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Archive through May 8, 2000

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The militia have found a major arms depot in Chechnya. A staffer of presidential aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky told Itar-TASS that the militia found a depot containing enough artillery ammunition to arm a big military unit near the village of Dargo close to the administrative border with Daghestan.
In all, they found and confiscated 70 crates with projectiles for mine-throwers, 40 crates of 7.62 bullets, 20 crates of 120 mm projectiles, 15 crates of 82 mm mines, 10 crates of F-1 grenades, 8 crates of RGD grenades, 8 crates of MON mines, and other assorted ammunition and arms.

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Russia Says Chechens Downed Jet

The Associated Press
May 8 2000 4:19PM ET

NAZRAN, Russia (AP) - Russian forces searched Monday for a reconnaissance jet apparently downed by Chechen rebels and showered air and artillery strikes on the militants' mountain strongholds in the south.

As storm clouds gathered, a Russian Su-24MR plane disappeared from radar screens Sunday over Chechnya, and military officials say it may have been shot down.

Chechens claimed the plane had been bombing the villages of Zhanni-Vedeno and Belgatoi in the southern mountains and was downed by a shoulder-fired Igla anti-aircraft missile.

The rebel Web site carried a picture of bearded men in olive-drab T-shirts holding up a section of airplane wing, and said Chechen fighters were searching for the ``pilot-terrorist.'' The picture's authenticity and the rebel claims could not be verified.

Russian officials did not say where the plane went down, saying that could endanger the pilot if he survived.

Russian forces claimed Monday to have killed 20 Chechen guerrillas in artillery and airstrikes on rebel bases. Russian forces are trying to rout the militants from mountain strongholds, but rebel sniper and hit-and-run attacks on federal posts continue.

President Vladimir Putin said Monday that despite the small clashes, the rebels could no longer mount an active resistance. He said it would be at least a year and a half before elections could be held in Chechnya, saying it would take that long to restore order completely.

Also Monday, Russia's Interior Ministry unveiled a monument to Chechens killed in World War II, marking the 55th anniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany.

The ceremony in Chechnya's second-largest city Gudermes was attended by elderly, impoverished veterans and Russian military officials, ITAR-Tass said.

The Nazis occupied swaths of southwestern Russia, and Soviet leader Josef Stalin deported all ethnic Chechens and Ingush to Central Asia in 1944, accusing them of collaborating with the Germans.

Chechens who fought with the Red Army feel betrayed by Moscow's military offensive.

``In the Soviet Army we fought for our mutual fatherland against a common enemy,'' Aslambek Dadayev, a 78-year-old veteran said Monday in neighboring Ingushetia. ``Now it's difficult for me to tell who is friend and who is enemy. We held out against the Nazis in the second world war because we were united.''

Dadayev said he fought in Stalingrad and Poland, and when the war ended was sent to eastern Kazakstan, where his family had been exiled.

He said his son was killed in the 1994-6 Chechnya war, and that his house was destroyed by Russian artillery last fall. Like nearly 300,000 other Chechen refugees, Dadayev fled to Ingushetia. He fled with his daughter-in-law and three grandchildren.

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ALLSHITAMERICAN: Funny, I am the first to usually say that when one gets onto a discussion board, one usually cannot judge the makeup of the people posting. But in your case, we'll let me put it to you this way "you have confirmed just what a lowlife trailer park, mentally challenged, vulgar, no class idiot you really are.

You asked if I'm mad at you. Well, for your edification, the last time someone referenced me to a part of the female anatomy was back at the university. The coward got his fargen head crushed like a walnut. Your brave spitting out your trash from behind the safety of a keyboard but somehow, doubt your courage when confronted face to face. If you think Igor anxiously awaits a face to face with Brains Bernstein, I serve you notice that I demand an apology from you for your vulgar, vulgar 4 letter remark to me. For if not I, would also anxiously await an opportunity for a face to face with you. ARE YOU PERSON ENOUGH TO APOLOGIZE?
ps: I don't lose. Perhaps, therein, lies the reason why I enjoy my life soooo much....

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Plenty more in Pershawa!???

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Patience people, it takes allam. a while to come up with a suitably idiotic response.
Those two brain cells are working to full capacity,tonight.

I predict that the word baboon may well feature in his post, when it comes.

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According to Mumadi Saydayev (head of the Defence Staff of the Chechen leadership, the sweet-mouted politician), mobile mujahideen units in the Itum-Kale District have occupied several important places - nearby fecal heights; this allows them to control the Russians' movements there without being visible. The Chechens have also attacked a Russian base near Dai with unguided rockets, says Mumadi Saydayev. However the attack was denied due to a strong specific smell of brave mujahideen that served as warning sign to Russian forces.

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Probably won't hear anything more from ALLSHIT tonight. His mother tucked him into bed with a sludge hammer over the head. HE HE HE

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