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Archive through May 3, 2001

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* """smear everybody around so that their dirt will not be seen."""
Yeah don't worry, we all saw the funeral of the 4 month old Palestinian baby...
CHILD KILLERS! Uncivilized child murders!
The only one doing any smearing is you.

"Today, on the other hand, we see in the Intifada, children who are less then the age of maturity, thrown unarmed and undefended to be targets for the Jews who are armed from head to toe so that they can hit these children as they wish. The Prophet even forbade the use of animals as targets. So what is there left to say about the Palestinian people who have turned their children into targets."
"If all the Arabs together have not succeeded in defeating Israel in past wars it will certainly not be defeated through the Intifada. There are those who justify the Intifada by saying that it exhausts Israel but the consequences today are in Israel's favor. The PA's infrastructure has been destroyed (nothing existed worth talking of, anyways.- me.), its leadership devastated, its people killed and the settlements have been enlarged. If previous wars did not effect Israel economically and it managed to recover from all of the wars and surpass the Arab and Muslim states technologically it will certainly not be affected today by this Intifada which will only bring more troubles on the Palestinian leadership."
"While writing these letters I heard on the news about an American plane that fell in Vietnam while looking for the remains of American soldiers who disappeared in the war there 30 years ago... This [apparently] is the difference between the Muslims and the West...
S'ud Ibn Muhammad Al-'Aqili, from the King Fahd National Library in Saudi Arabia.

See, all Your "baby-killing" blah-blah is just ... a blah-blah. Your Arab-types shoot from residential buildings and whine, when someone is hurt in return.
You can run, but You cannot hide.

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I think all those childhood memories of Aus(c)hwitz are comming back... lol...


It was the 4month year old baby's fault that he got blown away by jew missiles.

slightly demented - Aus(c)hwitz style.

Why did Hitler commit suicide?

bec. of the gas bill...


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"""I don't know, where we would have to go, but You, sure, might go to where You come from."""

Like poetry...

where did they teach u to write like that?

Oh don't tell me! Aus(c)hwitz? if true You should thank the Germans!

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Do you get the feeling that the fake and the fake intellectual thornhill are working together? BTW hello mr. Sligar, I thought you were above that, but then again we know very little about you, do we.

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L"PEW was on a bus heading to Virginia Thanksgiving 99.

Mornin MUM check ur e-mail

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do bus rides excite you or something?
this question was repeatedly answered
but y'all are too [expletive] to get a clue -_-

...not that it _ever_ has been your business,
but i went on train to see my sister last
...and if gas prices keep climbing,
i'll do it again.
...and you have a problem w/that?
other than your regular ignorance.
rotsa ruck for you, kim, tell me more about it.
oh and by the way, mr. Sligar said _nothing_ of
mine was deleted; perhaps i didnt properly send
it....happens sometimes when i send via AOL.
...and FARIS HOMOUD begins his usual, _boring_
routine...50th time as boring as the 1st time.
nicely done, K-san.

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Oh, Now its a tran eh?

How convenient! lol...

Informer you know it too; 45 yr old woking in an animal holding Pen! lmao...


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i'm 43
not 45
.....and you should live so long.

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ONE MORE ATTEMPT to bog this board and I refer to the moderator.

Don't try my patience.

L'menexe's message was not deleted by Ansen Sligar but because of a bug since he is using a Mac.

Just one question Mr Torhill:
How did you get here?

Thornhill is posting random stream of word (which he, of course didn't read)for the sake of disturbing the people here and/or sabotage the board.



"* But first of, and I think it's understood, one should think about how to build a society where you don't wish own a gun.
It is the society, ultimately described by Marx. "

Why Marx? Did he realy say so? Literally?
I didn't think one second about Marx.

"A very good idea, unfortunately, we are not adaptable to it, so far."

We are perfectly adapted for peacefull existance.
For an existance without the need of guns.
Why in some country practicaly nobody owns a gun,let alone bearing it in the street and in i.e. Phoenix 50% does.
And why safety is so much connected or beleived to be connected whit personal firearms?
Don't you have other ways to make your place safer?
You don't need to get people rich to have them peaceful and honnest. In Black Africa, poeple earn less than $1 a day and there is no problem.
So why in North America where the unemployement rate is 4.5%, one of the lowest in the world, poeple are so scared to be killed and walk outside feeling naked without theyr gun?

That's why I think it's a cultural question: What's told and shown on tv, what the kids at talking about among themselves, what the parents are telling to them...And is the gun a thing as usual as a cellphone?

"And, since You will have a lot of trouble convincing the NWO, forget it for the time being. "
What the NWO has to do with it? Maybe gun ownership is something much more deeprooted in the american culture. Up down from the time you "parked your wagons in circle".


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Bagel loves guns, they are an aphrodeziac to those people!

Without guns they would have to resort to killing 4month old babies with their bare hands!

