang around much longer

LadeezMan: thats true. bronco might not even be his real name

*SimonHughes has entered the NewsRoom*

Host_Chris1: Ladies and gentleman, as promised, Simon Hughes is here!
Who has a question?

SimonHughes: helo. sory I lat

capitalistpiglet: Mr Hughes, earlier in the week you accused the Tories of
inciting racial tension in Oldham withtough talk on asylum. Do you stand by
those comments?

SimonHughes: I very pleas to be her

*Bronco has entered the NewsRoom*

capitalistpiglet: Mr Hughes do you stand by your earlier comments?

Pashmina: Bronco! where u bin!!

Bronco: hi

LadeezMan: Bronco, how do you know Hard4U? Are you gay?

SimonHughes: yes thank u

Pashmina: shut up LadeezMan

capitalistpiglet: are we actually supposed to believe that SimonHughes is
Simon Hughes?

Host_Chris1: well Mr Hughes thank u for taking time out to join the NewsRoom

SimonHughes: of course I he

Bronco: im not gay

LadeezMan: me niether

Pashmina: Bronco, how come u knew that bloke Hard4U last week

SimonHughes: vote to me on teusday. dont be apathy

Bronco: I met him at a tutorial website. Revising GCSE maths

LadeezMan: you learnt maths off someone named Hard4U?

Pashmina: wot u tellin us, bronco, that your only 15?

Bronco: yes

capitalistpiglet: im 15

LadeezMan: im 29. and strait

Pashmina: so what! we woz all 15 once

Host_Chris1: I trust you're all aware of our chat policy, which states that
participants must be 16 or older

Pashmina: I trust using a pretend simon hughes is against chat policy & all

LadeezMan: how long ago woz u 15 pash

SimonHughes: I cam to sell the sanwich, but I stay for the chat

Pashmina: never u mind

>connection to server has been terminated...

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I dunno, mum, i must be missing something...


===== awesome site; _many_ mideast links, incl.
audio/video, etc.
it would help if you had a realplayer or windows
media player.

one thing i saw last night was from israeli tv, about a kid's show on
palestinian tv.
if you can imagine a show like 'bozo' or 'mickey
mouse club', where a succession of _children_
speak of [looking forward to] _dying_, as their
contribution to the 'jihad'...

looking=foward=to=DYING -_-

and it was just a typical palestinian kid's show
kinda day....
but many things on that link, and from more than
one angle, and much in english.

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I thought it was surreal, but strangely familiar...

Yes I saw pictures of little children about the same age as Ruari carrying Automatic weapons. Its like the Kmer Rouge!

They will make wonderful teenagers!

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...and Fred, I never claimed there was anything fantastic about my picture....

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Kim A. protests too much;
she's a pretty lady.
modest too!

(cue:Roy Orbison, lolololol)
{Daishki, K-san}

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...No, realy?

Today USC is fulle of crap. hhhhhfffff...! were to go now...

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