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Archive through May 3, 2001

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....I gave you no orders.

there's such a thing as RIGHT and WRONG
Dearest Kisako,
maybe you never had any use for me

but i cant stay here anymore.

the inmates rule the asylum here;

and i'm blocked from writing you.
for one of the best
if not THE best
writer this board ever had.

wishing always,
always wishing,

be safe, K-san

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Yeah i thought so once, then I started reading these pseudo-political-chat-shitholes.

Seems everybody is right and everybody else is wrong!!!
How about nobody is right??????
But before you hear that from most of these clowns it'll be an icy day in hell.

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Wellcome back Dellen,

I'm glad to see you again and to see L'Menexe moved to the teardrops.
I hope you are here to stay despite the low probability of beeing granted an exclusive right to post pictures. But at least you can monitor fonts and boldness.
I acknowledged your last statement.
If you permit me I will respond in my next post.

Hah! Kim,

I will try... But it's hard with all the muslim-extremist brainwashing opressing me all the time, the arab environement here in Klaipéda (with arabs counting for 0.0003% of the population of Lithuania, you imagine). I will have to to avoid reading Y!Reuter and other pal propaganda. Because everything is propaganda as soon as one has to disagree.
Horror and Damnation! My TV set is a PAL/Secam! Another source of propaganda!

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* true, that headless Russian soldier showed up half a dozen times here ...
A war, according to the high kangaroo standards, should be waged, taken staight from Dumas - musketeers gracefully bowing to their opponents before ... a brave Chechen "fighter" and a brave Russian "spetznaz" flashing foils gentlemanly, one-against-one ... a human rights watch counting the hits ... red cross rushing to bandage the wounds ...
Pf-f-f-f-f. What a load of BS!
I profoundly despise this EU attitude, that makes it possible for terrorists to gain ground, while depriving the attacked of their rightful means of retaliation.

* Jesus, you two now how to hand down the orders, huh.
I apologise.

* Learn to programme in pearl
Why? The script is there, but it is not accessible.

* How about nobody is right??????
It still has to be acknowledged by high kangaroos. It seems "logical" for purveyors of "high standards" to promote them first.

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Your being an a..hole meets highest expectations from an Arab "propagrandeur".
Exactly same as with Nabil Shaath, Saeb Erecat, et. al., that represent PA - straight-faced liars.

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Ah Delenne, it just mum tearing the screaming kids apart, and the usual tantrums that follow.
"Hey, whatya do that for? - we woz about to send the facka's to kingdom come- Ahhh Mu-uuum!"

Do you profoundly despise it, cause you'd rather not be on the receiving end of it?

Fred, I just checked MY video recorder, and whatya know, even my son's winnie the pooh video has been tainted by the PAL influence.

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"It still has to be acknowledged by high kangaroos. It seems "logical" for purveyors of "high standards" to promote them first."

Hell no-one's perfect!

But can you afford to wait for us Europeans to reach perfection???

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":A war, according to the high kangaroo standards, should" -NOT-" be waged, " IN THE FUYCKING FIRST PLACE! If you can help it.

but this YOU call appeasement don't you.
The only alternative you offer is jumping jingoism and wholesale slaughter.

I think world war one enlightened us about the niceties of war thank you very much.

The WWII films are a Hollywood creation!

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and you can **** off too, pal.

[expletive} JERK -_-


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* Ah Delenne, it just mum tearing the screaming kids apart, and the usual tantrums that follow.
A strangely biased "mum", isn't she?

* Do you profoundly despise it, cause you'd rather not be on the receiving end of it?
The World needs more Israeli disco bombings, You know, - panem, circences, - the usual stuff.

* Hell no-one's perfect!
Why preferential treatments, then?

* But can you afford to wait for us Europeans to reach perfection???
Don't act like a universal saint then.

* ":A war, according to the high kangaroo standards, should" -NOT-" be waged, " IN THE FUYCKING FIRST PLACE! If you can help it.
And if we can't help it, because the other side is not interested?

* but this YOU call appeasement don't you.
We call it an anti-terrorist operation.

* The only alternative you offer is jumping jingoism and wholesale slaughter.
I already "heard" something of semblance - was it some "emotionally traumatized" hysterical media over Kosovo, or Macedonia?
Interesting detail, they already call Tetovo - Tetova. Rhymes with Kosova, doesn't it?
BTH, jumping traumatized "humanitarianism" and wholesale pacification never worked.

* I think world war one enlightened us about the niceties of war thank you very much.
(So much, that there had been a need to experiment with the second one.)
You miss one detail, - this is not your war this time, and EU has nothing to lose, on the countrary, - a lot to gain through the "Panorama", useful conflicts and smug "teachings of the saint".
Anyways, I personally have a dubious "honour of experience" of two wars behind my back already and have seen my share of corpses. So, Your "thank you very much" is lost on me.

* The WWII films are a Hollywood creation!

P.S. Big thanks for letting me know, that I cannot be taken seriously, sort of another Antranik to laugh at.