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IMITATION AMERICAN FARIS HOMOUD: i guess you had to settle for killing that
=9 month old= with _your_ bare hands...

aint that right?
m'sieu ledingue:
K-san, Kim,
i sent you a rousing song [w/g] from almost 60
years ago
...havent seen it back in my mail yet

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Mssr. Le Dingue,
* Why Marx?

* Did he realy say so?
It's a logical understatement.

* I didn't think one second about Marx.
Think now.

* Wrong

* We are perfectly adapted for peacefull existance.

* For an existance without the need of guns.

* And why safety is so much connected or beleived to be connected whit personal firearms?
And why it should not?

* Don't you have other ways to make your place safer?
Yes, but that means content for everybody with their lives and aspirations. Can it be achieved now? And can it be achieved with elimination of guns?
(And it doesn't mean the elimination of guns.)

* You don't need to get people rich to have them peaceful and honnest.
One don't need them poor, unhappy and frustrated and, thus, volatile either.

* In Black Africa, poeple earn less than $1 a day and there is no problem.
Refer to Kim's "gun"-post AK.
A gangsters' paradise. (BTH, there already popped up a black islamic extremist "hezbollah".)

* So why in North America where the unemployement rate is 4.5%, one of the lowest in the world, poeple are so scared to be killed and walk outside feeling naked without theyr gun?
Everyone wants a piece of the "great American dream", that is still drummed-up, but is ever harder to come by. So, are we ready for content for everybody with their lives and aspirations?

* That's why I think it's a cultural question: What's told and shown on tv, what the kids at talking about among themselves, what the parents are telling to them...
It is a broad general societal question, not limited to the US.

* And is the gun a thing as usual as a cellphone?
Good neighbours on the same belt.

* "And, since You will have a lot of trouble convincing the NWO, forget it for the time being." What the NWO has to do with it?
That is the root of all problems. Since it is yet another step in perfecting the existent system, - not the perfecting of the living standards, thus, eliminating gangs, the spread of farrakhanizm, the incentives to use whatever violence (because guns are just means of it, not the cause), - the international elite will get ever "elitier" by hogging the Globe, and the afro-americans of Cincinnatti will remain the afro-americans of Cincinnatti with the "great dream", being drummed-up around, showing them the middle finger (to anyone else, for that matter, everywhere). Support of it needs a sophisticated institutionalized violence and it needs guns for itself and hates guns in private hands. Tell me why NRA is sort of a grassroots org. and the anti-gun orgs. are established and fed by the big capital figures, which, BTH, have guns?
Mind, I am not talking about the Islamic World - it is a bit another story. There an elite (the same reason as with the West, though, - protection of the existent system) blocks outside influence to protect their ruling ways by exploiting the holes in the Western system to redirect the popular frustration, to promote Islamic ways, to recruite followers and to blame the West. Islam just exploits the Western discontent to its own ends and has itself no solution to offer whatsoever. (Except grabbing and redistributing what is not theirs, maybe, but that is robbery, and, thus, violence, as You already know.)
All in all, the idea, voiced by Marx, is a great one. The only fault with his scenario is that, still a person at a place of some power is prone to go corrupt (in broad sense), and at the absolute heights of power said person goes corrupt absolutely. Same as with any system of today. Mentally we are just not ready for it (and the NWO will not give a chance away).

* Up down from the time you "parked your wagons in circle".
Yep, "And the sea is the same sea, and the Arabs are the same Arabs."

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* like you tried to do in Germany back in 1930's except they stuck you in ovens and shut the doors. ...
I think all those childhood memories of Aus(c)hwitz are comming back... lol...
Oh don't tell me! Aus(c)hwitz? if true You should thank the Germans!

In his short daily column in the Egyptian Govt.-sponsored newspaper Al-Akhbar, April 18, 2001, entitled "Half a Word," Ahmad Ragab discussed the Holocaust. He wrote:
"Thanks to Hitler, of blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, revenged in advance, against the most vile criminals on the face of the earth. Although we do have a complaint against him for his revenge on them was not enough."

Note this of blessed memory.
It sort of explains allamerican-type Arabs' obscession with hitlerizm and the readiness, with which they would sell their souls off to/for a scumbag, provided he is enough scumbag, and cry "Hague Tribunal, Hague Tribunal", hypocrites.
Will they turn him into the second prophet?;o)

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* It was the 4month year old baby's fault that he got blown away by jew missiles.
Don't insult Your Prophet (well, depends on the "prophet", of course;o) It's the fault of Your types, that are champions of the World in shooting from behind and under of women's skirts and babies' diapers, be it the Northern Africa, Kosovo, Chechniya, Indonesia, Gaza.
"Allah akbar". LOL. Great "bravery". Even S'ud Ibn Muhammad Al-'Aqili from the King Fahd National Library in Saudi Arabia sees through all the BS of the criminals of Your type. LOL.

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"""* Why Marx?

* Did he realy say so?
It's a logical understatement"""


logical understatement!!! What is Bagel on. someone should tell her that combining letters together doesn make them make sense.

aus(c)hwitz Private school?

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