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Archive through May 3, 2001

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2026 mon

dont quite have the accents, but...

ani mitgage'a elayix

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"The EU's Arab immigrant community is en masse a Fifth Column, for which an allegiance to being a Moslem supercedes an allegiance to the host-state. "

So, it was not that bad as a question!!!

Of course oil is more powerful.

But thanks for the last "details".

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The Eu's arab population has the same influence as any minority- virtually zilch!
The" 5th column" is wishfull thinking,": ah yes , the EU is involved ' cause its trying to pander to arab immigrant interests".

Think Mohammed Al Faed
think Salman Rushdie
think Turks in Germany
think north African's in France

This is the usual"sub-text" attached to western attempts to broker ceasefire agreements and the like.
Not to prevent the escalation of conflicts(that will indirectly effect us-given), but because
of cynical shady NWO-type sub-plots.
Coming from those under fire for using excessive force or commiting human rights abuses, this sounds hollow( diversion tactics???) to me.

Or maybe these very same people wouldn't be talking about human rights if the other side had the upper hand??

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wed 1316

the problem here is that i cant underscore
individual letters....i wonder if netscape; all
those fonts.
primitive, i know.
only a tourist here.
ani mitgage'a elayix
ani lomevin

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Konbanwa, K-san.
2051 wed.

very good.
thank you.

finding much of the chaos surrounding you painful
(living vicariously through others)
hasnt ever meant i have
done less
than imagined
i stood along with you.

both here and the yugo page before that
i've learned a lot
you've been my reference point.

if i ever disagreed
you woldnt have to conjecture;
you'd know.

as for being clumsy, well....

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Bullshit! Yes the arabic communities like to mouth off, but do you really think this endears them to the establishment?
Try visiting the arab ghetto's in northern english towns, you'll soon see how the local
anglo-saxon population views their Arab neighbours, I think the British |Nationalist party has recently made some electoral gains.
Marching through Hyde Park screaching death to the infidels is not the same as having political influence.

The rest of your post is more off the same," we have every right to kill whoever we like,all you're interested in is the money( oil )anyway."
Of course there is a balancing act to be played when you are trying to mediate...( and don't expect either side to thank you for it!)

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'balancing act' is the phrase coming to mind;

i'm still trying to dredge up a quote from the
[music chat] archives by K-san, about "sitting
between two chairs"....lost when i had to erase
the hard disk last year. i used it a lot.

appropriate here, i am thinking.....
ani mitgage'a elayix

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* Bullshit! Yes the arabic communities like to mouth off, but do you really think this endears them to the establishment?
You evade the starting point again after a rerun of mine. Was it mainly the silly Arab immigrant community, that influences the EU policy, or the Arab oil "immigration" and the ver-r-r-r-ry lucrative "humanitarian" weapons contracts? (Pardon my clintonisms.)

* The rest of your post is more off the same," we have every right to kill whoever we like,all you're interested in is the money( oil )anyway."
" we have every right to kill whoever we like,
Is it a cry of the one driven against a wall? A last-ditch attempt a la "allamerican" to salvage the sorry "humanitarian" dry bones? In Your own backyard "innocent cleansed honeys" terrorise the Maci state with the EU " peace in our time" help.
all you're interested in is the money( oil )anyway.
Pray, tell me the EU is running on He3 already. LOL.
"Money makes the World go round, theWorld go round, the World go round ..." Liza Minelli, it seems.:oP
P.S. Isn't eliminating of some terrotist forever a, heh, "humanitarian" act?

* Of course there is a balancing act to be played when you are trying to mediate...
between a terrorist (K.-Albanian, or Palestinian) and ... .
No thanks in return for sure. But we continue ... why?

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...which part of "banned" dont you understand? -_-

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Without being a 5th collumn, the Euromuslims has an influence on politics, be it during the electoral season.
The immigrant community has much less power than the oil and weapon market but politician can't count theyr vote out.
Actualy it doesn't seem very important but in prospect of a arab/non-arab conflict we will have to be carefull.

Islam recognizes no border and that's why they think we are building a muslim state from Albania to Bosnia 'for them'.

Arabs don't want a pal state because it would imply de facto a recognition of Israel (as I read Dellen). Arabs are logical. The tragedy is that they don't make compromise for peace. They feel strong and they are.

