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Archive through May 3, 2001

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no we're not "nuts".

you used that abusive phrase more than once.
pince cabron!

and not only are we not "nuts"
but you are BANNED.

always for you, K-san

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"L'Menexe, my brother..."LOL!

If you bring your supermac to relax on the beach, take an umbrella for him and be careful about sand not going into the circuits...

As I'm concern I won't go during the summer but I will go to _look for_ a summer as we don't have any here in Lithuania this year.

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I wouldn't be able of thinking up something like that on my own.
Now piss off!

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Joined: 25 years ago
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ya crisp? no?..any eggz on ya?.lol
ya solicitor jewz?.
whatta incredible laugh ya musta givin' 'em!..

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This board is clean!

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New topic for Russia Board??
Any suggestions?

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now that you mention it,
the air in here smells better already.
always for you, K-san

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* The question I wanted to ask Dellen (and of course anybody on this board) was why the Isreali are not content with the recognized borders of Israel and why is it impossible for Israel to grant independaance to the Palestinians.
The answer will invalidate Kim's Its just that Most Isreali's will probably tell you that they have payed for what they have in blood. and strengthen her That the occupation came about because they were attacked, and that they now hold strategic areas for defensive purposes., and invalidate it in the end too.
The fault of the question is - with the exception of Lebanon, Egypt and partly Jordan there are no recognized borders. The UN #242 tried to tackle the issue of borders, but with the pre-condition that, there would be the recognition of existense of the State of Israel and final peace treaties. Since only selected parts of the #242, - withdrawal to the pre-1967 armistice lines are recognised by the Arabs and the other parts about peace and recognition of Israel are amnesially forgotten, - the question of borders is left open for propaganda. Maps and history; you may desregard the words, the maps, though, are very hard to disregard. (The present territory of Israel together with the present Jordanian territory were initially allocated to the Jewish State. Like it, or not. That is why Fred's question is a total school-press-Arab-humanitarian hogwash-brainwash. The territory shrank, and Arafat aims at eliminating it further whole by igiting the World conflagration.) The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is, in fact, a Palestinian Arab State with all the baggage, that came, tailing it from the days of the British Mandate. The present West Bank is, according to the initial partition, a Jewish State territory. Jordan invaded it immediately and kept holding it for nineteen years, up to 1967.
why is it impossible for Israel to grant independaance to the Palestinians.? Why? They are, with all the independence symbols - a national anthem, a state emblem, national passports, national driver's licences, national Ministry of Finance, "Propaganda", Development, Embezzlement, etc., etc., etc..
The problem is that, Arafat does not want a state. Being a statesman requires abandoning the terrorist thinking, the Palestinian Charter, which, BTH, still sets one aim as elimination of the State of Israel, regardless of all Clinton blah-blah about that it was amended, and starting caring about the population. Playing "the poor and the robbed" to the World is more, than enough to sustain a handsome living with Suha Araft, residing in Paris, to embezzle "humanitarian", "development" and other BS funds he is showered with by the "bleeding humanitarian heart" Europe, to sustain his Arab-cause-defender image with the East. It is a winning situation for him - a handy "oppressor" nearby, a handy "purse" to fish for money from, not-so nearby (it tails Arafat, though) and no need to think about his Arabs, that, according to his thinking, Allah akbar, will grab all that remained, when "Israel is destroyed". He doesn't need a state, whatever the press BS. The Camp David collapsed over the "right of return" and the status of Jerusalem, not about the "settlements". When that horse died of "override" the "settlement" horse started galloping for public "entertainment", and the "tearful bleeding hearts" conveniently (otherwise, the Arabs would be enraged, and it is a no-no) forget that same Mitchell Report called for a ceasefire first, and the settlement come as the third step, according to it.
But this next part is more tricky and stays away from the press. Arab Gulf does not want the Palestinian Arafat state at all. Egypt does not want it too. Once the state is established Arafat will destabilize Jordan. He can count on two working agreements - with Syria and Iraq. Iraq and Syria will support Arafat's drive militarily in the Jordanian Nort. Hezbollah will be activated to distract Israeli attention. The anti-Saddam coalition would find the necessity (if any, LOL) to bomb Syria and Iraq together hard to swallow. Israel may stand for Jordan and it will be the end of the Middle East, - Arabs will be united - not against Syria and Iraq, of course. The details may vary, but the goal is the same - Jordan, because, regardless of the World's amnesia about the Palestinian partition, Arafat forgets nothing and will activate those documents once it suits him. And Jordan is fully aware of it, otherwise they wouldn't be going for unilateral annexation of the Western Bank of the Jordan River as a buffer to keep "Jewish" Pals off Jordan at gunpoint.

