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Archive through May 3, 2001

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* logical understatement!!! What is Bagel on. someone should tell her that combining letters together doesn make them make sense.
The hot sun of the UAE is warming Your wooden head too much.
You start seeing things.

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M'sieu Ledingue:
yes, heh, i'll let slide yr. swipe at my


I reget to say my 'interest' in this subject
matter, vis-a-vis toi, extends no further than my
desire to have you move to the DMS yugo page.

I have no choice [eyeroll] but to concur w/M'sieu
Ledingue....his swipes at my Macintosh
notwithstanding. [w/g]


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Mr Thornhill,
You will "report all bigots"???
To whom?

Define bigot please, just so we know what it is rubbing you up the wrong way?

OK, you have published your thesis, you have as you say the right to post here as much as everyone else.
Any chance of you joining in one of the current discussions, that some of us try to continue on this board, despite the childish antics of some?

So you were riled by what L'menexe said, he has as much right as you to post here, and through his past actions certainly has gained the respect from most posters on this board past and present.
The question is are you planning to stick around as a respected member of the board, or as a disruptive element?

I fail to see the justification for your behaviour. Please explain.

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I would not watse much time on him. His earlier spam was already deleted earlier today. He asks for more deletions, I think.

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It's OK Delenne, he may get what he is asking for.

Mr Thornhill,

From my perspective, as someone who doesn't generally hurl bigotted abuse at anyone, as someone who has said I have no objection to you expressing whatever you wish on this board, I was wondering what exactly you think you are achieving by posting lists of figures that are obviously intended to annoy others .

You seem to be behaving in a reactionary manner, simply because one member of this board riled you the wrong way.

This leads me to wonder if you have posted here before under a different ID, or already have a history with L'menexe.
I also don't quite understand why you have chosen DMS Russia board to publish your views on Poland.

These questions seem perfectly reasonable to me.
There are numerous ways of being disruptive, hurling abuse is the least effective of these, I'm sure you will agree.

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Movement for the Reconstruction of Poland (ROP), promoting Polish nationhood and traditional moral and social values.

* What are these traditional values?

Complaints are also being raised about the status of foreign capital in Poland, and some right wing groups have attempted to exploit fears (especially among those living in the former German territories) of German political and
economic influence in Poland.

*What is your opinion on this? Are they justified?

These developments reflect the poverty of the Polish population (those who sold them
immediately were in desperate need of cash) and the pernicious results of the Soviet-controlled education which kept the bulk of the population unaware of the modes of operation of modern society and economy.

*Isn't that a somewhat patronising view - Are you polish?

Perhaps this negative attitude reflects the view that too few people, especially the young, have
seen their material fortunes dramatically improve while the aged, country dwellers, and the undereducated have
continued to lag behind.

*Your view?

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"I have as much a right to post as anybody else here."

NO you don't. Because you are not respecting the rules of this board.



How Marx, a man who was born almost two hundreds years ago could help us (beyond spiritual inspiration)in the particular issues of the information and consumption society of today?

"think now"
I do not intend to think about Marx. I rarely do.




"And why it should not?"
"Yes, but that means content for everybody with their lives and aspirations. Can it be achieved now? And can it be achieved with elimination of guns? "

Because it's counterproductive. You will hear:-why should we pay for social wellfare and education and anti-drug programs if everybody has the mean to shot down agressors.
I don't think it will be achieved by the elimination of guns. But guns are not the answer.

We should find the reason why our society (the West) is sick and do something.
Talkin about he NWO is a bit like talking about the devil. It's an abstract concept which encompasses all the blames for our frustrations but it doesn't sort out the good items from the bad ones.
"it's the NWO!, it's the NWO!..." Ok so what should be done? Concretely. Precisely.

And again: saying "to be safe, everyone should have a gun" is like Bush saying "We should have our nuke shield".

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BOMBOMBOBMBOMBOM...POOOPOPOOO!!!!-flash news- (drum rolls and trumpets)

Mr Thornhill is posting polish economic forecast for 1999 and 2000.

Everybody thanks Mr Thornhill!

(whistlings and applaus)

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They probably have the 2001 updates on order for him in the University bookshop, Fred.
You have to understand these academics are still catching up to the internet.

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Mssr. Le dingue,
* We are perfectly adapted for peacefull existance.
We are not. Otherwise, there would be no crimes.
A crime is an action, a type of activity that, as any activity, involves thinking about it, be it on a local town-level, or be it on the international level, when crimes are committed by either a single (or groups of criminals) criminal, or by a government.
Crimes are products of a certain necessity, a means of acquiring something, or proving something, and if crimes still exist means that, so exist certain people, professing this activity of acquiring something, proving something, etc.. And the perfectly adapted for peacefull existance suddenly displays holes in it.

* For an existance without the need of guns.
You again put the cart before the horse. Will gun bans eliminate something, that promotes crimes, as result of some activity of human beings?
If there exist something, that promotes crimes, there will always be means for committing them - guns, knives, ropes, axes, machetes, poison, etc.. Ban them? All? Or eliminate the activity of crimes as such?
And what about planes, rockets, bombs, missiles? As with any dual-purpose thing, they are a means of committing a crime together with the kitchen knive, or with that Japanese Olfa razor-sharp warehouse knife, that, BTH, is banned from sale in stationery shops in New York (why? Tell me.).
So, more holes.