It's high time we start driving with He3 or crop ethyl (in the tank not in the blood, please).

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* Without being a 5th collumn, the Euromuslims has an influence on politics, be it during the electoral season.
The immigrant community has much less power than the oil and weapon market but politician can't count theyr vote out.
Actualy it doesn't seem very important but in prospect of a arab/non-arab conflict we will have to be carefull.

Let the HumoEU deal with it. Some learning experience.

* Islam recognizes no border and that's why they think we are building a muslim state from Albania to Bosnia 'for them'.
they think..., heh ... You still underestimate the "enigmatic Orient". For instance, they do not give a damn about what the EU thinks about what they think, - EU is not Allah.

* Arabs don't want a pal state because it would imply de facto a recognition of Israel (as I read Dellen).
Arabs do not want a Pal state, because it would be a destabiliser for themselves first.
It is not about the recognition.

* The tragedy is that they don't make compromise for peace.
Why, Egypt compromised (violated some of it later, but, still, did), Jordan compromised. But these are compromises on the govt. level, - not on the level of the masses. Throw in Arafat's state and the "brothers" will get going.

* They feel strong and they are.

* It's high time we start driving with He3 or crop ethyl
Karl Marx says that, it will not happen in the near future, whatever You (and I) wish.
Remember Rudolph Diesel? Classic.

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Fred , how many muslim MP's are there where you live?
How many in the Euro parlement? (not that it has any power anyway)
How many Muslim foreign ministers/Prime-ministers in EU???

(the majority of Muslims in the EU are Asian)

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Is it a cry of the one driven against a wall? A last-ditch attempt a la "allamerican" to salvage the sorry "humanitarian" dry bones? In Your own backyard
"innocent cleansed honeys" terrorise the Maci state with the EU " peace in our time" help. "

- keep wishing

"* Of course there is a balancing act to be played when you are trying to mediate...
between a terrorist (K.-Albanian, or Palestinian) and ... . "

- No between two sides who just know that they are better and have the superior claim to the other side. When positions become so entrenched that the only way out is war. (On two fronts it would seem for Isreal).

"No thanks in return for sure. But we continue ... why?"

-Because the EU is as squeemish about NWO's as the rest of the world???

Albanians v Serbs
Palestinians(& Syrians?) v Isrealis
But I do understand your need to make it:" Muslims+ Nato v. the rest of Civilisation".
Nice generalisation!

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* Is it a cry of the one driven against a wall? A last-ditch attempt a la "allamerican" to salvage the sorry "humanitarian" dry bones? In Your own backyard
"innocent cleansed honeys" terrorise the Maci state with the EU " peace in our time" help. "
- keep wishing

What is it, then?

* - No between two sides who just know that they are better and have the superior claim to the other side.
And here enters the best of all. LOL

* -Because the EU is as squeemish about NWO's as the rest of the world???
Bookeeping, pure bookeeping. Like Coffee Annan's reelection, based on the Moslem support.

* But I do understand your need to make it:" Muslims+ Nato v. the rest of Civilisation".
Naivete humanitairienne.
P.S. You again avoided the starting point.

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"You still underestimate the "enigmatic Orient". For instance, they do not give a damn about what the EU thinks about what they think, - EU is not Allah. "

You right. Maybe even they don't care about what they think themslves; only the voice of Hallah counts.

"Arabs do not want a Pal state, because it would be a destabiliser for themselves first.
It is not about the recognition. "

Sorry but I prefer the non-recognition sheme. My western rationalism probably. Or I don't undertsand the "mysteries of the Orient".
They don't want the pal state as long as Israel extists because once the borders drawn it's harder to move them. The problem is that the Israelis think the same: the settlements are a negation of the "small israel" borders.

"How many Muslim foreign ministers/Prime-ministers in EU???
Ok, not a lot but were are still in Europe hopefuly.
Look, the sans-papier (without paper) in paris: they want to expulse 200 of them and it's the biggest scandal of Century.
All these movements: SOS racism and so, the politics can't ignore them.

"(the majority of Muslims in the EU are Asian)"
In France they come from Algeria, in Belgium from Maroc, and in Italy from Tunisia... There are millions of north africans in Europe.
In Mompelier, Marseille and Nime it's rare to meet a white and there are not pakistani.

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