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Archive through May 3, 2001

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* yeah, killing that 4 month old baby was his fault...
A misfortune of having been born in the Palestinian Authority. Yes, fate has its strange ways, - who could have guessed, that a bunch of Palestinian Authority-sponsored role-model crazy jihadniks wouldn't have cared a damn about kid's life, having been shooting right out of that apartment at the IDF, knowing too well, that the fire would be returned. But, who cared, - there is a need for rotten propaganda products to sell to the World, so there will be more kids. Araf blurted once around 1993 "The womb is the weapon of the Palestinian woman", so, there will be more of kids, with their fate preconditioned by Chairman Araf. Plus, with all that "martyrdom" culture BS You should be a kind of proud, thanking jihadniks for facilitating kid's transfer to paradise, instead of lamenting it in a heat-stroke paroxysm of shedding of crocodile tears.

* At least none of the terrorists found on the S/D list are heads of state!!! lol...
Careful about speeding at the corners ... . ;o)))))
Kaddafi has somehow reformed himself and is a born-again good citizen ..., at least ... .
But, there is one interesting creature, eager to earn frequent-flier miles, called Chairman A-a-a-araf. Sounds familiar? LOL. "I will sacrifice all to the last kid for the freedom of Palestine.";o)

* wish u could say the same! Ariel Sharon!
The wishes of Your sun-stricken wooden head are typically senseless.
But there is a good theme for someone's doctorate thesis: "The Correlation of Solar Spots, Heat Strokes, Number of Wooden Heads and The Amount of Passion for Hitler in The Arab Press." LOL.

* he's losing pounds lately! doesn't look like a beached Whale anymore!!! lmao...
No doubt, the Arab press sees things as usual.
A Bin-Laden terrorist for them is a national hero and a role model; a rape victim is considered a disgrace and is to be killed to wash the "disgrace" off her family with her blood. Isn't it sick? And they cry kids.

* Shamoooooooooo
Talk of a wooden head.

Estimable Member
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Yea the Arab Media is portraying Ariel Sharon as a fat PIG!



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"the wishes of your sun-stricken wooden head are
typically senseless"....

putting it mildly.

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* Yea the Arab Media is portraying Ariel Sharon as a fat PIG!
See, Your pot was always known for calling ... ;o))
The Arab media is funny, - with its touting of terrorist serial murderers as national heroes, anyone, portrayed there as pig, - should be proud, - he is a decent man. LOL.

Yeah, I agree, see for Yourself:
in his short daily column in the Egyptian Govt.-sponsored newspaper Al-Akhbar, April 18, 2001, entitled "Half a Word," Ahmad Ragab discussed the Holocaust. He wrote:
"Thanks to Hitler, of blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, [...].

* lamo....
What will be the sound, if we tap on Your wooden head?

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...would it be...

'the sound of one hand _tapping_'?


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"So, Milo continues to loom ... . Well, he was of a crude, but healthy nationalism,..."

*A bit like Hague's college, complaining that Asylum seekers are Bastardising the British Race
( oooh a combination ofCelt,Pict, Saxon, Hugenot, Jute, Roman, Viking,Norman.... and that was just by 1066) . He thought he was appealing to disillutioned right-wing Tories. Even they were too embarrassed to agree with him(openly)."

"...which would rise, when the nation is demonized by every sunctioned dumb-but-aspiring graduate of a Faculty of Journalism on every front."

*.... you,too:0) Sorry, he was demonised because of his nationalist tendancies(not the other way around), then all Serbs were tarred with the same brush. He in the meantime seems to have done quite well out of it and as soon as this "totally unfounded indictment" in the Hague is brushed under the carpet, no doubt his will finish up comfortably somewhere, writing his memoires - In the meantime all this nationalism whipped up by all sides (and probably with a lot of help from outside) had the effect of turning a large number human beings into bloodthirsty animals.
In the name what exactly?

"What ultimately brought him to power? The decision of K.-Albs to boycott the elections
and their treatment of K.-Serbs."

*Hmmm best way of dealing with a group of seperatists, vote for the guy with the "final solution".

"Had he any nukes, noone would think touching
Serbia. Anyone dare to touch China over the Tibet? So, it is the hippo size that
practically matters, leaving the blah-blah to the sheepish public."