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Your text is difficult. At first you say that Arafat doesn't want a state because he want to stick with his terrorist habits, second you amphasize the danger of wath Arafat may use once his state is established...

The palestinian state will be a Iraqo-Syrian coalition ally against Jordan and this would trigger a wider conflict in the area.
But what's the solution then? If anexion by Israel is impossible and the pal independance unwanted (neither by Arafat nor by his ennemies or arab rivals)...?
The assimilation of plalestinians in the Israel state is unlikely. The two cultures are dicriminating each other too much. There will always be hezbollah terrorists but even more if Israel include arab territories and populations.
After 34 years the West bank is still regarded as "occupied territories" and the jews living in "settlements".
On the other hand a fully independent pal state which could offer bases to Syrian and Iraqi military would be a threat in the region. Not easy. But on the Iraqi theart I thought that the Yanks and the Brits are looking enough after Sadam to keep it under control.


What's that this ****off of yours? What did I say [breathing] agaaaaaaaaain?

If you don't feel confortable with me: change of seat and eventualy add one or two cushions.

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* Your text is difficult.
View the teletext in the NTSC standard.

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"cannot be taken seriuosly?'

Get a grip! doesn't that contradict everything I have ever said to or about you????
(thanks for the big sulk above BTW- from what i hear it is you who doesn't take me seriously-but sod you, i like you anyway)

Nice to know we are interchangeable as your punchbag here!

This may be a new concept for you, but I am not running the EU personally, I just live there. (Something I have tried to keep in mind about you in this present discussion).
I think your generalisations suck. The idea that everything I think has somehow been forced fed to me by someone else.

* Ah Delenne, it just mum tearing the screaming kids apart, and the usual tantrums that follow.
A strangely biased "mum", isn't she?

# Do you mean not biased enough, and not towards the right group?

* Do you profoundly despise it, cause you'd rather not be on the receiving end of it?
The World needs more Israeli disco bombings, You know, - panem, circences, - the
usual stuff.

# You changed the subject I think: I understood the original statement, as critisising the EU for trying to prevent escalation,( the disco bombing was the horrifying progression from one level of violence to another) but we are mixing up wars here. You were refering to Chechnia not Isreal.

* Hell no-one's perfect!
Why preferential treatments, then?

#My enemy's friend is my enemy???

* But can you afford to wait for us Europeans to reach perfection???
Don't act like a universal saint then.
#See below, these are ideals.
We act based on those ideals, doesn't everyone else?

* ":A war, according to the high kangaroo standards, should" -NOT-" be waged, " IN THE FUYCKING FIRST PLACE! If you can help it.
And if we can't help it, because the other side is not interested?

#Then who gives a toss what the rest of the world thinks, you need to be the nice guys as well?(I'm thinking of the Faulklands)

* but this YOU call appeasement don't you.
We call it an anti-terrorist operation.

#So was Bloody Sunday!

* The only alternative you offer is jumping jingoism and wholesale slaughter.
I already "heard" something of semblance - was it some "emotionally traumatized" hysterical media over Kosovo, or Macedonia?
Interesting detail, they already call Tetovo - Tetova. Rhymes with Kosova, doesn't it?
BTH, jumping traumatized "humanitarianism" and wholesale pacification never worked.

# yes we have all seen how human casualties can be argued away by their thousand at a time- if it suits a political "pan-slavic" aim.

* I think world war one enlightened us about the niceties of war thank you very much.
(So much, that there had been a need to experiment with the second one.)

# hello, the term appeasement came into vogue between the wars, with Chamberlin's
"Peace in our time" aproach- this was because after losing a generation in the 1st WW., European's didn't really have the stomach for another one.
In the end the war was inevitable.
We have tried to avoid this happening again with the help of Nato and a few Kangaroo ideals. ( Pardon, if we hoped this arrangement could work for others)

You miss one detail, - this is not your war this time, and EU has nothing to lose, on the countrary, - a lot to gain through the "Panorama",
useful conflicts and smug "teachings of the saint".

# always looking for a sub-plot aren't you.

Anyways, I personally have a dubious "honour of experience" of two wars behind my back already and have seen my share of corpses.

# and you're going to keep on seeing them, aren't you- no matter how many anti-terrorist campaigns you run- because the basic problem remains.

Your "thank you very much" is lost on me.

# It would be , that fits entirely into your general idea, that no-one knows better than the people on the ground, and that wars can be fought in a vacuum, with no knock-on effects in other regions, no consequences, except for those actually fighting.

We should back off and not interfere in disputes between soveriegn nations, no
matter how brutal these become.
We should particularly not be involved where our interests are at stake.
We shall allow every tinpot dictator to flaunt international law, expropriate what they need from foreign companies, terorise

(i.e. whenever some cause is loosing ground-kidnap a european or an american or an australian-cause then you'll get the attention of the world- Beirut, that was one of your wars wasn't it?).

What are we? idiots? - and the rest of the( fighting) world screams "unfair"!!!

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