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Archive through May 3, 2001

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* You right. Maybe even they don't care about what they think themslves; only the voice of Hallah counts.
Agree. Plus, the gap in education, mentality, language, information accessibility. The West tends to project its perception of realities on the East and fails, and stands helpless at the "obvious misunderstanding" of its perception.
How does Islam classify lands. Interesting.

* "Arabs do not want a Pal state, because it would be a destabiliser for themselves first.
It is not about the recognition. "
Sorry but I prefer the non-recognition sheme. My western rationalism probably. Or I don't undertsand the "mysteries of the Orient".

No, I stressed the recognition absence (or its negligible presence) in that particular faucet only. Otherwise, yes, it is present.

* They don't want the pal state as long as Israel extists because once the borders drawn it's harder to move them.
Fred, again, it is not the territorial - it is the existential conflict. As long as Israel exists. Take the Shebaa Farms issue. Hezbollah, having had run out of pretexts with the Lebanon withdrawal, confirmed by (my kickbag) UN to the last inch of the territory, seized the Farms as pretext for continuation of their hecktivities. Never mind that, the UN considers the Farms part of Syria and not of Lebanon, as Hezbollah claims they are.

* The problem is that the Israelis think the same: the settlements are a negation of the "small israel" borders.
On June 14-17, the Jerusalem Media & Communication Center conducted a poll among the Palestinian Arabs throughout Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. When asked, "In your opinion what should be the final goal for the current intifada?" 41.2 % of the respondents answered - "the freedom of all Palestine." Asked if they "agree to the cessation of the Palestinian intifada in return for cessation of Israeli settlement in the occupied territories," 67.1% disagreed. It did not develop as a byproduct of the "intifada." The poll performed among 2000 Arabs of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Palestinian Autonomy by the Israeli "Maariv" in Nov. 1999, showed that, 67% of the respondents "believe that Israel must be destroyed."
And You are bought by the Pal PR - "it is the settlements, that block the road to peace". The Camp David talks collapsed over the "right of return" and the status of Jerusalem, nothing was said about settlement at the time. The Pal PR was fizzling out on "return" and on Jerusalem, hence, settlements surfaced.
Even the pro-Arab Clinton recently dropped all scorn on Arafat for the failure.
It is a marvellous situation - the Arabs neither want Israel, nor the Palestinian state.

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Fake! If it is you spamming my mailbox, you are in for a hell of a surprise!

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Thanks for deleting spams a la Thornhill...

I don't have much more to add...

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Thanks for the confirmation creep, but are you sure you want to take on CERN?

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GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli army bulldozers demolished 26 Palestinian houses at the flashpoint Gaza-Egypt border on Tuesday, leaving dozens homeless and touching off a gun battle with the Palestinians.


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...and right around then
a suicide car (truck) bomber
set his bombs to go off
a little = too = early...


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