* "And why it should not?"
"Yes, but that means content for everybody with their lives and aspirations. Can it be achieved now? And can it be achieved with elimination of guns? "
Because it's counterproductive.

And what is productive in the society (in its general meaning) which cannot provide for other means of achieving content for everybody with their lives and aspirations short of building additional prisons, cranking up prison sentences, raising the number of death penalties and creating an army of the police, enough to be present on each corner?
And mind, prisons do not teach, the anger against everybody will be retained and "you are not guilty, until you get caught" principle will define firther "activity".

* You will hear:-why should we pay for social wellfare and education and anti-drug programs if everybody has the mean to shot down agressors.
It is an out-of-base argument, because neither welfare, nor education, nor anti-drug programs haven't succeded, so far, in what they were supposed to. Besides, welfare is time-limited, and what if a person still cannot find work? I refer You to The Heat movie, to the diner scene, it is prety descriptive.
What can education provide, if the "quality-education" schools are out of reach, and the public school level is not enough?

* We should find the reason why our society (the West) is sick and do something.
That is right.

* Talkin about he NWO is a bit like talking about the devil. It's an abstract concept which encompasses all the blames for our frustrations but it doesn't sort out the good items from the bad ones.
It is, unfortunately, not an abstract concept. It is the neo-neo-colonialism in the making without the classic "features". That is why the idea of nationalism (thinking of one's own people first) is not tolerated, and any govt., which decided on measures, protective of its economy, is blamed with a "nationalistic" buzzword, creating a false perception of said govt. as "racist, opressive", etc., Russia, for instance, is mentioned, using this same buzzword. "Putin's nationalism. - Putin's nationalism". What is wrong with it? Aren't the US less nationalistic? No. Besides, nothing can compare with the US knack of nosing into each and every corner. But when the road to takeover is blocked, one starts hearing lots of this BS stuff. Why then, when Russia refused any more IMF loans, the IMF folks turned up there, asking "How come?" instead of applauding it? Money, influence and profits.

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Mssr. Le Dingue,
* And again: saying "to be safe, everyone should have a gun" [...]
Don't:o) I haven't said that.

* [...] like Bush saying "We should have our nuke shield".
Well, comparing personal protection on the way home-wherever/whatever with international politics of power, is a little far-fetched. But isn't a nuke shield a potential criminal activity;o)?
Is the old saying "steal a loaf of bread and you go to jail, steal a railroad and you become a senator" still relevant?

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" Putin's nationalism". What is wrong with it? "

Surely there is a difference, between :- A) being a responsible politician , doing what you were elected to do, i.e. look out for the interests of the people you represent - (even taking pride in your national heritage is great) - and : B) whipping up national
pet-hatreds, archaic territorial disputes, and a false sense of superiority in your voters to achieve your political ambitions?

Which category Putin falls into? a bit of both, but so far he has it under control, (unlike the Milosovich-es of this world.)

It's funny how the moment the US start talking of looking out for their own strategic interests and dropping all pretences of being a nation of humanitarian supermen, the world suddenly feels threatened.

Of course then there is the European dispute (see Hague's nationalistic approach) of small countries relying on big Bro US to defend them, rather than clubbing together(The federalists) to do it their own way.

Nationalism is a weapon as much as this fantasy of a NWO.
( I think the terms mean different things depending on where you come from, but we all make the mistake of thinking we are talking about the same thing.)
What Nationalism means to the Isrealis clearly has to be judged on the basis of their situation past and present. The same applies to any other country.

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OHAYA, Kisako!
Mornin, Mum!

just a note to say that the SICK and TWISTED St. Tony impersonated moi [pathetically, i might add]
at USC yesterday. pretty weak stuff, K-san.
what's worse, Igor _believed_ him...-_-
...and the elusive d-chan appeared to scoff at the impersonation....rightly so, as it was a farce.
arigato, d-chan
those happy, happy tunes you enjoy should leave here today...


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Ta! L'menexe.

Apparently D has fallen over his heals with a non-fleshless - No , I wish him well.
He shouldn't stay away for so long....
I thought Anthony's little stunt even to the point of answering himself was pretty transparent! No one takes any notice of him.Do they?

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"non-fleshless" as in "touchable?"

yes, i've heard of "touchable"
{w/g] [lolol]
on the 'USC impersonations' hotline,
there's another post by the so-called
"L'menexe" by that miserable [multiple expletives]

as of this moment there are 2 of them.
stupid stupid St. Tony; what a _miserable_
creature he must be.
the powerful unlikelihood of _anyone_ other than
Team Rocket and their alleged yank-hater 'ally'
Toyman believing what that [multiple expletives]
says..., indeed, unlikely.

which made it a bit of a shock that yank-hater
Igor would believe him....
i believe he's a bit better informed now.

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