*Whether or not they get "touched" isn't the point. There is still outright condemation of what China has done to Tibet, just not a darned thing we can do about it- except hope that the regime changes. (Have you forgotten the Cold war already?)

A good start in studying the World politics and state interaction would be spending a couple of
years in some African wildlife park.

* Hmmmm, is this what we aspire to?

"Europe has lost its identity and "deidentityizes" others."

*Do you mean the individual countries that make up Europe have lost their identities? LOL, you talk as though Europe had a common identity to start with.

On a slightly more serious note, perhaps a few centuaries of 5 superpowers on one continent, expantionism, imperialism and invasions has taught us a few things about the dangers of Nationalism!

Now seriously, Nationalism as I said has different meanings and different associations depending on which part of the world you are in. For the Western Europeans it means several devasting wars. For Eastern Europeans it is the antithesis of imposed collective identity by the communists.
For the Russians a way for politicians to avoid embarrasing questions about the loss of superpower status, for Americans fear , not to mention the perceived ingratitude of the rest of the world + perhaps surviver's guilt.

"Israel, according to Europe, should rise above everything,
and Arabs - above nothing."

*Two tribes fighting for one bit of land, no compromising on either side, may the tribe with superior arms win. (How long did it take the last time? 6 days?) Appealing to your better nature not to wipe them off the face of the planet, ought to be a compliment.

"Tell me, what Putin does that a US President wouldn't do, and what the US
President did, that the USSR did?"

*Tell me, which is the better form of Nationalism:
The Latvian extremists who would like to see all Russians repatriated, or the Russian extremists who would like to re-annexe the Baltics?

It doesn't matter who is playing politics with nationalism, they will always be playing a with a dangerous genie, that won't fit back into the bottle when it is no longer needed.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 548

Are you a descendant of KARLM ARX?"

Hello Fred,

Old Karlm, a relative? It depends on what engel you look at it from...


"Is, in the Isreali case, based more on present or on past?
I tend to beleive theyr nationalism is based rather on _very_ far past... I may be wrong."

*I would think it is also based on their very real present...

BTW, I think that was J. T.'s response to my comment about academics and the internet-
Typical, rather than watching to learn the rules of engagement here, he pulls out some Paper on net-censorship,and thereby sh-its on netiquette from a great arrogant height.
We aren't impressed J.T., sorry, but if acting all superior makes you feel better about yourself, who are we to stop you.

Estimable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 226

"""Yeah, I agree"""

It took some time but with enough vasaline we managed to pop your cherry...



Lmx whats the reason you have never been married? Im mean your like 45 yrs old and never been married... that is very strange! how many 45 year old unmarried men are there? Def. not many.
Are you a pervert or something?

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Joined: 17 years ago
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how many times do i have to tell you i'm not 45.
other than that, no comment.
the only pervert on this board is _you_, FAKE.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 835

y'know that's pretty funny
now that you mention it.

all the anal sex/rape you've had on this board
and you should call someone else a 'pervert'

...are those your KEROSENE DELUSIONS?

pince cabron


Eminent Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 24

Way to avoid the question Lenny...

Ok so your 43! LOL... BIG DIF.! So we can all expect you to be married by 45! lmao... Is that the limit you put on urself for being single.. lmao...

""Pince cabron""... what 45 years old speaks like this??? lol..
You should be a dad by this time, holding down some sort of "full time" managerial position that pays yearly not hourly wages! so you can tend to the needs of your family. You should be attending your kids’ Grad parties, and searching for suitable universities for them... planning your retirement… not hanging our Msg. boards all day!

Go Get urself a life you M O R O N!

Honorable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 548

How old would we estimate Mr allamerican, guys?

18? -or younger.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 648

Come and vote to ban Frank Glodek on

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Joined: 17 years ago
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hi there Kim...

FAKE AMERICAN FARIS HOMOUD has spoken of having
been "to university", paid for by his papa. papa pissed his money away for an IDIOT who
majored in 'Beer Drinking 101'.

but i bet he's around 30; poor little lonely
virgin shed-boy...

how did you get back from Boston, FARIS HOMOUD?
did you have to cry to papa for airfare home?
Ohaya, Kisako!
at the risk of being called a 'cheerleader',
you've been a joy to read.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 648

PS I vote to ban the wooden head moslem monkee from here too .LOL πŸ™‚

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