* I think you are argueing a mute point, sorry, no-one (in the west at least) is seriously suggesting that the present day State of Isreal can simply cease to exist, we turn the clock back and everything is hunky dorey....
In fact, it is part of the strategy of the "appeasement".
Sounds strange and, maybe, crazy, but that is what it is.

* This need for support from the rest of the world, displayed by both sides, is a way of absolving themselves of responsibilty for the present situation.
Neither we need the lame "support", nor we need the bias - we want to be left alone, as distinct from the "brothers", that want to drag the whole bunch of "infidels" into it to kick them later, of course. absolving themselves of responsibilty was excellently shown in Macedonia, when EU "humanitarian values" peddlers framed the loyal country. We don't need such "help" in promoting the "humovalues" over our bones.

* The more rightious they feel, the less likely they are to negotiate and settle the dispute.
"Q. HighIDF officers, including the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Shaul Mofaz and his deputy, Maj.Gen. Moshe Yaalon, have almost disappeared from the public eye in the last few weeks. This is particularly striking since the latest round of highway slayings of settlers on West Bank roads. Do they have nothing to say?
A. The IDF is bound by the policy-makers' decisions. We may not defend ourselves against criticism from the government ranks or challenge the prime minister's assertions that the army could do more if it wanted to cut down the highway terrorism. How can we answer his hints that our officers and men are not creative enough? Hardest of all to fight is the cynical and false doctrine that terrorism can be overcome only by diplomatic means."
Macedonia being the latest example with the KFOR escorting gangsters back with their arms intact. Humovalues, that is.

* but we are all capable with a bit of effort of overcoming set patterns of behaviour.
Yes I saw pictures of little children about the same age as Ruari carrying Automatic weapons. Its like the Kmer Rouge!
They will make wonderful teenagers!

That is the answer.
P.S. Israelis like Macedonians now are not supposed to fight back. Especially when the KFOR escorts the Albanian terrorists, sorry, a political correcteness mistake, "rebels", sorry, che guevaras, sorry again, robin hoods, he-heh, back to where they can start anew.
Viva intifada. Islam o mourir.

P.S. f any moderator "wants" (noone wants) me to stay on this board I request, like any "normal terrorist", the right to post pictures. The script access/filtering rights have to be changed.
You can always tie them to the IP of origin. That is what the Perl is for.

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I demand an exclusive right to post pictires!
I think, it is not all that hardship for a "Jewish terrorist".

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Shalom, Kisako!
_always_ for you.
perhaps our Moderatrix knows how to post pictures

true, that headless Russian soldier showed up half
a dozen times here, last year...perhaps that's why
the pic-posting stopped?
9 weeks and a day, by my count.


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be advised you'll be on 'auto-delete' if you start

be advised that you are _permanently_ on

but you knew that.
Submitted to the Moderatrix 1422


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you must've really struck a nerve;
a pile of EXCREMENT
(possibly the alleged "gay blade/captain america"
or the alleged "jumping jew")

threatened to me at USC they'd take any posts of
yours, distort them into something else, and post
them somewhere else...

i had to tell you that.
gomen nasai.

[expletive] [expletive] CHICKENSHITE COWARDS -_-

you _couldnt_ have thought i didnt want you here.
i had counted the days, as you saw.

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...but i still cant send you mail.

"maybe later, maybe never"
as the queen of the world
once said to me.

yeah, i guess....

i'm sorry i cant make this better
but i cant.
i wish i could, K-san
oh how i wish i could.

i know that whatever has been going on w/you
in your absence from here
goes beyond the trivialities
of these wretched 'polichats'...

daishki, Kisako.
stay safe.

always for you

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Posts: 548

Jesus, you two now how to hand down the orders, huh.

Pictures please.
Learn to programme in pearl
24 hour vigilance.

Welcome back Delenne, if you are indeed back to stay, madame terrorist.

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Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 548

Fred, now please would you try to think like an Isreali instead of a "school-press-Arab-humanitarian hogwash-brainwashed" Belgian-Lithuanian.
Otherwise our self-proclaimed terrorist will have to blow your legs off---- 'Kay??

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